Handbook of waste management and co-product recovery in food processing (Volume 2)
Waldron, K.W.
Provides essential information about the major issues and technologies involved in waste product valorisation - examines methods to reduce water and energy consumption in partciular food industry sectors - discusses the economic and legislative drivers for waste management and co-product recovery "…an ideal information source for those involved in managing waste and recovering waste for use in products to produce revenue…" (Food Science and Technology - reviewof Volume 1) "This is a most welcome addition to the literature, likely to be essential study material for both technologists and process engineers." (The Chemical Engineer - review of Volume 1) Food processors are under pressure, both from consumers and legislation, to reduce the amount of waste they produce and to consume water and energy more efficiently. Handbook of waste management and co-product recovery in food processing provides essential information about the major issues and technologies involved in waste co-product valorisation, methods to reduce water and energy consumption, waste reduction in particular food industry sectors and end waste management. Opening chapters in Part one of Volume 2 cover economic and legislative drivers for waste management and co-product recovery. Part two discusses life cycle analysis and closed-loop production systems to minimise environmental impacts in food production. It also includes chapters on water and energy use as well as sustainable packaging. Part three reviews methods for exploiting co-products as food and feed ingredients, whilst the final part of the book discusses techniques for non-foodexploitation of co-products from food processing. INDICE: PART 1 ECONOMIC AND LEGISLATIVE DRIVERS FOR WASTE MANAGEMENT AND CO-PRODUCT RECOVERY Sustainable value stream mapping in the food industry A Norton, Imperial College London and A Fearne, University of Kent, UK - Background - The lean paradigm - Value stream mapping - Environmental issues and the lean paradigm - Sustainable value stream mapping - Extending sustainable value stream mapping to include other environmental performance indicators - Mapping of environmental performance indicators - Example of the application of extended sustainable value stream mapping - Difficulties in applying sustainable value stream mapping and possible solutions - Conclusions - Acknowledgements - References Economics of food waste co-product exploitation B Gremmen, Wageningen University, The Netherlands - Introduction - Legislative drivers of food waste co-product exploitation in the EU - Two examples of cost/benefit analysis in food waste co-product exploitation - Future trends - References Regulatory requirements for valorisation of food-chain co-products in the European Union H L Heeres, TNO Quality of Life, The Netherlands - Introduction - Assessment of permissibility - Assessment model for regulatory acceptance - Legislation regarding permissibility of input substances - Legislation regarding permissibility of additions - Legislation regarding permissibility of output substances - Legislation regarding processing - Future trends - Sources of further information and advice - References PART 2 ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS ANALYSIS AND CLOSED-LOOP FACTORIES Application of life cycle assessment (LCA) in reducing waste and develop co-products in food processing U Sonesson, SIK - The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, Sweden - Introduction - Key drivers for using environmental systems analysis in planning of food waste reduction and co-product exploitation strategies - Life cycle assessment(LCA) - Examples of environmental systems analysis in food waste reduction and co-product exploitation strategies - Future trends - References Use of life-cycle assessment (LCA) to ecodesign a food product J Zufia, L Arana and S Ramos, AZTI-Tecnalia, Spain - Introduction - Methodology, key factors and main strategies to ecodesign a food product - Future trends - A brief case study - References Closed-loop production for waste reduction in food processing K Östergren, SIK - The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology, Sweden -Introduction - Key reason for reducing waste - Technologies for closed-loopfactories - Industry examples - Future trends - Sources for further information and advice - References Step change towards net zero environmental impact in food processing: the closed-loop approach R Poynton, Independent Consultant, UK - Introduction - Working definitions - Background: productive change in food processing - Step change towards net zero: the single plant - Stepchange towards net zero: whole systems - Example: Closed loop trials with remanufactured plastics packaging materials - Expected future trends - Sourcesof further information and advice - References Water footprint, water recycling and food industry supply chains J J Klemeš, P S Varbanov and H L Lam, University of Pannonia, Hungary - Introduction - Water footprint (WFP) and life cycle assessment (LCA) in the food industry - Regional energy supply chain/water total site - Simultaneous minimisation of energy and water - Technologies and techniques for water recycling - Water integration and water minimization - References Hygienic and sustainable use and reuse of water and energy infood factories D Napper, Euroteknik Limited, I Bulatov and J-K Kim, The University of Manchester, UK - Introduction: water and energy use in food industries - Sustainable energy and water use and recycling in food industries - Process integration for effluent treatment and product recovery - Combined energy and water minimization - Recovery of organic materials from process water - Sources for further information and advice - References Technologies to reduce refrigeration energy consumption in the food industry J Evans, University of Bristol, UK - Introduction: refrigeration energy consumption in the food industry - Key drivers for reducing energy consumption in the food industry -Refrigeration systems in the food industry - Process optimization - New or alternative refrigeration methods and systems - Equipment operation and optimization - Structure of refrigerated rooms - New refrigeration systems - Heat recovery - Future refrigeration technologies - Future trends - Sources offurther information and advice - References Sustainable food packaging G L Robertson, University of Queensland and Food · Packaging · Environment, Australia - Role of food packaging - Definitions of sustainability and sustainable development - Sustainable packaging definitions - Guidelines, metrics and tools for design of sustainable packaging - Market size and predicted growth ofsustainable food packaging - Key drivers for development of sustainable foodpackaging - Food packaging, waste management and sustainability - Future trends - Sources of further information and advice - References PART 3 EXPLOITATION OF CO-PRODUCTS AS FOOD AND FEED INGREDIENTS Enzymes for the valorisationof fruit- and vegetable-based co-products E Bonnin, M-C Ralet and J-F Thibault, INRA, France and H A Schols, Wageningen University, The Netherlands - Introduction - Economical and environmental key reasons for upgrading fruit- and vegetable-based co-products - Structural and compositional major obstacles -Enzymes potentially involved in the degradation of fruit- and vegetable-basedco-products - Targeted enzymatic treatments for upgrading fruit and vegetable-based co-products - Future trends - Sources of further information and advice - References A modular strategy for processing of fruit and vegetable wastes into value-added products G Laufenberg, Bayer BioScience GmbH and Technical University Berlin and N Schulze, University of Bonn, Germany - Introduction - Strategy for the development of multifunctional food ingredients based on vegetable residues: the upgrading concept - Synchronization of all product streams for improved utilization of organic residues - Selected examples of thesustainability concept in practice - Oil press cake for decalactone aroma generation - Adsorption of ecotoxic chemicals employing vegetable bioadsorbents - Multifunctional food ingredients in novel products - Future trends - Sources of further information and advice - Further reading - References Conversion of fruit and vegetable processing wastes into value-added products through solid-state fermentation G Laufenberg, Bayer BioScience GmbH and Technical University Berlin and N Schulze, University of Bonn, Germany - Introduction -The conversion process using solid-state fermentation - Bioconversion to flavours by solid-state fermentation - Biotechnical enzyme production using vegetable residues - References The production of high-value functional vegetablejuices from food co-products P S R Kosters, Provalor BV, The Netherlands and K W Waldron, Institute of Food Research, UK - Introduction - Sourcing of rawmaterials - Market opportunities - Technology and processing - Chain integration - Sustainability - Acknowledgements - References Food industry co-products as animal feeds R Crawshaw, RC Feed, UK - Introduction - Key features - Legislative restrictions - Examples of food processing that produce co-products that can be used as animal feeds - Quality assurance - Additional processing - Information sources - References Vegetable and cereal protein exploitation for fish feed C Erasmus, CSIR Biosciences, South Africa - Introduction - Key drivers for exploiting food waste co-products - Technologies for vegetable protein exploitation as fish feed - Identification of research gaps - Future trends - Sources of further information and advice - References PART 4 NON-FOOD EXPLOITATION OF WASTES AND CO-PRODUCTS Processing of used cookingoil for the production of biofuels R L Skelton, University of Cambridge, UK - Introduction - Driving forces - Used cooking oils as a feedstock - Conversion technology - Direct use in engines - Conclusions and future trends - Sources of further information and advice - References Use of crop residues inthe production of biofuel R Lal, The Ohio State University, USA - Introduction - Types of biofuels and sources of feedstock - Crop residues as biofuel feedstock - Multiple and competing uses of crop residues and other agricultural co-products - Biofuels as myth or reality? - Competition for land, water and nutrients - Can biofuel displace fossil fuel? - Potential of biofuels as alternative to fossil fuel - Conclusions - References Carbohydrate-based food processing wastes as biomass for biorefining of biofuels and chemicals B Kamm, Research Institute Bioactive Polymer Systems e.V. and Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus, Germany - Introduction - Raw material biomass - Potential of waste in agri-food chains - Principles of biorefineries - The role of biotechnology for production of platform chemicals - Model building blocks - The role of chemistry for production of platform chemicals - Biorefinery technologies and biorefinery systems - Future trends - References Production of green bioplastics from agri-food chain residues and co-products J Yu, University of Hawaii, USA - Potential of bioplastics - Key drivers for exploiting agri-food chain co-products in polyhydroxyalkanoates production - Technologies of using agri-food chain co-products in production of polyhydroxyalkanoates bioplastics - Future trends - References Bioadsorbents from fruit and vegetable processing residues for wastewater treatment G Laufenberg, Bayer BioScience GmbH and Technical University Berlin, Germany - Improvements in the functionality of bioadsorbents for waste water treatment - Combining vegetable residues with binding mechanisms for efficient adsorption - Effect of particlesize on adsorption - Adsorbent dosage - Contaminants - Initial concentration - Agitation and contact time - Effect of pH on adsorption - Targeted metabolic breakdown - The effect of surface area on adsorption - Binding mechanisms - Conclusion - References Recycling and upgrading of bone meal for environmentally-friendly crop protection and nutrition: the PROTECTOR project E Someus, 3R Group - TERRA HUMANA Clean Technology Development Ltd, Hungary - Introduction - Environmental concerns of intensive crop production - Phosphorous fertilization - The characteristics of food and meat industrial by-products - The PROTECTOR project: development of an effective biofertilizer product using bone meal and other food processing by-products - Technology and scale-up - Commercial field cultivation tests for validation and demonstration of PROTECTOR agronomic and nutrition effectiveness - Discussion of effects of PROTECTOR products - Protecting soil resources and combating global climate change - Conclusion - Sources of further information and advice - References Composting of food-chain waste for agricultural and horticultural use K W Waldron, Institute of Food Research and E M Nichols, The Association for Organics Recycling, UK - Introduction - Types of waste that are commonly composted - Controlling composting - Uses of compost - Compost quality and 'product' status - Final considerations - Acknowledgements - References
- ISBN: 978-1-84569-391-6
- Editorial: Woodhead
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 680
- Fecha Publicación: 01/10/2009
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés