(10784 resultados)
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44,39€(IVA inc.)
China intellectual property: challenges and solutions : an essential business guide
- Ordish, Rebecca
- 978-0-470-82275-3
- 2008-03-30
40,50€(IVA inc.)
Soviet workers and the collapse of Perestroika: the soviet labour process and Gorbachev's reforms, 1985–1991
- Filtzer, Donald
- 978-0-521-05653-3
- 2008-03-27
41,81€(IVA inc.)
Ideology, strategy and party change: spatial analyses of post-war election programmes in 19 democracies
- Budge, Ian
- 978-0-521-05667-0
- 2008-03-27
36,58€(IVA inc.)
Legal positivism in american jurisprudence
- Sebok, Anthony J.
- 978-0-521-05716-5
- 2008-03-27
40,50€(IVA inc.)
The concept of constituency: political representation, democratic legitimacy, and institutional design
- Rehfeld, Andrew
- 978-0-521-05732-5
- 2008-03-27
48,95€(IVA inc.)
ETF strategies and tactics: hedge your portfolio in a changing market
- Rosenberg, Laurence
- 978-0-07-149734-3
- 2008-03-24
31,00€(IVA inc.)
Presupuestos de la seguridad social: cifras y datos ejercicio 2008
- Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales
- 978-84-8417-283-3
- 2008-03-20
0,00€(IVA inc.)
Consumed: how markets corrupt children, infantilize adults and swallow citizens whole
- Barber, Benjamin R.
- 978-0-393-33089-2
- 2008-03-20
130,60€(IVA inc.)
Encyclopedia of candlestick charts
- Bulkowski, Thomas N.
- 978-0-470-18201-7
- 2008-03-19