This book is an important resource for academic and industrial toxicologists in toxicology, chemistry, biochemistry, pharmacology. New chapters on the molecular topics of proteomics, toxicogenomics, metabolomics, bioinformatics, and pharmaco(toxico)genetics complement the updated coverage of biochemical toxicology. INDICE: Preface. Contributors. 1. Molecular and Biochemical Toxicology: Definition and Scope (Ernest Hodgson and Robert C. Smart). 1.1 Introduction. 1.2Toxicology. 1.3 Biochemical Toxicology. 1.4 Cellular Toxicology. 1.5 Molecular Toxicology. 1.6 Proteomics, Metabolomics. 1.7 Conclusions. Suggested Reading. 2. Overview of Molecular Techniques in Toxicology: Genes and Transgenes (Robert C. Smart). 2.1 Applicability of Molecular Techniques to Toxicology. 2.2 Overview of the Genetic Code and Flow of Genetic Information. 2.3 Molecular Cloning. 2.4 Southern and Northern Blot Analyses. 2.5 Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). 2.6 Some Methods to Evaluate Gene Expression and Regulation. 2.7 Methods to Evaluate Gene Function. 3. Toxicogenomics (Marjorie F. Oleksiak). 3.1 Introduction. 3.2 A Primer of Genomics. 3.3 Tools and Approaches. 3.4 Genomes. 3.5 Functional Genomics. 3.6 Conclusions. 4. Proteomics (B. Alex Merrick). 4.1 Introduction to Proteomics. 4.2 Properties of Proteins. 4.3 Fields of Proteomic Research. 4.4 Mass Spectrometers and Protein Identification. 4.5 Proteomic Platforms. 4.6 Proteomes and Subproteomes: Expectations and Reality. 4.7 Summary. 5. Metabolomics (Nigel Deighton). 5.1 Introduction. 5.2 Methods. 5.3 Diagnostics and Functional Genomics. 5.4 Metabolomics and Toxicology. 6. Bioinformatics(Eric A. Stone and Dahlia M. Nielsen). 6.1 Introduction. 6.2 Obtaining the Genbank Record of a Known Gene. 6.3 Sequence Comparison. 6.4 Database Searching With BLAST. 6.5 Extensions to Multiple Sequences. 6.6 Genetic Mapping. 6.7 Conclusion. 7 Immunochemical Techniques in Toxicology (Gerald A. LeBlanc). 7.1 Introduction. 7.2 Definitions. 7.3 Immunogens and Antigens. 7.4 Polyclonal Antibodies. 7.5 Monoclonal Antibodies. 7.6 Immunoassays. 7.7 Conclusions. 8. Cellular Techniques (Sharon A. Meyer). 8.1 Introduction. 8.2 Cellular Studies in Intact Tissue. 8.3 Studies with Dispersed, Isolated Cells. 8.4 Monolayer Cell Culture. 8.5 Observation of Cultured Cells. 8.6 Indicators of Toxicity. 8.7 Artifacts and Confounders. 8.8 Replacement of Animal Testing with Cell Culture Models. 8.9 Conclusions. 9. Structure, Mechanism and Regulation of Cytochromes P450 (Darryl C. Zeldin and John M. Seubert). 9.1 Introduction. 9.2 Complexity of the Cytochrome P450 Gene Superfamily. 9.3 Cytochrome P450 Structure. 9.4 Mechanisms of P450 Catalysis. 9.5 Cytochrome P450 Regulation. 9.6 Transgenic AnimalModels. 9.7 Reactive Oxygen Species. 9.8 Posttranslation Modification of P450s. 9.9 Summary. 10. Phase I Metabolism of Toxicants and Metabolic Interactions(Ernest Hodgson, Parikshit C. Das, Taehyeon M. Cho and Randy L. Rose). 10.1 Introduction. 10.2 Microsomal Monooxygenations: General Background. 10.3 Nonmicrosomal Oxidations. 10.4 Cooxidation by Prostaglandin Synthetase. 10.5 Reduction Reactions. 10.6 Hydrolysis. 10.7 Epoxide Hydration. 10.8 DDT Dehydrochlorinase. 10.9 Interactions Involving Xenobiotic-Metabolizing Enzymes. 11. Phase I Pharmacogenetics (Ernest Hodgson and Edward L. Croom). 11.1 Introduction. 11.2Polymorphisms in CYP Isoforms. 11.3 Polymorphisms in Alcohol Dehydrogenase. 11.4 Polymorphisms in Aldehyde Dehydrogenase. 11.5 Polymorphisms in Flavin-Containing Monooxygenases. 11.6 Polymorphisms in Epoxide Hydrolase. 11.7 Polymorphisms in Serum Cholinesterase. 11.8 Polymorphisms in Paraoxonase (PON1). 11.9 Polymorphisms: Mechanistic Classification. 11.10 Polymorphisms and Drug Metabolism. 11.11 Methods Used For the Study of Polymorphisms. 11.12 Epidemiology. 12. Phase II - Conjugation of Toxicants (Gerald A. LeBlanc). 12.1 Introduction. 12.2 Conjugation Reactions. 12.3 Glycosides. 12.4 Sulfation. 12.5 Methylation.12.6 Acylation. 12.7 Glutathione S-Transferases. 12.8 Cysteine S-Conjugate ?-Lyase. 12.9 Lipophilic Conjugation. 12.10 Phase II Activation. 12.11 Phase IIIElimination. 12.12 Conclusions. 13. Regulation and Polymorphisms in Phase II Genes (Yoshiaki Tsuji). 13.1 Introduction. 13.2 Roles of Phase II Genes and Polymorphisms. 13.3 The Antioxidant Responsive Element and Phase II Gene Regulation. 13.4 Summary. 14. Developmental Effects on Xenobiotic Metabolism (Martin J. J. Ronis and Helen C. Cunny). 14.1 Introduction. 14.2 Xenobiotic MetabolismDuring Development. 14.3 Effects of Pregnancy on Maternal Xenobiotic Metabolism. 14.4 Developmental Effects on Xenobiotic Metabolism in Non-Mammalian Species. 14.5 Cycles in Development. 15. Cellular Transport and Elimination (David S. Miller). 15.1 Transport as a Determinant of Xenobiotic Action. 15.2 FactorsAffecting Membrane/Tissue Permeability. 15.3 Xenobiotic Transporters. 15.4 Altered Xenobiotic Transport. 16. Mechanisms of Cell Death (Mac Law and Susan Elmore). 16.1 Introduction. 16.2 How Cells/Tissues React to ‘Stress’. 16.3 Cell Injury and Cell Death. 16.4 Morphology of Cell Injury and Cell Death. 16.5 Apoptosis. 17. Mitochondrial Dysfunction (Jun Ninomiya-Tsuji). 17.1 Introduction.17.2 Mitochondrial Function. 17.3 Mitochondrial Apoptosis/Necrosis. 17.4 Toxicant-Induced Mitochondrial Apoptosis/Necrosis. 18. Glutathione-Dependent Mechanisms in Chemically Induced Cell Injury and Cellular Protection Mechanisms (Donald J. Reed). 18.1 Introduction. 18.2 Glutathione-Dependent Conjugation of Chemicals. 18.3 GSH Dependent Bioactivation of Chemicals. 18.4 Oxidative Stress.18.5 Glutathione Dependent Cellular Defense Systems. 18.6 Glutathione/Glutathionylation Dependent Signaling Systems and Antioxidant Defense. 18.7 Conclusions. 19. Toxicant-Receptor Interactions: Fundamental Principles (Richard B. Mailman). 19.1 Definition of a ‘Receptor’. 19.2 Receptor Superfamilies. 19.3 The Study of Receptor-Toxicant Interactions. 19.4 Relationship of Receptor Occupancy to Functional Effects. 20. Reactive Oxygen/Metabolites and Toxicity (Elizabeth L. MacKenzie). 20.1 Introduction. 20.2 Enzymes Involved in Bioactivation. 20.3 Stability of Reactive Metabolites. 20.4 Factors Affecting Activation and Toxicity. 20.5 Reactive Oxygen Species and Toxicity. 21. Metals (David B. Buchwalter). 21.1 Introduction. 21.2 Understanding Metal Ion Reactions in Biological Systems. 21.3 Modes of Metal Toxicity. 21.4 Metals and Oxidative Stress. 21.5 Metallothioneins. 21.6 Examples of Toxic Metals. 21.7 Metals and Cancer. 22. DNA Damage and Mutagenesis (Zhigang Wang). 22.1 Introduction. 22.2 Endogenous DNA Damage. 22.3 Environmental DNA Damage. 22.4 Concepts of Mutagenesis. 22.5 Mechanisms of DNA Damage-Induced Mutagenesis. 23. DNA Repair (Isabel Mellon). 23.1 Introduction. 23.2 Direct Reversal of Base Damage. 23.3 Base Excision Repair. 23.4 Nucleotide Excision Repair. 23.5 Mismatch Repair. 23.6 Recombinational Repair. 23.7 DNA Repair and Chromatin Structure. 23.8 DNA Damage and CellCycle Checkpoints. 23.9 Summary. 24. Carcinogenesis (Robert C. Smart, Sarah J. Ewing and Kari D. Loomis). 24.1 Introduction and Historical Perspective. 24.2 Human Cancer. 24.3 Categorization of Agents Associated with Carcinogenesis. 24.4 Somatic Mutation Theory. 24.5 Epigenetic Mechanism of Tumorigenesis. 24.6Multistage Tumorigenesis. 24.7 Tumor Viruses. 24.8 Cellular Oncogenes. 24.9 Tumor Suppressor Genes. 24.10 Mutator Phenotype/DNA Stability Genes. 24.11 Interactions of Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes. 24.12 Genetically Modified Mouse Models. 24.13 Conclusions. 25. Genetic Toxicology (R. Julian Preston). 25.1 Introduction and Historical Perspective. 25.2 Genetic Toxicology and Risk Assessment (General Considerations). 25.3 Genotoxicity Assays. 25.4 Use of Mechanistic Data in Cancer and Genetic Risk Assessments (Specific Considerations. 25.5 New Research Directions. 25.6 Conclusions. 26. Molecular Epidemiology andGenetic Susceptibility (Ruth M. Lunn and Marianna Stern). 26.1 Introduction. 26.2 Basic Concepts in Epidemiology. 26.3 Biomarkers Used in Molecular Epidemiology. 26.4 Biomarkers of Genetic Susceptibility. 26.5 Summary and Concluding Remarks. 27. Respiratory Toxicology (James C. Bonner). 27.1 Introduction. 27.2Anatomy and Function of the Respiratory Tract. 27.3 Toxicant-Induced Lung Injury, Remodeling and Repair. 27.4 Occupational and Environmental Lung Diseases.28. Hepatotoxicity (Andrew D. Wallace and Sharon A. Meyer). 28.1 Introduction. 28.2 Liver Organization and Cellular Components. 28.3 Types of Chemically Induced Lesions. 28.4 Mechanisms of Chemically Induced Hepatotoxicity. 28.5 Interactions. 28.6 Detection and Prediction of Hepatotoxicity. 28.7 Compounds Causing Liver Injury. 28.8 Conclusion. 29. Biochemical Mechanisms of Renal Toxicity (Joan B. Tarloff and Andrew D. Wallace). 29.1 Introduction. 29.2 FundamentalAspects of Renal Physiology. 29.3 Factors Contributing to Nephrotoxicity. 29.4 Assessment of Nephrotoxicity. 29.5 Site-Specific Nephrotoxicity. 29.6 Summary. 30. Biochemical Toxicology of the Peripheral Nervous System (Jeffry F. Goodrum, Arrel D. Toews and Thomas W. Bouldin). 30.1 Introduction. 30.2 Specialized Aspects of Neuronal Metabolism. 30.3 Specialized Aspects of Schwann Cell Transport. 30.4 Toxic Neuropathies. 30.5 Conclusion. 31. Biochemical Toxicology of the Central Nervous System (Bonita L. Blake). 31.1 Introduction. 31.2 CNS Sites of Toxic Action. 31.3 Factors Affecting Neurotoxicant Susceptibility. 31.4Mechanisms of Neurotoxicity and Neuroprotection. 31.5 The Dynamic Nervous System: Adaptibility, Plasticity and Repair. 32. Immunotoxicology (MaryJane K. Selgrade, Dori R. Germolec, Robert W. Luebke, Ralph J. Smialowicz, Marsha D. Ward and Christal C. Bowman). 32.1 Introduction. 32.2 Organization of the Immune System. 32.3 Immunotoxicology. 32.4 Mechanisms of Immune Suppression. 32.5 Mechanisms Associated with Hypersensitivity. 32.6 Mechanisms Associated with Autoimmune Disease. 33. Reproductive Toxicology (John F. Couse). 33.1 Introduction. 33.2 General Principles of Reproductive Toxicology. 33.3 Sexual Differentiation. 33.4 Neuroendocrine Regulation of Reproduction. 33.5.1 Testes. 33.6 Female Reproductive System. 33.7 General Categories of Reproductive Toxicants. 33.8Summary. 34. Dev
- ISBN: 978-0-470-10211-4
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 901
- Fecha Publicación: 28/07/2008
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés