Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: From Air Pollution to Climate Change
Seinfeld, John H.
Pandis, Spyros N.
Expanded and updated with new findings and new features New chapter on Global Climate providing a self–contained treatment of climate forcing, feedbacks, and climate sensitivity New chapter on Atmospheric Organic Aerosols and new treatment of the statistical method of Positive Matrix Factorization Updated treatments of physical meteorology, atmospheric nucleation, aerosol–cloud relationships, chemistry of biogenic hydrocarbons Each topic developed from the fundamental science to the point of application to real–world problems New problems at an introductory level to aid in classroom teaching INDICE: Preface to the Third Edition .Preface to the First Edition .I The Atmosphere and Its Constituents .1 The Atmosphere .1.1 History and Evolution of the Earth s Atmosphere .1.2 Climate .1.3 The Layers of the Atmosphere .1.4 Pressure in the Atmosphere .1.4.1 Units of Pressure .1.4.2 Variation of Pressure with Height in the Atmosphere .1.5 Temperature in the Atmosphere .1.6 Expressing the Amount of a Substance in the Atmosphere .1.7 Airborne Particles .1.8 Spatial and Temporal Scales of Atmospheric Processes .Problems .References .2 Atmospheric Trace Constituents .2.1 Atmospheric Lifetime .2.2 Sulfur–Containing Compounds .2.3 Nitrogen–Containing Compounds .2.4 Carbon–Containing Compounds .2.5 Halogen–Containing Compounds .2.6 Atmospheric Ozone .2.7 Particulate Matter (Aerosols) .2.8 Mercury .2.9 Emission Inventories .Appendix 2.1 Air Pollution Legislation .Appendix 2.2 Hazardous Air Pollutants (Air Toxics) .Problems .References .II Atmospheric Chemistry .3 Chemical Kinetics .3.1 Order of Reaction .3.2 Theories of Chemical Kinetics .3.3 The Pseudo–Steady–State Approximation .3.4 Reactions of Excited Species .3.5 Termolecular Reactions .3.6 Chemical Families .3.7 Gas Surface Reactions .Appendix 3 Free Radicals .Problems .References .4 Atmospheric Radiation and Photochemistry .4.1 Radiation .4.2 Radiative Flux in the Atmosphere .4.3 Beer Lambert Law and Optical Depth .4.4 Actinic Flux .4.5 Atmospheric Photochemistry .4.6 Absorption of Radiation by Atmospheric Gases .4.7 Absorption by O2 and O3 .4.8 Photolysis Rate as a Function of Altitude .4.9 Photodissociation of O3 to Produce O and O(1D) .4.10 Photodissociation of NO2 .Problems .References .5 Chemistry of the Stratosphere .5.1 Overview of Stratospheric Chemistry .5.2 Chapman Mechanism .5.3 Nitrogen Oxide Cycles .5.4 HOx Cycles .5.5 Halogen Cycles .5.6 Reservoir Species and Coupling of the Cycles .5.7 Ozone Hole .5.8 Heterogeneous (Nonpolar) Stratospheric Chemistry .5.9 Summary of Stratospheric Ozone Depletion .5.10 Transport and Mixing in the Stratosphere .5.11 Ozone Depletion Potential .Problems .References .6 Chemistry of the Troposphere .6.1 Production of Hydroxyl Radicals in the Troposphere .6.2 Basic Photochemical Cycle of NO2, NO, and O3 .6.3 Atmospheric Chemistry of Carbon Monoxide .6.4 Atmospheric Chemistry of Methane .6.5 The NOx and NOy Families .6.6 Ozone Budget of the Troposphere and Role of NOx .6.7 Tropospheric Reservoir Molecules .6.8 Relative Roles of VOC and NOx in Ozone Formation .6.9 Simplified Organic/NOx Chemistry .6.10 Chemistry of Nonmethane Organic Compounds in the Troposphere .6.11 Atmospheric Chemistry of Biogenic Hydrocarbons .6.12 Atmospheric Chemistry of Reduced Nitrogen Compounds .6.13 Atmospheric Chemistry (Gas Phase) of Sulfur Compounds .6.14 Tropospheric Chemistry of Halogen Compounds .6.15 Atmospheric Chemistry of Mercury .Appendix 6 Organic Functional Groups .Problems .References .7 Chemistry of the Atmospheric Aqueous Phase .7.1 Liquid Water in the Atmosphere .7.2 Absorption Equilibria and Henry s Law .7.3 Aqueous–Phase Chemical Equilibria .7.4 Aqueous–Phase Reaction Rates .7.5 S(IV) S(VI) Transformation and Sulfur Chemistry .7.6 Dynamic Behavior of Solutions with Aqueous–Phase Chemical Reactions .Appendix 7.1 Thermodynamic and Kinetic Data .Appendix 7.2 Additional Aqueous–Phase Sulfur Chemistry .Appendix 7.3 Aqueous–Phase Nitrite and Nitrate Chemistry .Appendix 7.4 Aqueous–Phase Organic Chemistry .Appendix 7.5 Oxygen and Hydrogen Chemistry .Problems .References .III Aerosols .8 Properties of the Atmospheric Aerosol .8.1 The Size Distribution Function .8.2 Ambient Aerosol Size Distributions .8.3 Aerosol Chemical Composition .8.4 Spatial and Temporal Variation .Problems .References .9 Dynamics of Single Aerosol Particles .9.1 Continuum and Noncontinuum Dynamics: The Mean Free Path .9.2 The Drag on a Single Particle: Stokes Law .9.3 Gravitational Settling of an Aerosol Particle .9.4 Motion of an Aerosol Particle in an External Force Field .9.5 Brownian Motion of Aerosol Particles .9.6 Aerosol and Fluid Motion .9.7 Equivalent Particle Diameters .Problems .References .10 Thermodynamics of Aerosols .10.1 Thermodynamic Principles .10.2 Aerosol Liquid Water Content .10.3 Equilibrium Vapor Pressure over a Curved Surface: The Kelvin Effect .10.4 Thermodynamics of Atmospheric Aerosol Systems .10.5 Aerosol Thermodynamic Models .Problems .References .11 Nucleation .11.1 Classical Theory of Homogeneous Nucleation: Kinetic Approach .11.2 Classical Homogeneous Nucleation Theory: Constrained Equilibrium Approach .11.3 Recapitulation of Classical Theory .11.4 Experimental Measurement of Nucleation Rates .11.5 Modifications of the Classical Theory and More Rigorous Approaches .11.6 Binary Homogeneous Nucleation .11.7 Binary Nucleation in the H2SO4 H2O System .11.8 Nucleation on an Insoluble Foreign Surface .11.9 Ion–Induced Nucleation .11.10 Atmospheric New Particle Formation .Appendix 11 The Law of Mass Action .Problems .References .12 Mass Transfer Aspects of Atmospheric Chemistry .12.1 Mass and Heat Transfer to Atmospheric Particles .12.2 Mass Transport Limitations in Aqueous–Phase Chemistry .12.3 Mass Transport and Aqueous–Phase Chemistry .12.4 Mass Transfer to Falling Drops .12.5 Characteristic Time for Atmospheric Aerosol Equilibrium .Appendix 12 Solution of the Transient Gas–Phase Diffusion Problem Equations (12.4) (12.7) .Problems .References .13 Dynamics of Aerosol Populations .13.1 Mathematical Representations of Aerosol Size Distributions .13.2 Condensation .13.3 Coagulation .13.4 The Discrete General Dynamic Equation .13.5 The Continuous General Dynamic Equation .Appendix 13.1 Additional Mechanisms of Coagulation .Appendix 13.2 Solution of (13.73) .Problems .References .14 Atmospheric Organic Aerosols .14.1 Chemistry of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation .14.2 Volatility of Organic Compounds .14.3 Idealized Description of Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation .14.4 Gas–Particle Partitioning .14.5 Models of SOA Formation and Evolution .14.6 Primary Organic Aerosol .14.7 The Physical State of Organic Aerosols .14.8 SOA Particle–Phase Chemistry .14.9 Aqueous–Phase Secondary Organic Aerosol Formation .14.10 Estimates of the Global Budget of Atmospheric Organic Aerosol .Problems .References .15 Interaction of Aerosols with Radiation .15.1 Scattering and Absorption of Light by Small Particles .15.2 Visibility .15.3 Scattering, Absorption, and Extinction Coefficients from Mie Theory .15.4 Calculated Visibility Reduction Based on Atmospheric Data .Appendix 15 Calculation of Scattering and Extinction Coefficients by Mie Theory .Problems .References .IV Physical and Dynamic Meteorology, Cloud Physics, and Atmospheric Diffusion .16 Physical and Dynamic Meteorology .16.1 Temperature in the Lower Atmosphere .16.2 Atmospheric Stability .16.3 The Moist Atmosphere .16.4 Basic Conservation Equations for the Atmospheric Surface Layer .16.5 Variation of Wind with Height in the Atmosphere .Appendix 16.1 Properties of Water and Water Solutions .Appendix 16.2 Derivation of the Basic Equations of Surface Layer Atmospheric Fluid Mechanics .Problems .References .17 Cloud Physics .17.1 Equilibrium of Water Droplets in the Atmosphere .17.2 Cloud and Fog Formation .17.3 Growth Rate of Individual Cloud Droplets .17.4 Growth of a Droplet Population .17.5 Cloud Condensation Nuclei .17.6 Cloud Processing of Aerosols .17.7 Other Forms of Water in the Atmosphere .Appendix 17 Extended Köhler Theory .Problems .References .18 Atmospheric Diffusion .18.1 Eulerian Approach .18.2 Lagrangian Approach .18.3 Comparison of Eulerian and Lagrangian Approaches .18.4 Equations Governing the Mean Concentration of Species in Turbulence .18.5 Solution of the Atmospheric Diffusion Equation for an Instantaneous Source .18.6 Mean Concentration from Continuous Sources .18.7 Statistical Theory of Turbulent Diffusion .18.8 Summary of Atmospheric Diffusion Theories .18.9 Analytical Solutions for Atmospheric Diffusion: The Gaussian Plume Equation and Others .18.10 Dispersion Parameters in Gaussian Models .18.11 Plume Rise .18.12 Functional Forms of Mean Windspeed and Eddy Diffusivities .18.13 Solutions of the Steady–State Atmospheric Diffusion Equation .Appendix 18.1 Further Solutions of Atmospheric Diffusion Problems .Appendix 18.2 Analytical Properties of the Gaussian Plume Equation .Problems .References .V Dry and Wet Deposition .19 Dry Deposition .19.1 Deposition Velocity .19.2 Resistance Model for Dry Deposition .19.3 Aerodynamic Resistance .19.4 Quasi–Laminar Resistance .19.5 Surface Resistance .19.6 Measurement of Dry Deposition .19.7 Some Comments on Modeling and Measurement of Dry Deposition .Problems .References .20 Wet Deposition .20.1 General Representation of Atmospheric Wet Removal Processes .20.2 Below–Cloud Scavenging of Gases .20.3 Precipitation Scavenging of Particles .20.4 In–Cloud Scavenging .20.5 Acid Deposition .20.6 Acid Deposition Process Synthesis .Problems .References .VI The Global Atmosphere, Biogeochemical Cycles, and Climate .21 General Circulation of the Atmosphere .21.1 Hadley Cell .21.2 Ferrell Cell and Polar Cell .21.3 Coriolis Force .21.4 Geostrophic Windspeed .21.5 The Thermal Wind Relation .21.6 Stratospheric Dynamics .21.7 The Hydrologic Cycle .Problems .References .22 Global Cycles: Sulfur and Carbon .22.1 The Atmospheric Sulfur Cycle .22.2 The Global Carbon Cycle .22.3 Solution for a Steady–State Four–Compartment Model of the Atmosphere .Problems .References .23 Global Climate .23.1 The Earth s Energy Balance .23.2 Radiative Forcing .23.3 The Greenhouse Effect .23.4 Climate Forcing Agents .23.4.3 Radiative Efficiencies of Greenhouse Gases .23.5 Cosmic Rays and Climate .23.6 Climate Sensitivity .23.7 Simplified Dynamic Description of Climate Forcing and Response .23.8 Climate Feedbacks .23.9 Relative Radiative Forcing Indices .23.10 Atmospheric Chemistry and Climate Change .23.11 Conclusion .Problems .References .24 Aerosols and Climate .24.1 Scattering Absorbing Model of an Aerosol Layer .24.2 Cooling versus Heating of an Aerosol Layer .24.3 Scattering Model of an Aerosol Layer for a Nonabsorbing Aerosol .24.4 Upscatter Fraction .24.5 Optical Depth and Column Forcing .24.6 Internal and External Mixtures .24.7 Top–of–the–Atmosphere versus Surface Forcing .24.8 Indirect Effects of Aerosols on Climate .Problems .References .VII Chemical Transport Models and Statistical Models .25 Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models .25.1 Introduction .25.2 Box Models .25.3 Three–Dimensional Atmospheric Chemical Transport Models .25.4 One–Dimensional Lagrangian Models .25.5 Other Forms of Chemical Transport Models .25.6 Numerical Solution of Chemical Transport Models .25.7 Model Evaluation .25.8 Response of Organic and Inorganic Aerosols to Changes in Emissions .Problems .References .26 Statistical Models .26.1 Receptor Modeling Methods .26.2 Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) .26.3 Factor Analysis .26.4 Methods Incorporating Wind Information .26.5 Probability Distributions for Air Pollutant Concentrations .26.6 Estimation of Parameters in the Distributions .26.7 Order Statistics of Air Quality Data .26.8 Exceedances of Critical Levels .26.9 Alternative Forms of Air Quality Standards .26.10 Relating Current and Future Air Pollutant Statistical Distributions .Problems .References .Appendices .Appendix A Units and Physical Constants .A.1 SI Base Units .A.2 SI Derived Units .A.3 Fundamental Physical Constants .A.4 Properties of the Atmosphere and Water .A.5 Units for Representing Chemical Reactions .A.6 Concentrations in the Aqueous Phase .A.7 Symbols for Concentration .References .Appendix B Rate Constants of Atmospheric Chemical Reactions .References .Index
- ISBN: 978-1-118-94740-1
- Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 1152
- Fecha Publicación: 05/05/2016
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés