This guide to the principles of anesthesia administration in animals combinesuser-friendly coverage of essential information with an outstanding illustration program and improved readability. Anesthesia and Analgesia for Veterinary Technicians, 4th Edition prepares you to administer anesthesia with information on pre-anesthetic preparation of the patient, induction procedures, monitoring animals' vital signs during the anesthetic period, and postoperative care. Expert authors John A. Thomas, DVM, and Phillip Lerche, BVSc PhD, Dipl ACVA, also include discussions of actions and side effects of anesthetic agents, the physiology of respiration, heart rate and blood pressure, emergency response, anesthetic equipment, and specialized techniques. INDICE: Introduction to Anesthesia History of anesthesia The Veterinary Technician's Role in the Practice of Anesthesia. Patient Preparation Communication-A Key to Success The Minimum Patient Database Patient History Physical Examination and Physical Assessment Preanesthetic Diagnostic Workup Determination of the Physical Status Classification Selection of the Anesthetic Protocol Preinduction Patient Care Withholding Food before Anesthesia Patient Stabilization Intravenous Catheterization Reasons for Intravenous Catheterization Choosingand Placing an Intravenous Catheter Fluid administration Composition of Body Fluids Fluid Homeostasis Fluid Needs Classification of IV Fluids IV Fluid Selection and Administration Rates Adverse Effects of Fluid Administration Calculating Fluid Administration Rates Other Preanesthetic Care. Anesthetic Agents and Adjuncts Introduction to Anesthetic Agents and Adjuncts Agonists, Partial Agonists, Mixed Agonist-Antagonists, and Antagonists Analgesic Effects of Anesthetics and Adjuncts Using drugs in combination Regulatory Considerations for Controlled Substances Preanesthetic Medications Reasons for the use of preanesthetic medications Anticholinergics Tranquilizers and Sedatives Opioids Neuroleptanalgesia Opioid Antagonists Injectable Anesthetics Barbiturates Propofol Dissociative anesthetics Etomidate Guaifenesin. Inhalation Anesthetics Classes ofInhalation Agents CNS and Respiratory Stimulants Doxapram. Anesthetic Equipment Endotracheal Tubes and Associated Equipment Endotracheal tube parts Laryngoscopes Masks Anesthetic Chambers Anesthetic Machines Components of the Anesthetic Machine Rebreathing Systems Non-rebreathing Systems Operation of the Anesthetic Machine Care and Maintenance of Anesthetic Equipment. Anesthetic Monitoring Introduction to Monitoring Stages and Planes of Anesthesia Overview of Anesthetic Stages and Planes Finding the Optimum Depth Determining whether or notthe Patient is Safe Indicators of Circulation Heart rate Heart rhythm Capillary refill time Blood Pressure Pulse strength Indicators of Oxygenation Mucous membrane color Physiology of Oxygen transport Pulse Oximeter Blood Gas Analysis Indicators of Ventilation Respiratory rate Tidal volume Respiratory Character Apnea monitor Capnograph (End-tidal CO2 monitor) Blood gas analysis Indicators of Body Temperature Assessment of Anesthetic Depth Reflexes and Other Indicators of Anesthetic Depth Judging Anesthetic Depth Recording Information during Anesthesia. Special Techniques Local anesthesia Local anesthetic agents Characteristics of local anesthetics Mechanism of Action Route of Administration of Local Anesthetics Toxicity of Local Anesthetics Assisted and controlled ventilation Ventilation in the Awake Animal Ventilation in the Anesthetized AnimalTypes of Controlled Ventilation Risks of Controlled Ventilation Neuromuscularblocking agents. Analgesia Physiology of pain Consequences of untreated pain Signs of pain in animals Pain assessment tools Assessing response to therapy Perioperative pain management Pharmacologic analgesic therapy Opioid Agents Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drugs Other Analgesic Agents Multimodal Therapy Home Analgesia Nursing care Non-pharmacologic therapies. Canine and Feline Anesthesia Patient Preparation Selecting a Protocol Summary of a General Anesthetic Procedure Anesthetic induction with an IM agent or combination Anesthetic induction with an IV injection of an ultra-short acting agent to effect Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA) by IV boluses of an ultra-short acting agent Total Intravenous Anesthesia (TIVA) by constant rate infusion (CRI) Induction and maintenance with an inhalant agent IV induction and maintenance with an inhalant agent Equipment Preparation Premedication or Sedation Anesthetic Induction IV Induction Inhalation Agents Mask Induction Chamber Induction IM Induction Oraladministration Endotracheal Intubation Equipment for Endotracheal Intubation Selecting an Endotracheal Tube Preparing the Tube Intubation Procedure Checking for Proper Placement Securing the Tube Cuff inflation Laryngospasm Complications of Intubation Maintenance of Anesthesia Maintenance with an Inhalant Agent Maintenance with repeat boluses of propofol or other ultrashort-acting agentMaintenance with a CRI Maintenance with injectable and inhalant agents Maintenance with an IM injection Patient Positioning, Comfort and Safety Anesthetic Recovery Anesthetist's Role in the Recovery Period Signs of Recovery Monitoring Oxygen Therapy Extubation The Postanesthetic Period. Equine Anesthesia Patient Preparation Selecting a Protocol Summary of a General Anesthetic ProcedureEquipment Preparation Premedication or Sedation Standing chemical restraint Anesthetic Induction IV Induction Inhalation Induction via Nasotracheal Tube Endotracheal Intubation Equipment for Endotracheal Intubation Selecting an Endotracheal Tube Preparing the Tube Intubation Procedure Complications of Intubation Maintenance of Anesthesia Maintenance with an Inhalant Agent Maintenance with intravenous agents, or TIVA Maintenance with injectable and inhalant agentsPatient Positioning, Comfort and Safety Anesthetic Recovery Preparation for recovery Monitoring during recovery Signs of recovery Extubation Standing afterregaining consciousness The Postanesthetic Period. Food Animal Anesthesia Ruminants Patient preparation Selecting a Protocol Summary of a General Anesthetic Procedure Equipment Preparation Premedication or Sedation Anesthetic Induction Endotracheal Intubation Maintenance of Anesthesia Patient Positioning, Comfort and Safety Anesthetic Recovery The Post-anesthetic Period Swine Physical examination Sedation Anesthetic Induction Maintenance of Anesthesia Recovery. Anesthesia of Rodents and Rabbits Patient evaluation Handling and restraint Physical examination Diagnostic tests Preanesthetic patient care Withholding foodCorrection of preexisting problems Preanesthetic agents Anticholinergics Phenothiazines Benzodiazepines Alpha2 adrenergic agonists Opioids General anesthesia Induction techniques and agents Intubation and maintenance of anesthesia Postoperative care Anesthetic emergencies Respiratory depression Circulatory failure Postoperative Analgesia Pain assessment Analgesic agents Chronic pain Administration of analgesics. Anesthetic Problems and Emergencies Reasons That Anesthetic Problems and Emergencies Arise Human Errors That May Lead to Anesthetic Problems and Emergencies Equipment Issues That May Lead to Anesthetic Problems and Emergencies Adverse Effects of Anesthetic Agents Patient Factors that may lead to Anesthetic Problems and Emergencies Response to Anesthetic Problems and Emergencies Role of the Veterinary Technician in Emergency Care General Approach to Emergencies Emergency Situations That May Arise During Anesthesia Problems That May Arise in the Recovery Period. Workplace Safety Hazards of Waste Anesthetic Gas Short-Term Effects Long-Term Effects Assessment of Risk Reducing Exposure to Waste Anesthetic Gas Anesthetic techniques and procedures Monitoring Waste Gas Levels Safe Handling of Compressed Gases Fire Safety Precautions Use and Storage of Compressed Gas Cylinders Accidental Exposure to Injectable Agents. Glossary.
- ISBN: 978-0-323-05504-8
- Editorial: Mosby-Elsevier
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 432
- Fecha Publicación: 09/08/2010
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés