Provides comprehensive information about the key exploration, development and optimization concepts required for gas shale reservoirs Includes statistics about gas shale resources and countries that have shale gas potential Addresses the challenges that oil and gas industries may confront for gas shale reservoir exploration and development Introduces petrophysical analysis, rock physics, geomechanics and passive seismic methods for gas shale plays Details shale gas environmental issues and challenges, economic consideration for gas shale reservoirs Includes case studies of major producing gas shale formations INDICE: Chapter 1. Gas Shale: Global Significance, Distribution & Challenges1.1 Introduction1.2 Shale Gas Overview1.3 The Significance of Shale Gas1.4 Global Shale Gas Resources1.5 Global Resource Data1.6 Data Assessment1.7 Industry Challenges1.8 Discussion1.9 ConclusionsChapter 2. Organic matter–rich shale depositional environments2.1 Summary2.2 Introduction2.3 Processes behind the deposition of organic matter–rich shale2.4 Stratigraphic distribution of organic matter–rich shales2.5 Geographic distribution of organic matter–rich shales2.6 Organic matter–rich shale depositional environments2.7 ConclusionChapter 3. Geochemical Assessment of Unconventional Shale Gas Resource Systems3.1 Introduction3.2 Objective and Background3.3 Kerogen Quantity and Quality3.4 Sample Type and Quality3.5 Kerogen Type and Compositional Yields3.6 Thermal Maturity3.7 Organoporosity Development3.8 Gas Contents3.9 Expulsion–Retention of Petroleum3.10 Secondary (Petroleum) Cracking3.11 Upper Maturity Limit for Shale Gas3.12 Gas Composition and Carbon Isotopes3.13 Additional Geochemical Analyses for Shale Gas Resource System Evaluation3.14 Oil and Condensate with Shale Gas3.15 Major Shale Gas Resource Systems3.16 ConclusionsChapter 4. Sequence stratigraphy of unconventional resource shales4.1 Summary4.2 Introduction4.3 General Sequence Stratigraphic Model for Unconventional Resource Shales4.4 Ages of sea level cycles4.5 Water depth of mud transport and deposition4.6 Criteria to identify sequences and systems tracts4.7 Paleozoic Resource Shale Examples4.8 Mesozoic Resource Shale Examples4.9 Cenozoic Resource Shale Example4.10 Conclusions4.11 ApplicationsChapter 5. Pore Geometry in Gas Shale Reservoirs5.1 Introduction5.2 Samples Characteristics5.3 Experimental Methodology5.4 Advantages and disadvantages of experimental PSD methods5.5 Results5.6 Discussion5.7 ConclusionsChapter 6. Petrophysical Evaluation of Gas Shale Reservoirs6.1 Introduction6.2 Key properties for gas shale evaluation6.3 Petrophysical measurements of gas shale reservoirs6.4 Well log analysis of gas shale reservoirsChapter 7. Pore Pressure Prediction for shale Formations Using Well Logs Data7.1 Summary7.2 Introduction7.3 Overpressure generating mechanisms7.4 Overpressure estimation methods7.5 The role of tectonic activities on pore pressure in shales7.6 Discussion7.7 ConclusionsChapter 8. Geomechanics of gas shales8.1 Summary8.2 Introduction8.3 Mechanical Properties of gas shale reservoirs8.4 Anisotropy8.5 Wellbore Instability in gas shale reservoirsChapter 9. Rock Physics Analysis of Shale Reservoirs9.1 Introduction9.2 Laboratory measurements on shales: available datasets9.3 Organic matter effects on elastic properties9.4 Partial saturation effects9.5 Maturity effects9.6 Seismic response of ORSs9.7 ConclusionsChapter 10. Passive Seismic Methods for Unconventional Resource Development10.1 Introduction10.2 Geomechanics and natural fracture basics for application to hydraulic fracturing10.3 Seismic phenomena10.4 Microseismic downhole monitoring10.5 Monitoring passive seismic emissions with surface and shallow buried arrays10.6 Integrating, interpreting, and using passive seismic data10.7 ConclusionsChapter 11. Gas Transport Processes in Shale11.1 Summary11.2 Introduction11.3 Detection of nanopores in shale samples11.4 Gas flow in micropores and nanopores11.5 Gas flow in a network of pores in shale11.6 Gas sorption in shale11.7 Diffusion in bulk kerogen11.8 Measurement of gas molecular diffusion into kerogen11.9 Pulse–Decay Permeability Measurement Test11.10 Crushed Sample Test11.11 Canister Desorption TestChapter 12. A Review of the Critical Issues Surrounding the Simulation of Transport and Storage in Shale Reservoirs12.1 Introduction12.2 Micro–geometry of Organic Rich Shale Reservoirs12.3 Gas Storage Mechanisms12.4 Fluid Transport12.5 Capillary Pressure, Relaxation to Equilibrium State, and Deposition of Stimulation Water12.6 Characterization of Fluid Behavior and Equations of State Valid for Nanoporous Media12.7 Upscaling Heterogeneous Shale–gas Reservoirs into Large Homogenized Simulation Grid BlocksChapter 13. Performance Analysis of Unconventional Shale Reservoirs13.1 Introduction13.2 Shale Reservoir Production13.3 Flow Rate Decline Analysis13.4 Flow Rate and Pressure Transient Analysis in Unconventional Reservoirs13.5 Reservoir Modeling and Simulation13.6 Specialty Short–term Tests13.7 Enhanced Oil Recovery13.8 ConclusionsChapter 14. Resource Estimation for Shale Gas Reservoirs14.1 Summary14.2 Introduction14.3 Methodology14.4 Resource Evaluation Of Shale Gas Plays14.5 DiscussionChapter 15. Molecular Simulation of Gas Adsorption in Minerals and Coal: Implications for Gas Occurrence in Shale Gas Reservoirs15.1 Introduction15.2 Molecular Simulation of Gas Adsorption on Minerals15.3 ConclusionsChapter 16. Wettability of Gas Shale Reservoirs16.1 Introduction16.2 Wettability16.3 Imbibition in Gas Shales16.4 Factors Influencing Water Imbibition in Shales16.5 Quantitative Interpretation of Imbibition Data16.6 Estimation of Brine Imbibition at the Field Scale16.7 Initial Water Saturation in Gas Shales16.8 ConclusionsChapter 17. Gas Shale Challenges over the Asset Life Cycle17.1 Introduction17.2 The Asset Life Cycle17.3 Exploration Phase Discussion17.4 Appraisal Phase Discussion17.5 Development Phase Discussion17.6 Production Phase Discussion17.7 Rejuvenation Phase Discussion17.8 Conclusions – Recommended PracticesChapter 18. Gas Shale Environmental Issues and Challenges18.1 Overview18.2 Water Use18.3 The Disposal and Reuse of Fracking Wastewater18.4 Groundwater Contamination18.5 Methane Emissions18.6 Other Air Emissions18.7 Social Impacts on Shale Gas Communities18.8 Induced Seismicity: Waste Water Injection and Earthquakes18.9 Regulatory Developments18.10 Disclosure of Fracking Chemicals18.11 At the Federal Government Level18.12 Conclusion
- ISBN: 978-1-118-64579-6
- Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 456
- Fecha Publicación: 17/08/2015
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés