INDICE: PrefaceChapter One"Diaspora" on the Genealogy of a ConceptThe Relation of Theory to History and the Role of the Ideal TypeGlobal Diasporas by Robin CohenEthnic Immigration in the Early Eras of American HistoryDiasporas by St phane DufuxStatic Thinking About DispersionPowers of Diaspora by Jonathan Boyarin and Daniel BoyarinThe Socratic Inversion of ValuesThe Black Atlantic: Modernity and Double Consciousness by Paul GilroyChildren of Israel or Children of the PharaohsBlack Culture and Ineffable TerrorRoutes: Travel and Translation in the Late Twentieth Century by James CliffordChapter TwoVarieties of Jewish Religious ExperienceResting, however, on Unifying Jewish Religious PrinciplesMoshe Rosman's Rethinking European Jewish HistoryCultures of the JewsSyncretism in Jewish HistoryPolytheism and MonotheismThe Nature of PolytheismChapter ThreeMax Weber's Ancient JudaismThe Hebrew Prophets: The SettingThe Prophetic EthicChapter FourThe Babylonian EmpireThe Revolt and the Destruction of the First TempleThe Emigration to EgyptChapter FiveThe Babylonian Exile and the Persian Supremacy (586-332BCE)The Diaspora in Babylon and PersiaChapter SixAlexander the Great and the new Hegemony of the WestChapter SevenThe World DiasporaTheBeginnings of the European Diaspora: Greece and RomeChapter EightThe Diasporain the 1st Century CEJudaism's ProselytismChapter NineThe Jews in the Roman Near EastChapter TenThe Jews Move to PolandThe Chmelnitzky Uprising of 1648-1649Chapter ElevenSabbatai ZeviChapter TwelveGershom Scholem's ErrorDubnow on theSabbatian MovementChapter ThirteenThe Rise of Hasidism and the Baal-Shem-TobEnter the Man, Israel, Who Became the Baal-Shem-Tob (abbreviated the Besht)The Fundamental Principles of the Besht's TeachingsThe Growth of TzaddikismHasidism, Rabbinism and the Forerunners of the EnlightenmentChapter FourteenThe Jews of SpainThe InquisitionThe Jews, the Spanish and the "Conversos Problem"The Aftermath of the PogromsJewish Mysticism: The Kabbalah in Spanish-Jewish LifeChapter FifteenThe Expulsion of the Jews from SpainThe Conquest of GranadaChapterSixteenThe Enlightenment and the JewsThe English DeistsVarieties of Enlightenment Views on ReligionVoltaireRousseauRousseau on Judaism and the JewsChapter SeventeenThe GermaniesThe Emerging German National MindLutherLuther's Attitudetoward the JewsHegelHegel on Jews and JudaismChapter EighteenThe Left Hegelians and the "So-Called" Jewish QuestionBruno Bauer on the "Jewish Question"MarxMarx's Use of the Terms "Jew" and "Judaism"Weber vs. Sombart on the Spirit of CapitalismChapter NineteenFrom Religion to RaceAfro-American à Jewish ParallelsArthur de GobineauChapter TwentyFrom Gobineau and H. Stewart Chamberlain to WagnerNietzsche, the Jews, and JudaismNietzsche's LegacyChapter Twenty OneThe Rise of NazismThe Versailles TreatyThe Origins of the Nazi PartyAfter the PutschChapter Twenty TwoThe Early Nazi Regime and the Jews as Perceived by Non-Jewish ContemporariesChapter Twenty ThreeThe First World War, the Collapse of theOld Regimes and the Rise of TotalitarianismMore on Nazi Ideology, Internal Factions and Foreign-Policy AimsThe Turning Point: The Attack on PolandChapter Twenty FourMax Weber on Bureaucracy and its Relevance for an Analysis of the Shoah (Holocaust)BureaucracyGerman Ideology and BureaucracyWeber's Serious ErrorChapter Twenty FiveCharisma, Bureaucracy and the "Final Solution"Raul Hilberg's, The Destruction of the European JewsThe Administration of the Destructive ProcessThe Reich-Protektorat AreaThe Creation of a Centralized authority in Ghettoized Jewish CommunitiesThe Polish Jews under the NazisThe Jewish Councils (JudenrÃñte)Nazi Food ControlsMobile Killing OperationsThe Role of the Other Ethnic GroupsDefinition of "Jew" Again, and HimmlerIan Kershaw's Recent Re-Examination of the IssuesChapter Twenty SixLeon Poliakov's Complementary Analysis of the ShoahHitler's Euthanasia ProgramAuschwitzThe "Death's Head" Formations (SS Totenkopf)Back to the Question of a Distinctive German National CharacterSignificant Political Differences Between Eastern and Western EuropeThe Role of the Christian ChurchesPostscriptChapter Twenty SevenThe Battle of the Warsaw GhettoA Reflection on Jewish ResistanceChapter Twenty EightZionism, Israel and the PalestiniansTheodore HerzlThe Historical Jewish Presence in the Arab WorldThe Peace Conference of 1919"The Unseen Question"Arab RebellionWorks Cited
- ISBN: 978-0-7456-6017-2
- Editorial: Polity Press
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 300
- Fecha Publicación: 02/03/2012
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés