This title provides an excellent generalized introduction into principles of solar energy conversion for everybody knowing some basics of university mathematics. The author illustrates general principles using idealized models. At the end of each chapter, technological examples are presented to compare realitywith theory "De Vos is a wonderful story teller" (Prof. Dr. B. Andresen). INDICE: 1 Radiation.1.1 Introduction.1.2 Photon Modes.1.3 Photon Statistics.1.4 Planck's Law.1.5 The Stefan-Boltzmann Law.1.6 Kirchhoff's Law.1.7 Why T4?1.8 Exercises.References.2 The Solar System.2.1 The Sun.2.2 The Planets.2.3 Starlight.2.4 Moonlight.2.5 Radiation from "Empty" Space.2.6 InternalHeat Sources.2.7 Conclusion.2.8 Exercises.References.3 Thermodynamical Engines.3.1 Introduction.3.2 The Carnot Engine.3.3 The Curzon-Ahlborn Engine.3.4 Endoreversible Engines.3.5 An Example.3.6 The Stefan-Boltzmann Engine.3.7 Conclusion.3.8 An Example.3.9 Exercises.References.4 Wind Energy Creation.4.1 Introduction.4.2 Preliminary Model.4.3 Final Model.4.4 Why 8%?4.5 Tidal Winds and ZonalWinds.4.6 Two Examples.4.7 Exercises.References.5 Photothermal Conversion.5.1 Introduction.5.2 Solar Energy Efficiency.5.3 The Muser Engine.5.4 Why 13%?5.5 Concentrators.5.6 The Muser Engine with Concentrator.5.7 Selective Black Bodies.5.8 The Muser Engine with Bandgap.5.9 Conclusion.5.10 An Example.5.11 Exercises.References.6 Photovoltaic Conversion.6.1 Introduction.6.2 Semiconductors.6.3 The Solar Cell.6.4 An Example.6.5 Exercises.References.7 Hybrid Conversion.7.1 Introduction.7.2 Is a Solar Cell Really an Endoreversible Engine?7.3 A Unified Model.7.4 Alternative Model.7.5 Onsager's Principle.7.6 Examples.7.7 Exercises.References.8 Multicolor Conversion.8.1 Introduction.8.2 PhotothermalMulticolor Converters.8.3 Photovoltaic Multicolor Converters.8.4 Omnicolor Converters.8.5 Two-Terminal Omnicolor Converters.8.6 The Bose Engine.8.7 Conclusion.8.8 Two Examples.8.9 Exercises.References.9 Chemical Reactions.9.1 Introduction.9.2 Reversible and Irreversible Chemical Engines.9.3 The Generalized Endoreversible Engine.9.4 Two Alternative Generalized Models.9.5 The Endoreversible Chemical Reactor.9.6 Conclusion.9.7 Exercises.References.10 Photosynthesis.10.1 Introduction.10.2 The Photosynthesis Engine.10.3 An Example.10.4 Exercises.References.Post scriptum.References.Appendices.A Constants.A.1 Mathematical Constants.A.2 Physical Constants.B About the n-Dimensional Sphere.C Kepler's Second Law.D About a Fourth-Degree Equation.E The General Chemical Reaction.F Listof Symbols.Index
- ISBN: 978-3-527-40841-2
- Editorial: Verlag Chemie
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 205
- Fecha Publicación: 01/02/2008
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés