(34 resultados)
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117,52€(IVA inc.)
Vertebrate Ichnology: The Fossil Record of Prehistoric Behavior
- Lucas, Spencer G
- 978-0-443-13837-9
- 2024-11-01
135,20€(IVA inc.)
Remote Sensing and GIS in Peri-Urban Research: Perspectives on Global Change, Sustainability and Resilience
- Sahana, Mehebub
- 978-0-443-15832-2
- 2024-08-01
135,20€(IVA inc.)
Aerosols and Precipitation Over Africa: Progress, Challenges, and Prospects
- Akinsanola, Akintomide Afolayan
- 978-0-443-14050-1
- 2025-02-01
135,20€(IVA inc.)
Quantitative Methods in Stratigraphy: A Multi-Proxy Palaeoenvironmental Analysis of Outcrop and Core Data
- Bábek, Ondrej
- 978-0-443-21538-4
- 2025-02-01
135,20€(IVA inc.)
Tropical Cyclones and Associated Impacts: A Global Perspective
- Villarini, Gabriele
- 978-0-323-95390-0
- 2024-11-01
138,32€(IVA inc.)
Applications of Geospatial Technology and Modeling for River Basin Management
- Chandra Pal, Subodh
- 978-0-443-23890-1
- 2024-09-01
144,56€(IVA inc.)
Atmospheric Oscillations: Sources of Subseasonal-to-Seasonal Variability and Predictability
- Guan, Bin
- 978-0-443-15638-0
- 2024-11-01
144,56€(IVA inc.)
Climate and Anthropogenic Impacts on Earth Surface Processes in the Anthropocene
- Beylich, Achim
- 978-0-443-13215-5
- 2024-10-01
146,63€(IVA inc.)
South Asian Summer Monsoon: Processes, Prediction, and Societal Impacts
- Rajeevan, Madhavan Nair
- 978-0-443-23945-8
- 2025-02-01