30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Chemical Engineering
Pierucci, Sauro
Manenti, Flavio
Bozzano, Giulia Luisa
Manca, Davide
The 30th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering, contains the papers presented at the 30th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) event held in Milan, Italy, from May 24-27, 2020. It is a valuable resource for chemical engineers, chemical process engineers, researchers in industry and academia, students, and consultants for chemical industries. Presents findings and discussions from the 30th European Symposium of Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) event INDICE: PART A Preface xv Organizing & Scientific Committee xvii MODELLING AND SIMULATION 1. Computer-aided Semi-empirical Model of Interphase Mass and Enthalpy Transfer in a Packed Column Distillation Process Goro Nishimura, Kunio Kataoka, Hideo Noda, Naoto Ohmura 1 2. Methanol Kinetics from Optimal Dynamic Experiments Carsten Seidel, Achim Kienle 7 3. Rigorous Modelling and Simulation of the Mass Transfer on the Trays of a Pilot Scale Distillation Column Mayra Margarita May Vázquez, Fernando Israel Gomez Castro, Mario Rodriguez- Angeles 13 4. Development of a Virtual Environment for the Rigorous Design and Optimization of Shell-and-tube Heat Exchangers Oscar Lara-Montano, Fernando Israel Gomez Castro, Claudia Gutierrez-Antonio 19 5. A Multiscale Modelling Approach for the Design of New Polymer Materials Alain Dequidt, Sebastien Garruchet, Benoit Latour, Nicolas Martzel, Ronald Blaak, Etienne Munch, Nicolas Seeboth, Patrice Malfreyt 25 6. Structured and Unstructured (hybrid) Modeling in Precision Medicine Linas Mockus, Gintaras Victor Rex Reklaitis, Yuehwern Yih 31 7. A Two Carriers Reactor Configuration for Packed Bed Chemical-looping for Power Generation Erasmo Mancusi, Piero Bareschino, Annunziata Forgione, Francesco Pepe 37 8. Modeling of Liquid-liquid Phase Transfer Catalysis: Process Intensification via Integration of Process Systems Engineering and Computational Chemistry Abhimanyu Pudi, Adam Karcz, Vahid Shadravan, Martin Peter Andersson, Seyed Mansouri 43 9. Investment Planning in Personalised Medicine Despoina Moschou, Maria Papathanasiou, Matthew Lakelin, Nilay Shah 49 10. A Stochastic Modelling Approach to Describe the Effect of Drying Heterogeneity in the Lyophilisation of Pharmaceutical Vaccines Gabriele Bano, Riccardo De-Luca, Emanuele Tomba, Fabrizio Bezzo, Massimiliano Barolo 55 11. CFD Simulation of Film and Rivulet Flows on Microstructured Surfaces Rene Bertling, Matthias Hack, Ilja Ausner, Marc Wehrli, Eugeny Kenig 61 12. Energy Reduction Potential in Natural Gas Processing Through Heat and Process Integration Mohamed El Amine Berchiche, Salah Belaadi, Gregoire Leonard 67 13. An Adaptive Data-driven Modelling and Optimization Framework for Complex Chemical Process Design Thomas Savage, Hector Almeida-Trasvina, Ehecatl Antonio Del Rio Chanona, Robin Smith, Dongda Zhang 73 14. Modelling and Optimisation of Middle Vessel Batch Distillation Elena Catalina Udrea, Romuald Gyorgy, Costin Sorin Bildea 79 15. Investigation of Heat Transfer Enhancement in a Microchannel Heat Sink with the Aid of Internal Fins: a Metamodel Approach Vahid Hosseinpour, Mohammad Kazemeini 85 16. Optimization of Rfcc Process Considering Particle Deposition Model Hyungtae Cho, Kwang Cheol Oh, Jiheon Lee, Seokyoung Hong, Junghwan Kim 91 17. Dimethyl Carbonate Production by Urea Transesterification, Process Simulation and Environmental Assessment Laurent Astruc, Jose Miranda, Ivonne Rodriguez-Donis, Claire Vialle, Caroline Sablayrolles 97 18. Modeling and Study of Hydrodynamic Flow within the Preneutralizer Reactor Using CFD Approach Safae Elmisaoui, Lhachmi Khamar, Saad Benjelloun, Mohamed Khamar, Jean Michel Ghidaglia 103 19. Modelling and Optimization of a Multi-regional Hydrogen Supply System: a Case Study of China Tianxiao Li, Pei Liu, Zheng Li 109 20. A Hybrid Modelling Approach to Developing Digital Twins of an Ultra- supercritical Steam Turbine Control Stage Jianxi Yu, Pei Liu, Zheng Li 115 21. Stochastic Analyses on Relative Viscosity of Water-in-oil Emulsions Ana Sousa, Maria Pereira, Henrique Matos 121 22. Efficient Data-based Methodology for Model Enhancement and Flowsheet Analyses for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Pooja Bhalode, Nirupaplava Metta, Yingjie Chen, Marianthi Ierapetritou 127 23. Artificial Neural Network to Capture the Dynamics of a Dividing Wall Column Eduardo Sanchez Ramirez, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez, Esteban Abelardo Hernández-Vargas 133 An Optimal Design of Expansion-contraction Microchannel Based on Blockage Analysis Lin Wang, De Yan, Shuzhi Song, Jiarui Liu 139 Comparative Study of Surrogate Modelling Techniques Applied to Three Different Chemical Processes Ramon Mur, Ismael Diaz Moreno, Manuel Rodriguez Hernandez 145 A Non-autonomous Relativistic Frame of Reference for Unit Operation Design Andres Carranza-Abaid, Jana Jakobsen 151 27. Evaluating the Transient Operation of Pcc for Fast Response Gas Turbines in a Future Low-carbon Energy System Mathew Wilkes, Solomon Brown 157 28. Increasing Power System Flexibility to Integrate High Share of Renewable Energy Siyuan Chen, Pei Liu, Zheng Li 163 29. A Discrete Modeling Approach for Excess Gibbs-energy Models Combined with Molecular Sampling Christoph Mayer, Thomas Wallek 169 30. Reliable Modelling of Twin-screw Extruders by Integrating the Backflow Cell Methodology into a Mechanistic Model Maximilian Cegla, Sebastian Engell 175 31. Comparison of Two Meta-heuristics for the Bi-objective Flexible Job Shop Scheduling Problem with Sequence Dependent Setup Times Joao Sacramento, Joao Pedrosa, Nelson Chibeles-Martins, Tânia Pinto-Varela 181 32. Simulation of the Crystallization Process Based on Cellular Automata --- Snowflake Formation from Pure Water System Jianmin Liu, Jindong Dai, Chengyu Han, Junkai Zhang, Jiali Ai, Chi Zhai, Xiaolin Liu, Wei Sun 187 33. A Thermo-economic Analysis Method for Combined Cycle Power Plants Under Flexible Operation Modes Senjing Qin, Pei Liu, Zheng Li 193 34. Two-phase Flow Modelling and Simulation of Gas Purification Column Livia Gyurik, Attila Egedy, Tamas Varga, Zsolt Ulbert 199 35. Parameters Influencing the Rate-based Simulation of CO2 Removal Units by Potassium Taurate Solvent Stefania Moioli, Minh T. Ho, Laura A. Pellegrini, Dianne E. Wiley 205 36. Innovative Hybrid Energy System for Stable Power and Heat Supply in Offshore Oil & Gas Installation (hes-off): System Design and Grid Stability Luca Riboldi, Erick Alves, Marcin Pilarczyk, Elisabetta Tedeschi, Lars Nord 211 Nonlinear Prediction Model of Blast Furnace Operation Status Pourya Azadi, Saeid Ahangari Minaabad, Hauke Bartusch, Rainer Klock, Sebastian Engell 217 CFD Simulation of a Solid-liquid Counter-current Screw Extractor Annemarie Lehr, Gábor Janiga, Andreas Seidel-Morgenstern, Dominique Thevenin 223 Optimum Utilization of Jatropha Seedcake Considering the Energy, Water and Food Nexus Mohammad Alherbawi, Ahmed Alnouss, Gordon Mckay, Tareq Al-Ansari 229 40. Potential Integrated Pathways for Jet Biofuel Production from Whole Fruit of Jatropha Mohammad Alherbawi, Tareq Al-Ansari, Gordon Mckay 235 41. Environmental Impacts of the Future German Energy System from Integrated Energy Systems Optimization and Life Cycle Assessment Christiane Reinert, Sarah Deutz, Hannah Minten, Lukas Doerpinghaus, Sarah Von Pfingsten, Nils Baumgaertner, Andre Bardow 241 42. A General Dynamic Model of a Complete Milk Pasteuriser Unit Subject to Fouling Mengjia Zhu, Federico Lozano Santamaria, Sandro Macchietto 247 43. A Nonsmooth Approach to Multicontaminant Mass and Water Integration Caroline Nielsen, Paul I. Barton 253 44. Systematic Generation of a Robust Compartment Model for Counter-current Spray Dryers Borja Hernandez, Mark A. Pinto, Mariano Martin 259 45. Multiobjective Dynamic Optimization of Slow Freezing Processes for Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells by Modeling Intracontainer Condition Yusuke Hayashi, Ikki Horiguchi, Masahiro Kino-Oka, Hirokazu Sugiyama 265 46. Optimal Design of a Non-isothermal Hybrid Catalyst Pellet Based on Pod-deim Reduced-order Methodology Katarzyna Bizon, Gaetano Continillo 271 47. Cyclopentane Purification from Multicomponent Azeotropic Mixtures Intararit Nuchteera, Pairojpiriyakul Thirasak, M. Chavagorn, C. Thanyalak, Siemanond Kitipat 277 48. Rigorous Simulation and Optimization of a Plant-wide Glycerol Carbonate (gc) Production Process Bor-Yih Yu, Wei-Jen Chen 283 49. Cfd-based Design Optimization of Air Quenching Equipment to Enhance the Cooling Effect Jiwon Roh, Hyungtae Cho, Yeongryeol Choi, Hyundo Park, Il Moon, Junghwan Kim 289 Integration of Computational Chemistry and Artificial Intelligence for Multi- scale Modeling of Bioprocesses Nima Nazemzadeh, Laura Wind Sillesen, Rasmus Fjordbak Nielsen, Mark Nicholas Jones, Krist V. Gernaey, Martin Peter Andersson, Seyed Mansouri 295 Performance Enhancement of Acid Gas Cleaning Units in the Natural Gas Processing via Design Modification Umer Zahid, Amr Al-Amri 301 Profitability Increase of a Formaldehyde Plant Ana Catarina Braz, Jorge Rocha, Ricardo Alvim, Henrique Matos 307 53. Automatic Improved Hybrid Scheduling and Worker-task Allocation Method Applied to Multi-purpose Production Plants Raul Calvo-Serrano, Matteo Abaecherli, Ruben Jungius, Thomas Kreuzer, Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez 313 54. Efficient Amine-based Carbon Capture in a Power-to-jet Process Under Varying Renewable Electricity Supply Mahmoud Mostafa, Christopher Varela, Elvis Ahmetovic, Edwin Zondervan 319 55. Analysis and Optimization of Carbon Supply Chains Integrated to a Power to Gas Plant in Italy Grazia Leonzio, Edwin Zondervan 325 56. Effect of Selective Size Extraction of Microalgae from a Photobioreactor Ergys Pahija, Chi-Wai Hui, John M. Woodley, Gurkan Sin 331 57. Numerical Modelling for Environmental Impact Assessment of Sediment Dispersion in Port Areas Stefania Magri, Patrizia De Gaetano, Alessandra Feola, Iolanda Lisi, Andrea Salmeri, Francesco Venti, Andrea Pedroncini 337 58. An Efficient Hybridization of Gaussian Processes and Clustering for Electricity Price Forecasting Aaron Steven Yeardley, Diarmid Roberts, Robert Milton, Solomon Brown 343 59. CFD Analysis of the Use of Desert Sand as Thermal Energy Storage Medium in a Solar Powered Fluidised Bed Harvesting Unit Mustapha Hamdan, Daniel Sebastia-Saez, Malak Hamdan, Harvey Arellano-Garcia 349 60. Model of Spray-drying for Encapsulation of Natural Extracts Andrea Bassani, Francesco Rossi, Cecilia Fiorentini, Guillermo Duserm Garrido, Gintaras Victor Rex Reklaitis, Irene Bonadies, Giorgia Spigno 355 61. Modelling and Simulation of Low Pressure Carburizing Furnaces Fatima Matamoros Marin, Pierre-Alexandre Glaude, Roda Bounaceur, Hubert Monnier, Abderrazak M. Latifi 361 62. Thermodynamic Analysis of Different Methanation Reactors for Biogas Upgrading Sayed Ebrahim Hashemi, Kristian M. Lien, Sondre K. Schnell, Bjorn Austbo 367 Optimisation of Energy Consumption in a Medium-scale Reverse Osmosis Brackish Water Desalination Plant Alanood Alsarayreh, Mudhar Al-Obaidi, Amro Al-Hroub, Raj Patel, Iqbal Mujtaba 373 Minimisation of Energy Consumption via Optimisation of a Simple Hybrid System of Multi Effect Distillation and Permeate Reprocessing Reverse Osmosis Processes for Seawater Desalination Omer Al-Hotmani, Mudhar Al-Obaidi, Y. M. John, Raj Patel, Flavio Manenti, Iqbal Mujtaba 379 Modelling and Performance Evaluation of Humidification-dehumidification Desalination Plant with Column Packing of Various Textures Damson Kaunga, Raj Patel, Iqbal Mujtaba 385 66. Application Domain Discovery of Thermodynamic Models by Mixture of Experts Learning Omar Hamadi, Tamas Varga, Janos Abonyi 391 67. Kinetics Study on Removal of Cadmium from Wastewater Haya Alyasi, Hamish Mackey, Gordon Mckay 397 68. Cost-effective Processes of Solar District Heating System Based on Optimal Artificial Neural Network Mohamed Abokersh, Manel Valles Valles, Laureano Jimenez, Dieter Boer 403 69. Packed-bed and Microchannel Reactors for the Reactive Capture of CO2 within Power-to-methane (p2m) Context: a Comparison Santiago Ortiz, Camilo Rengifo, Martha Cobo, Manuel Figueredo 409 70. Design and Eco-techno-economic Analyses of Sofc / Gas Turbine Hybrid Systems Accounting for Long-term Degradation Haoxiang Lai, Nor Farida Harun, David Tucker, Thomas Alan Adams Ii 415 71. Analysis of the Effect of the Ceramic Membrane Module Based on Ebsilon Software on Water Recovery of Flue Gas from Coal-fired Power Plants Chao Jiang, Chenhui Jia, Pei Liu, Zheng Li 421 72. Multi-objective Optimization Under Uncertainty of Novel Chpc Process Daniele Previtali, Francesco Rossi, Gintaras Victor Rex Reklaitis, Flavio Manenti 427 73. Multi-objective Dynamic Optimisation of Ampicillin Batch Crystallisation Antonios Dafnomilis, Samir Diab, Alistair Rodman, Andreas Boudouvis, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 433 74. Reliability Estimation for Sensor Networks in Chemical Plants Using Monte Carlo Methods Jose Hernandez, Carolina Salto, Gabriela Minetti, Mercedes Carnero, Mabel Sánchez 439 75. Low Temperature Applications for CO2 Capture in Hydrogen Production Donghoi Kim, David Berstad, Rahul Anantharaman, Julian Straus, Thijs Peters, Truls Gundersen 445 76. Development and Application of Simulation-based Methods for Engineering Optimization Under Uncertainty Atli Freyr Magnusson, Resul Al, Gurkan Sin 451 An Application of Computer Vision for Optimal Sensor Placement in Drop Printing Andrew Radcliffe, Gintaras Victor Rex Reklaitis 457 Livestock Production Planning with Batch-lines in the Agriculture Industry Brenno Menezes, Jeffrey Kelly, Tareq Al-Ansari 463 Ethanol Reforming: Setting Up Performance Target Shahid Ansari, Baraka Sempuga, Xinying Liu 469 80. Thermodynamic Framework for Cryogenic Carbon Capture Laura A. Pellegrini, Giorgia De Guido, Stefania Ingrosso 475 81. Investigation of a Hybrid Approach to Find all Solutions of Nonlinear Equation Systems Saskia Bublitz, Erik Esche, Jens-Uwe Repke 481 82. Fast and Accurate Simulation of Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Processes with Linear Adsorption Isotherms Rojiar Pishkari, Achim Kienle 487 83. Efficient Parameterization of a Surrogate Model of Molecular Interactions in Crystals David Bowskill, Isaac Sugden, Neil George, Adam Keates, Jennifer Webb, Constantinos Pantelides, Claire S. Adjiman 493 84. Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation of CO2 Methanation in a Fixed-bed Profile Reactor Steffen Flaischlen, Jan Martin, Bjarne Kreitz, Thomas Turek, Gregor D. Wehinger 499 85. Data-driven Approach for Predictive Modeling of By-product Formation in Methanol Synthesis Tibor Svitnic, Nga Do, Timm Schuhmann, Thomas Renner, Stephane Haag, Evrim Ors 505 86. Modeling of the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Considering H2 and CO Electrochemical Reactions Jia-Lin Kang, Chien-Chien Wang, Po-Hsun Chang, David Shan Hill Wong, Shi- Shang Jang, Chun-Hsiu Wang 511 87. Design Optimization of C3mr Natural Gas Liquefaction Process Pavan Veldandi, Sunjay Kurian 517 88. A Practical Application of Simulation-based Surrogate Modeling for Prereformer Reactor Robin Schmidt, Amelie Chattot, Amal Bouchrit, Moein Mighani, Evrim Ors 523 89. Development of a Microkinetic Model for the CO2 Methanation with an Automated Reaction Mechanism Generator Bjarne Kreitz, Gregor D. Wehinger, Franklin Goldsmith, Thomas Turek 529 Custom-made Temporomandibular Joint Mechanical Simulation: Different Fixation Pattern Anita Gaia Mazzocco, Andre Luiz Jardini, Elifas Levy Nunes, Rubens Maciel Filho 535 Cluster Analysis of Crude Oils Based on Physicochemical Properties Andre Sancho, Jorge Ribeiro, Marco Reis, Fernando Martins 541 Optimization and Control of a Rainwater Detention and Harvesting Tank Qiao Yan Soh, Edward O'Dwyer, Salvador Acha, Nilay Shah 547 Modelling and Simulation of Methanol Production and Conversion into Various Chemical Intermediates and Products Letitia Petrescu, Stefan-Cristian Galusnyak, Dora-Andreea Chisalita, Calin-Cristian Cormos 553 Evaluating the Existing Protocol for Lng Bunkering Operations Aruna Coimbatore Meenakshi Sundaram, Karimi Iftekhar Abubakar 559 A Recycle Model of Spent Liquor in Pre-treatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass Franco Mangone, Soledad Gutierrez 565 Promo-a Multi-disciplinary Process Modelling Suite Heinz A Preisig 571 Performance Evaluation of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Coupling to Biogas Tri- reforming with Installation of Hydrogen-selective Membrane Separator Dang Saebea, S. Soisuwan, Yaneeporn Patcharavorachot 577 A Grain-scale Study of Swelling Composite Porous Media Made of Fibres and Particles Tommaso Santagata, Roberto Solimene, Gilberto Aprea, Piero Salatino 583 Assessing the Sensitivity of Technical Performance of Three Ethanol Production Processes Based on the Fermentation of Steel Manufacturing Offgas, Syngas and a 3:1 Mixture Between H2 and CO2 Eduardo F. Almeida, Henk Noorman, Rubens Maciel Filho, John A. Posada 589 Techno-economic and Environmental Assessment of Electrofuels: a Case Study of Gasoline Production Using a Pem Electrolyser Diego Freire Ordonez, Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez 595 Dynamic Simulation of Chemical Looping Combustion in Packed Bed Reactors Vlad-Cristian Sandu, Calin-Cristian Cormos, Ana-Maria Cormos 601 Life Cycle Analysis of Phenol - Formaldehyde Resins Substituted with Lignin Olivia Ana Perederic, Aikaterini Mountraki, Electra Papadopoulou, John M. Woodley, Georgios M. Kontogeorgis 607 Transport Model of Fluids Injected in a Landfill Polluted with Lindane Wastes David Lorenzo, Aurora Santos, Carmen M. Dominguez, Joaquin Guadano, Jorge Gomez, Jesus Fernández 613 Modeling and Optimization for Short-term Scheduling of Plastic Bag Plants Myrian Gabriela Santos Torres, Jose Alberto Bandoni, Marta Susana Moreno 619 Analysis of an Industrial Adsorption Process Based on Ammonia Chemisorption: Modeling and Simulation Cristian Cardenas, Stephanie Marsteau, Lea Sigot, Cecile Vallieres, Abderrazak M. Latifi 625 Propagation of Parametric Uncertainty in a Conceptually Designed Bioethanol Production Process Dilara B. Yildiz, Nihat A. Sayar 631 107. New set of Graphical Axes for Grassroots Design of Heat Exchanger Networks for Chemical Engineering Applications Dina Kamel, Mamdouh Gadalla, Fatma Ashour 637 108. A Novel Process for Dimethyl Ether Synthesis Using Inter-stage Ceramic Membrane for Water Removal Abdulrahman Al-Rabiah 643 109. Computer-aided Solvent Mixture Design for the Crystallisation and Isolation of Mefenamic Acid Suela Jonuzaj, Oliver L. Watson, Sara Ottoboni, Chris J. Price, Jan Sefcik, Amparo Galindo, George Jackson, Claire S. Adjiman 649 110. Direct Dme Synthesis from Syngas: a Technoeconomic Model-based Investigation Andrea Bernardi, Yuchu Chen, David Chadwick, Benoit Chachuat 655 111. Microbial Pb(ii) Precipitation: Kinetic Modelling of Pb(ii) Removal and Microbial Growth Carla Horstmann, Deon Brink, Evans Chirwa 661 112. Optimization of a Cyclone Reactor for Biomass Hydropyrolysis Through Global Sensitivity Analysis and Stochastic Optimization Yris Gonzalez, Wilfredo Angulo, Dany De Cecchis, Maria Lucena, Santiago D Salas 667 113. Dynamic Modeling for Phb Production Based on Linear Mfa and Measurements from Batch Fermentation Adriana C. Torres Ospina, Carlos A. M. Riascos 673 114. A Methodological Design Framework for Hybrid power-to-methane and power-to-hydrogen Supply Chains: Application to Occitania Region, France Eduardo Carrera Guilarte, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel 679 PART B 115. A Two-stage Stochastic Programming Model to Determine the Optimal Screening Strategy for Colorectal Cancer David Young, Selen Cremaschi 685 116. Beyond Opospm: a Corrected Maximum Entropy Weibull Distribution for Solving Population Balances Menwer Attarakih, Hans-Jörg Bart 691 117. The Effect of Age on the Delivery of Intravenous Anesthesia: a Physiologically- based Modeling Approach to Pediatric Patients Daniel Salis, Adriana Savoca, Davide Manca 697 118. Physiologically-based Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Modeling of Unfractionated Heparin to Predict Activated Clotting Time Filippo Regorda, Emiliano Vigoni, Giuseppe Pesenti, Marina Pieri, Alessandro Belletti, Davide Manca 703 119. Application of a Pharmacokinetic Model to Inform the Optimal Dose for Individualized Drug Administration Giuseppe Pesenti, Marco Foppoli, Adriana Savoca, Davide Manca 709 120. Energy-efficient Solvent Properties for the Post-combustion Carbon Dioxide Capture Jin He, Pei Liu, Zheng Li 715 121. The Role of Process Engineering in the Digital Transformation Norbert Jung 721 SYNTHESIS AND DESIGN 122. A Mixed Integer Nonlinear Approach for the Automated Superstructure Generation Problem Luca Mencarelli, Alexandre Pagot 727 123. Rational Design of Ion Exchange Simulated Moving Bed Processes Marcus Fechtner, Achim Kienle 733 124. Optimal Use of Process Streams as Working Fluids in Work and Heat Exchange Networks (whens) Haoshui Yu, Chao Fu, Truls Gundersen, Emre Gencer 739 125. Computer Aided Molecular Design of Green Solvents for the Hydroformylation of Long-chain Olefines Tobias Kessler, Christian Kunde, Steffen Linke, Kevin McBride, Kai Sundmacher, Achim Kienle 745 126. Integration of Design and Operation Using Dynamic Perturbation and Chance Constraints with Unscented Transform Christian Hoffmann, Joris Weigert, Erik Esche, Jens-Uwe Repke 751 127. Modelling of Organophilic and Hydrophilic Pervaporations for Separation of Ethyl Acetate - Water Mixture Andras Jozsef Toth, Eniko Haaz, Reka Ladanyi, Botond Szilagyi, Daniel Fozer, Asmaa Selim, Tibor Nagy, Peter Mizsey 757 128. Superstructure Optimization for the Design of a Desalination Plant to Tackle the Water Scarcity in Texas (usa) Marcello Di Martino, Styliani Avraamidou, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos 763 129. Optimal Design of a Multi-product Polycrystalline Silicon Facility Cesar Ramirez-Marquez, Edgar Martin-Hernandez, Mariano Martin, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez 769 130. Synthesis and Optimization of a Furfural Production Process. a Case Study of Mexico Considering Different Lignocellulosic Feedstocks Gabriel Contreras-Zarazua, Mariano Martin, Eduardo Sanchez Ramirez, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez 775 131. Heat Exchanger Network Retrofit for Processes with Multiple Operating Cases: a Metaheuristic Approach 781 Jan A. Stampfli, Donald G. Olsen, Beat Wellig, Rene Hofmann 132. Sustainable Process Synthesis, Design and Innovation of Bio-succinic Acid Production Rofice Dickson, Enrico Mancini, Nipun Garg, Jay Liu, Manuel Pinelo, Seyed Mansouri 787 133. Optimal Design of Macroalgae-based Integrated Biorefinery: Economic and Environmental Perspective Rofice Dickson, Jun-Hyung Ryu, Jay Liu 793 134. Integrating Superstructure Optimization Under Uncertainty and Optimal Experimental Design in Early Stage Process Development Stefanie Kaiser, Sebastian Engell 799 135. A Thermodynamic Approach for Simultaneous Solvent and Process Design of Continuous Reactive Crystallization with Recycling Nethrue Mendis, Jiayuan Wang, Richard Lakerveld 805 136. Synthesis of Complex Distillation Sequences with Multiple Feeds Jose A. Caballero, Juan A. Reyes-Labarta, Juan Javaloyes-Anton 811 137. Integrating Suppliers into the Simultaneous Process and Product Design of Formulated Products Manuel Taifouris, Mariano Martin, Alberto Martinez, Nats Esquejo 817 Modeling Framework Forjoint Product and Process Synthesis with Material Recovery Opportunities Ana Somoza-Tornos, Qi Chen, Moises Graells, Antonio Espuna, Ignacio E. Grossmann 823 Value Chain Synthesis in Algae Biorefineries Under Uncertainty Melina Psycha, Lorenzo-Andreas Mamos, Antonis Kokossis 829 Effect of Flue Gas Composition on the Design of a CO2 Capture Plant Ana Gabriela Romero-Garcia, Nelly Ramirez-Corona, Eduardo Sanchez Ramirez, Heriberto Alcocer-García, Juan Gabriel Segovia-Hernandez 835 Deterministic Global Optimization of Multistage Membrane Gas Separation Using Surrogate Models Marius Hoernschemeyer, Christian Kunde 841 An Innovative and Fully Automated System for Gel Electrophoresis Konstantinos Theodoridis, Fotios Stergiopoulos, Dimitrios Bechtsis, Nikolaos Nikolaidis, Dimitrios Triantafillides, Apostolos Tsagaris, Anastasios Filelis, Asterios Papaikonomou 847 Integrated Design of Process Configuration and Scheduling for Hydrogen Peroxide Decontamination in Biopharmaceutical Injectable Manufacturing Keisho Yabuta, Haruka Futamura, Koji Kawasaki, Hirokazu Sugiyama 853 Social Life Cycle Assessment of Pulp and Paper Production-a Portuguese Case Study Andreia Santos, Catherine Norris, Ana Paula Barbosa-Povoa, Ana Carvalho 859 Determining the Design Parameters of Reactive Distillation Processes by a Quick Mapping Method Rahma Muthia, Megan Jobson, Anton Alexandru Kiss 865 Conceptual Design Based on Superstructure Optimization in Gams with Accurate Thermodynamic Models David Krone, Erik Esche, Norbert Asprion, Mirko Skiborowski, Jens-Uwe Repke 871 A Multiperiod Approach for Flexible Work and Heat Integration Leandro Pavao, Mauro Antonio Da Silva Sá Ravagnani, Caliane Costa 877 Multi-objective Evolutionary Algorithm Based on Decomposition (moea/d) for Optimal Design of Hydrogen Supply Chains Victor Cantu, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel, Antonin Ponsich 883 Integrated in Silico Design of Catalysts and Processes Based on Quantum Chemistry Christoph Gertig, Lorenz Fleitmann, Carl Hemprich, Janik Hense, Andre Bardow, Kai Leonhard 889 In Silico Screening of Metal-organic Frameworks for Acetylene/ethylene Separation Yageng Zhou, Teng Zhou, Kai Sundmacher 895 Process Synthesis and Simultaneous Heat and Electricity Integration to Reduce Consumption of Primary Energy Sources Andreja Nemet, Timothy Gordon Walmsley, Elvis Ahmetovic, Zdravko Kravanja 901 Coproduction of Ethylene and Propylene Based on Ethane and Propane Feedstocks Alejandro Pedrozo, Belen Rodriguez Reartes, Maria Soledad Diaz, A. R. Vecchietti, Ignacio E. Grossmann 907 Circular Economy Analysis of Helium Recovery from Sales Gas Product Ahmed Alnouss, Saad Al-Sobhi 913 Optimal Design and Operation of Flexible Polygeneration Systems Using Decomposition Algorithms Avinash Shankar Rammohan Subramanian, Thomas Alan Adams Ii, Truls Gundersen, Paul I. Barton 919 Computational Shape Optimization of Microreactors Based on CFD Simulation and Surrogate Model Driven Optimization Runzhe Liang, Zhihong Yuan 925 High-purity Dmc Production by Indirect Alcoholysis of Urea: Optimal Design and Control Iulian Patrascu, Costin Sorin Bildea, Anton Alexandru Kiss 931 Optimization of Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers Sizing with Heat Transfer Enhancement Zekun Yang, Yingjie Ma, Nan Zhang, Robin Smith The Evaluation of Combined Heat and Mass Exchanger Network Synthesis Using Novle Stage-wise Superstructure Eleonora Amelia, Siemanond Kitipat, Saura Pierucci, Flavio Manenti, Giulia Bozzano, Davide Manco An Improved Superstructure-based Model for Integrating an Organic Rankine Cycle into Total Site 937 943 Zheng Chu, Nan Zhang, Robin Smith 949 MINLP Synthesis of Flexible Process Flow Sheets Under Variable Carbon Tax Rates Klavdija Zirngast, Zdravko Kravanja, Zorka Novak Pintaric 955 Design Space Investigation for Development of Continuous Flow Syntheses of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Samir Diab, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 961 Optimization of Liquid Air Energy Storage (laes) Using a Genetic Algorithm(ga) Zhongxuan Liu, Haoshui Yu, Truls Gundersen 967 Sensitivity Analysis of Desulfurization Costs for Small-scale Natural Gas Sweetening Units Yushi Deng, Shuang Xu, Kylie Webb, Harrison Wright, Paul Dimick, Selen Cremaschi, Mario Eden 973 Synthesis of Heat Pump Enhanced Solar Thermal for Low and Medium Temperature Operations Ben Abikoye, Lidija Cucek, Danijela Urbancl, Adeniyi Isafiade, Zdravko Kravanja 979 Protein from Renewable Resources: Mycoprotein Production from Agricultural Residues Thomas Upcraft, Rob Johnson, Tim Finnigan, Jason Hallett, Miao Guo 985 Energy Efficient Distillation by Combination of Thermal Coupling and Heat Integration Mirko Skiborowski 991 Optimization-based Design of Rotating Packed Beds with Zickzack Packings Kai Kruber, Hina Qammar, Mirko Skiborowski 997 Design Concepts for Pressurized Lng Storage Tanks Marian Krol 1003 Automatic Synthesis of Distillation Processes for the Separation of Heterogeneous Azeotropic Multi-component Mixtures Thulasi Sasi, Kai Kruber, Moreno Ascani, Mirko Skiborowski 1009 Technical and Economic Feasibility of Direct Methane Conversion for Hydrocarbon Production: Process Design and Techno-economic Analysis Thai Ngan Do, Yong Tae Kim, Jiyong Kim 1015 Optimization Study of H2/co Ratio in the Steam Gasification of Pks Using Coal Bottom Ash for Fuel Production Through Response Surface Methodology Muhammad Shahbaz , Tareq Al-Ansari, Gordon Mckay, Suzana Yusup, Muddasser Inayat 1021 Co2-based Acetic Acid Production Assessment Kelvin Andre Pacheco, Antonio Esio Bresciani, Claudio A. Oller Nascimento, Rita Maria Brito Alves 1027 CO2 Conversion into Formates/carbamates in an Electrolyte System Maria Clara Mendes Silva, Alessandra Carvalho Reis, Antonio Esio Bresciani, Newton Libanio Ferreira, Rita Maria Brito Alves 1033 Process Systems Design Framework for Resource Recovery from Wastewater Alex Durkin, Marcos Millan-Agorio, Miao Guo 1039 Intensified Green Process for Synthesizing Non-phosgene Hexamethylene-1,6- dicarbamate San-Jang Wang, David Shan Hill Wong, Yu-Zhang Chen, En-Ko Lee 1045 Heat Exchanger Network Optimization Including Detailed Heat Exchanger Models Using Trust Region Method Saif Kazi, Michael Short, Lorenz T. Biegler 1051 MINLP Model for Reliability Optimization of System Design and Maintenance Based on Markov Chain Representation Yixin Ye, Ignacio E. Grossmann, Jose Pinto, Sivaraman Ramaswamy 1057 Synthesis of Sustainable Integrated Process, Water Treatment and Power Generation Networks Yue Li, Zhihong Yuan, Rafiqul Gani 1063 Non-newtonian Analysis of a Counter-flow Mixing Reactor for Fast Hydrothermal Liquefaction Khanh-Quang Tran 1069 Techno-economic Analysis of Heat Pumping Technology for Oleochemical Fatty Acid Fractionation Norul Malakiah Sidek, Mohamad Rizza Othman 1075 Ghg Emission Reduction Assessment for Desalination Systems Through Carbon Capture and Renewable Energy Options Rachid Klaimi, Sabla Alnouri 1081 PROCESS CONTROL AND OPERATIONS Nmpc Based Temperature Control in Fed-batch Reactor to Avoid Thermal Runaway Alex Kummer, Lajos Nagy, Tamas Varga 1087 A Framework for Application of Forward Iterative Dynamic Programming to Mixed Integer Control and Sequencing Problems Michael Mulholland 1093 Robust Short-term Planning of Combined Heat and Power Plants Participating in the Spot Market Lise Mallier, Gilles Hetreux, Raphaele Thery-Hetreux, Philippe Baudet 1099 Plantwide Control Structure Selection Methodology Based on Economics: a Quadratic Approximation Christos Patilas, Ioannis Kookos 1105 Optimal Design and Planning of Biomass-to-biofuel Supply Chain Considering Economic Dimension Under Strategic and Tactical Levels: a Case Study in Ethiopia Brook Tesfamichael, Ludovic Montastruc, Stephane Negny, Abubeker Yimam 1111 Modelling a Penicillin Fermentation Process Using Attention-based Echo State Networks Optimized by Covariance Matrix Adaption Evolutionary Strategy Kai Liu, Jie Zhang 1117 Tailored Time Grids for Nonlinear Scheduling Subject to Time-variable Electricity Prices by Wavelet-based Analysis Pascal Schafer, Alexander Mitsos 1123 Troubleshooting an Industrial Batch Process for the Manufacturing of Specialty Chemicals Using Data Analytics Federico Zuecco, Pierantonio Facco, Stefan Hoeser, Mattia Fogli, Matteo Cicciotti, Fabrizio Bezzo, Massimiliano Barolo 1129 On the Role of State Estimation in Real-time Scheduling Venkatachalam Avadiappan, Christos Maravelias 1135 Augmenting Heat Balance of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Model and Improving Plant Control by Counteracting Temperature Disturbances Daniel Cristiu, Melinda Simon-Várhelyi, Alexandra Veronica Luca, Marius Brehar, Vasile Mircea Cristea 1141 Optimal Start-up of Air Separation Processes Using Dynamic Optimization with Complementarity Constraints Adrian Caspari, Steffen R. Fahr, C. Offermanns, Adel Mhamdi, Lorenz T. Biegler, Alexander Mitsos 1147 Scheduling of a Large-scale Industrial Make-and-pack Process with Finite Intermediate Buffer Using Discrete-time and Precedence-based Models Christian Klanke, Vassilios Yfantis, Francesc Corominas, Sebastian Engell 1153 Optimization of Business Transactional Processes in a Digital Supply Chain Hector Perez, Satyajith Amaran, Esra Erisen, John Wassick, Ignacio E. Grossmann 1159 Fault Propagation Path Inference in a Complex Chemical Process Based on Time-delayed Mutual Information Analysis Cheng Ji, Fangyuan Ma, Xuebing Zhu, Jingde Wang, Wei Sun 1165 Dynamic Optimization of an Emulsion Polymerization Process Using an Embedded Monte Carlo Model for Bimodal Mwd Johannes M. M. Faust, Lars Henrichfreise, Adel Mhamdi, Alexander Mitsos 1171 A Hybrid Model Predictive Control Strategy Using Neural Network Based Soft Sensors for Particle Processes Rasmus Fjordbak Nielsen, Krist V. Gernaey, Seyed Mansouri 1177 Water Distribution Network Optimization Considering Uncertainties in the Nodes Demands Raquel Salcedo-Diaz, Ruben Ruiz-Femenia, Jose A. Caballero, Mauro Antonio Da Silva Sá Ravagnani 1183 Enabling Dynamic Real-time Optimization Under Uncertainty Using Data- driven Chance Constraints Joris Weigert, Christian Hoffmann, Erik Esche, Jens-Uwe Repke 1189 Flexibility Analysis of High-dimensional Systems via Cylindrical Algebraic Decomposition Chenglin Zheng, Fei Zhao, Lingyu Zhu, Xi Chen 1195 Online Optimal Cleaning Scheduling and Control of Heat Exchanger Networks Under Fouling with Large Disturbances Federico Lozano Santamaria, Sandro Macchietto 1201 Integrated Planning of Industrial Gas Supply Chains Yena Lee, Alba Carrero-Parreno, Lazaros G. Papageorgiou, Sivaraman Ramaswamy, Jose Pinto 1207 Advanced Process Control of an Industrial Depropanizer Column Using Data- based Inferential Sensors Martin Mojto, Karol Lubusky, Miroslav Fikar, Radoslav Paulen 1213 Mpc for Process Heat Supply Systems: Considering Load Prediction Uncertainty Caused by Human Operators Florian Fuhrmann, Alexander Schirrer, Martin Kozek 1219 Swarm Optimisation for Shipping Fleet Scheduling, Routing and Delivery in Sustainable Liquified Natural Gas (lng) Supply Chain Models Sara Al Haidous, Rajesh Govindan, Tareq Al-Ansari 1225 Online Decoupled Data-driven Estimation of Nonlinear Kinetic Parameters Wilfredo Angulo, Dany De Cecchis, Santiago D Salas 1231 Linear Combination of Gradients as Optimal Controlled Variables Dinesh Krishnamoorthy, Sigurd Skogestad 1237 Optimisation of Petroleum Production Well Placement Under Geological Uncertainty Emmanuel Epelle, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 1243 Oil Production Optimisation Using Piecewise Linear Approximations (milp): Computational Performance Comparison Vs. MINLP Formulation Emmanuel Epelle, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 1249 A Fuzzy Control Approach for an Industrial Refrigeration System Robert Menzhausen, Manuel Merino, Bogdan Dorneanu, Jose Jose Manrique Silupu, William Ipanaque Alama, Harvey Arellano-Garcia Online Process Monitoring in Smb Processes 1255 Stefanie Gerlich, Yannik Misz, Sebastian Engell 1261 Conceptual Design of Novel Processes for 4-hydroxybutyl Acrylate Production Mihai Moraru, Elena Zaharia, Costin Sorin Bildea 1267 Physically Consistent Machine Learning Models Using Artificial Data for Miso Systems and Model Predictive Control Jia-Lin Kang, Shi-Shang Jang, Sun Fan-Kai, Po-Hsun Chang 1273 CO2 Reduction by Advanced Process Control in Gasification Processes Moein Mighani, Karsten Covella, Evrim Ors, Jean-Francois Rauch, Hans-Peter Monch, Martin Grabner 1279 A Deep Learning Approach on Surrogate Model Optimization of a Cryogenic Ngl Recovery Unit Operation Wenbo Zhu, Jorge Chebeir, Zachary Webb, Jose Romagnoli 1285 Control Strategies for Natural Gas Liquids Recovery Plants Stefania Tronci, Jorge Chebeir, Marta Mandis, Roberto Baratti, Jose Romagnoli 1291 Global Optimization of Refinery - Petrochemical Operations via Process Clustering Decomposition Ariel Uribe-Rodriguez, Pedro M Castro, Benoit Chachuat, Gonzalo Guillen- Gosalbez 1297 A Robust Nonlinear Estimator for a Yeast Fermentation Biochemical Reactor Silvia Lisci, Massimiliano Grosso, Stefania Tronci 1303 Big Data Generation for Time Dependent Processes: the Tennessee Eastman Process for Generating Large Quantities of Process Data Emil Anderson, Isuru Abeykoon Udugama, Krist V. Gernaey, Christoph Bayer, Murat Kulahci 1309 Floating Pressure Control of Vapor Recompression Distillation in Propane- propylene Separation Jan Marvin Frias, San-Jang Wang, David Shan Hill Wong, Cheng-Huang Chou, Shi-Shang Jang, En-Ko Lee 1315 Modern Process Monitoring and Optimization Methods Integrating a Process Simulator into a Distributed Control System Corinna Busse, Ewa Bozek, Bernd-Markus Pfeiffer, Sreekumar Maroor, Mathias Oppelt 1321 CAPE IN SUSTAINABLE ENERGY APPLICATIONS A European Optimisation Tool for Carbon Capture and Storage, Accounting for Delays in Public Procurement Federico D'Amore, Leonardo Lovisotto, Fabrizio Bezzo 1327 Wind and Thermal Generation Portfolio: Optimal Strategies in Energy-only Pool Markets Under Wind Production Uncertainty Evangelos Tsimopoulos, Michael Georgiadis 1333 Supply Chain Optimization for the Production of Biofuels and Bioproducts from Lignocellulosic Biomass in Mexico Yulissa Espinoza-Vazquez, Fernando Israel Gomez Castro, Jose Ponce-Ortega 1339 Total Site Synthesis: Selection of Processes to Save Energy and Boost Cogeneration Konstantinos Pyrgakis, Antonis Kokossis 1345 An Extended Approach for the Integration of Heat Pumps into Hens Multi- period Milp Superstructure Formulation for Industrial Applications Leopold Prendl, Rene Hofmann 1351 Enabling Renewable Base Load Generation via Chemical Energy Storage Antonio Sánchez, Mariano Martin, Qi Zhang 1357 On the Benefit of Modular and Mobile Production Units in Biomass Waste-to- energy Supply Chains Andrew Allman, Chee Lee, Mariano Martin, Qi Zhang 1363 PART C 229. Assessment of Innovative Carbon Capture Technologies Applied for Flexible Energy Vectors Poly-generation Calin-Cristian Cormos, Ana-Maria Cormos, Ionela Dumbrava 1369 230. Holistic Approach for the Optimization of Industrial Hybrid Energy Hubs with Milp Verena Halmschlager, Rene Hofmann 1375 231. Agile Operation of Renewable Methanol Synthesis Under Fluctuating Power Inputs Christopher Varela, Mahmoud Mostafa, Elvis Ahmetovic, Edwin Zondervan 1381 232. Power-to-syngas Processes by Reactor-separator Superstructure Optimization Andrea Maggi, Marcus Wenzel, Kai Sundmacher 1387 233. Search Space Analysis in Work and Heat Exchange Networks Synthesis Using MINLP Models Lucas Francisco Dos Santos, Caliane Costa, Jose A. Caballero, Mauro Antonio Da Silva Sá Ravagnani 1393 234. Modelling and Simulation of the Conversion of Chicken Fat to Produce Renewable Aviation Fuel Through the Hydrotreating Process Ana Laura Moreno-Gomez, Claudia Gutierrez-Antonio, Fernando Israel Gomez Castro, Salvador Hernandez 1399 235. Mixed-integer Dynamic Scheduling Optimization for Demand Side Management Florian Baader, Maximilian Mork, Andre Xhonneux, Dirk Muller, Andre Bardow, Manuel Dahmen 1405 236. Design of a Sustainable Power-to-methanol Process: a Superstructure Approach Integrated with Heat Exchanger Network Optimization Philipp Kenkel, Timo Wassermann, Edwin Zondervan 1411 237. Optimization of Retrofit and Cleaning Schedules for Heat Exchanger Networks Subject to Fouling Federico Lozano Santamaria, Edward Honein, Sandro Macchietto 1417 238. Optimal Design of Integrated Urban Energy System Under Uncertainty and Sustainability Requirements Zhihao Chen, Styliani Avraamidou, Pei Liu, Efstratios N. Pistikopoulos 1423 239. Optimal Integration of a Stratified Thermal Energy Storage into a Multi- component Industrial Energy System Karl Schenzel, Rene Hofmann 1429 240. Portfolio Optimisation of Integrated Renewable Energy Cogeneration Systems Houd Al-Obaidli, Ahmed Alnouss, Yusuf Bicer, Tareq Al-Ansari 1435 vi Contents Techno-economic Assessment of Conceptual Design for Methanol Production Using Coal and Natural Gas Based Parallel Process Configuration Usama Ahmed, Umer Zahid, Nabeel Ahmad 1441 Sustainable Exergoeconomic Optimization of Petroleum Production Systems Meziane Akchiche, Jean-Louis Beauquin, Sabine Sochard, Sylvain Serra, Jean- Michel Reneaume, Pascal Stouffs 1447 Power-to-methanol at Refineries as a Precursor to Green Jet Fuel Production: a Simulation and Assessment Study Timo Wassermann, Christian Schnuelle, Philipp Kenkel, Edwin Zondervan 1453 Optimizing the Capacity of Thermal Energy Storage in Industrial Clusters Mandar Thombre, Sandeep Prakash, Brage Rugstad Knudsen, Johannes Jaschke 1459 Heat Decarbonisation Pathways in the Uk: Modelling and Policy Insights Vassilis Charitopoulos, Kong Chyong, David Reiner 1465 Energy System Design for the Production of Synthetic Carbon-neutral Fuels from Air-captured CO2 Lukas Weimann, Alexa Grimm, Janet Nienhuis, Paolo Gabrielli, Gert Jan Kramer, Matteo Gazzani 1471 Computational Tools Used in Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems Optimization- an Overview Houssein Guelleh, Iqbal Mujtaba, Raj Patel 1477 Sour Gas Sweetening Technologies for Distributed Resources-a Process Simulation Study Shuang Xu, Yushi Deng, Kylie Webb, Harrison Wright, Paul Dimick, Selen Cremaschi, Mario Eden 1483 Supply Chain Design Optimization within Planetary Boundaries Jonathan Wheeler, Angel Galan Martin, Fernando Mele, Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez 1489 Simultaneous Multiperiod Optimization of Rankine Cycles and Heat Exchanger Networks Cristina Elsido, Emanuele Martelli, Ignacio E. Grossmann 1495 A Milp Model for the Operational Planning of Multi-energy Systems Accounting for Variable Delivery/return Temperatures and Non-isothermal Mixing in Headers Luca Moretti, Giampaolo Manzolini, Emanuele Martelli 1501 Optimal Operation and Control of a Thermal Energy Storage System: Classical Advanced Control Versus Model Predictive Control Cristina Zotica, David Perez Pineiro, Sigurd Skogestad 1507 Contents vii A Robust Rolling-horizon Algorithm for the Optimal Operation of Multi- energy Systems with Yearly Constraints and Seasonal Storage Alessandro Francesco Castelli, Luca Moretti, Giampaolo Manzolini, Emanuele Martelli 1513 Global Sensitivity Analysis for Design and Operation of Distributed Energy Systems Ishanki De Mel, Panagiotis Demis, Bogdan Dorneanu, Oleksiy Klymenko, Evgenia Mechleri, Harvey Arellano-Garcia 1519 Retrofit of Heat Exchanger Networks with Temperature and Flowrate Uncertainties Yossaral Charnkhuang, Jui-Yuan Lee, Dominic C. Foo 1525 Probabilistic Performance Evaluation of Small-scale Organic Rankine Cycle Power Plants for Waste Heat Recovery Giuseppina Di Lorenzo, Ambra Giovannelli 1531 Optimum Installation of Heat Recovery Devices in Biomass Boiler Somchart Chantasiriwan 1537 Thermogravimetric Analysis of Individual Food Waste Items and Their Blends for Biochar Production Samar Elkhalifa, Omar Elhassan, Prakash Parthasarathy, Hamish Mackey, Tareq Al-Ansari, Gordon Mckay 1543 Analyzing Hydrogen Production Capacities to Seize Renewable Energy Surplus Mariana Corengia, Nicolas Estefan, Ana I. Torres 1549 Characterizing the Dynamic Behaviour of a Wte Plant Through Start-up Data Elisa Magnanelli, Jostein Mosby, Cansu Birgen, Per Carlsson, Michael Becidan 1555 Evaluating the Cleaning Routines in a Norwegian Wte Plant by Principal Component Analysis Cansu Birgen, Elisa Magnanelli, Per Carlsson, Michael Becidan, Jostein Mosby 1561 Circular Economy in Banana Cultivation Nicole Gehring, Bogdan Dorneanu, Jose Jose Manrique Silupu, William Ipanaque Alamac, Harvey Arellano-Garcia 1567 The Value of Bioenergy with CO2 Capture and Storage in an Electrified Uk Heat Sector Mathilde Fajardy, Vassilis Charitopoulos, David Reiner 1573 Strategic Biorefining Supply Chain Design for Novel Products in Immature Markets Anna Panteli, Sara Giarola, Nilay Shah 1579 viii Contents BIORESOURCES, BIOPROCESSES AND BIOMEDICAL SYSTEMS Optimization of Biomass Circulating Fluidized Bed Gasifier for Synthesis Applications Using Simulation and Response Surface Methodology Ingrid Lopes Motta, Andressa Neves Marchesan, Rubens Maciel Filho, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel Modelling and Analysis of Microbial Fuel Cells with a Two-species Anode Biofilm 1585 Ziming Yang, Aidong Yang 1591 Development of Systems Modelling Framework for Waste-to-resource Transformation Ivan Robles, Miao Guo 1597 Time Scale Analysis and Optimization of a Continuous Microbial Bioprocess Peter Sinner, Christoph Herwig, Julian Kager 1603 Integrated Design of Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes: Operation Modes and Process Configurations for Monoclonal Antibody Production Sara Badr, Kozue Okamura, Nozomi Takahashi, Vera Ubbenjans, Haruku Shirahata, Hirokazu Sugiyama 1609 Robust Monitoring of Lactic Acid Bacteria with Sequential Monte Carlo Ergys Pahija, Robert Spann, Gurkan Sin 1615 Solvent Selection Using Camd for the Solid-liquid Extraction of Bioactive Compounds from Agroindustrial Waste from Avocado (persea Americana) Jorge S. Rodriguez-Iniesta, Nancy Medina-Herrera, Guillermo C. Martinez-Avila, Romeo Rojas-Molina, Salvador Tututi-Avila 1621 Development of a Computational Intelligence Framework for the Strategic Design and Implementation of Large-scale Biomass Supply Chains Ahmed Alnouss, Rajesh Govindan, Gordon Mckay, Tareq Al-Ansari 1627 Optimising Multi Biomass Feedstock Utilisation Considering a Multi Technology Approach Tareq Al-Ansari, Ahmed Alnouss, Mohammad Alherbawi, Nayla Al-Thani, Prakash Parthasarathy, Samar Elkhalifa, Gordon Mckay 1633 Data-driven Model Development for Cardiomyocyte Production Experimental Failure Prediction Bianca Williams, Caroline Halloin, Wiebke Lobel, Ferdous Finklea, Elizabeth Lipke, Robert Zweigerdt, Selen Cremaschi 1639 Simulation of Multi-stage Lactic Acid Salting-out Extraction Using Ethanol and Ammonium Sulfate Andressa Neves Marchesan, Ingrid Lopes Motta, Rubens Maciel Filho, Maria Regina Wolf Maciel 1645 Contents ix Improving the Calibration of Kinetic Growth Models Using Dynamic Time Warping Mhd Adnan Jouned, Julian Kager, Judit Aizpuru, Christoph Herwig, Tilman Barz 1651 Dynamic Simulation and Visualisation of Ph-modulated Fed-batch Fermentation for Mab Production from CHO Cell Cultures Samir Diab, Sara Badr, Hirokazu Sugiyama, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 1657 Surrogate Modelling Based Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis for the Downstream Process Design of a Xylitol Biorefinery Nikolaus Vollmer, Krist V. Gernaey, Solange Mussatto, Gurkan Sin 1663 Process Modelling and Sensitivity Analysis of Roller Mill and Lauter Tun Subsystem Operation Eduardo Andres Morales, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 1669 Dynamic Modelling and Simulation of Cold Contact Fermentation (ccf) Dylan W. Pilarski, Dimitrios Gerogiorgis 1675 Application of the distance to Target Approach to the Multiobjective Optimization of Nutritional and Economic Costs Due to Food Loss and Waste Ricardo Abejon, Ian Vázquez-Rowe, Alba Bala, Pere Fullana-I-Palmer, Maria Margallo, Ruben Aldaco 1681 A Step Closer to the Market for Poly-hydroxy-alkanoates (phas) Through Their Bacterial Production in Continuous Bioreactors in Series: a Model Investigation of Novel Operating Strategies Christos Chatzidoukas, Evgenios Karasavvas 1687 Modelling Ontologies for Biorefinery Processes - a Case Study Robert Pujan, Roy Nitzsche, Jakob Kochermann, Heinz A Preisig 1693 Life Cycle Assessment for Carbon Balance of a Wastewater Treatment Integrated Microalgae Biofuel Production Process Peiyao Li, Xigang Yuan, Yiqing Luo 1699 Economics of Climate Change: a Sensitivity Analysis Study Applied to Integrated First- and Second-generation Ethanol Biorefinery Roymel Carpio, Simone Miyoshi, Andrew Milli Elias, Felipe Fernando Furlan, Roberto De Campos Giordano, Argimiro Secchi 1705 Assessing Parameter Relative Importance in Bioprocesses Mathematical Models Through Dynamic Sensitivity Analysis Julio Cesar Sánchez Rendon, Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez, Luis Geronimo Matallana-Perez, Oscar Andres Prado-Rubio 1711 Multi-objective Optimization of Co-processing of Bio-oil and Vacuum Gas Oil: a Survey of Gasoline Selling Price and Bio-oil Co-processing Ratio Le Wu, Qi Zhaowei, Yuqi Wang, Lan Zheng 1717 x Contents From Screening to Production: a Holistic Approach of High-throughput Model- based Screening for Recombinant Protein Production Niels Krausch, Sebastian Hans, Felix Fiedler, Sergio Lucia, Peter Neubauer, Mariano Nicolas Cruz Bournazou 1723 Techno-economic Assessment of a Hydrothermal Liquefaction Process for Energy Recovery from Food Waste Enrique Medina Martos, Pablo Miranda Rey, Jose Luis Galvez Martos, Javier Dufour Andia 1729 A Simulation Case Study for Bio-based Hydrogen Production from Hardwood Hemicellulose Ville Tuppurainen, Jani Kangas, Juha Ahola, Juha Tanskanen, Atte Aho, Henrik Grenman, Dmitry Murzin, Tapio Salmi 1735 INTERNET OF THINGS Computational Intelligence for Process-optimization Software Paola Oteiza, Juan Ardenghi, Nelida Brignole 1741 Identification and Localization of Cyber-attacks in Industrial Facilities Kathrin Reibelt, Jorg Matthes, Hubert B. Keller, Veit Hagenmeyer 1747 Online Condition Monitoring: Sensors, Models and Software for a Safe Management of Aged Process Plants Paolo Bragatto, Patrizia Agnello, Canio Mennuti, Maria Francesca Milazzo 1753 A Computational Workflow to Study Particle Transport in Porous Media: Coupling CFD and Deep Learning Agnese Marcato, Gianluca Boccardo, Daniele Marchisio 1759 CONCEPTS, METHODS AND TOOLS Hybrid Mechanistic-data-driven Modeling for the Deterministic Global Optimization of Transcritical Organic Rankine Cycle Wolfgang R. Huster, Artur M. Schweidtmann, Alexander Mitsos 1765 A Discrete Multiple Shooting Formulation for Efficient Dynamic Optimization Morgan Kelley, Ross Baldick, Michael Baldea 1771 Backoff-based Model-based Design of Experiments Under Model Mismatch Panagiotis Petsagkourakis, Federico Galvanin 1777 Computer-aided Hazop: Ontologies and Ai for Hazard Identification and Propagation Johannes I. Single, Jurgen Schmidt, Jens Denecke 1783 Machine Learning-aided Process Design for Formulated Products Liwei Cao, Danilo Russo, Werner Mauer, Huan Huan Gao, Alexei Lapkin 1789 Contents xi A Novel Multi-stage Stochastic Formulation with Decision-dependent Probabilities for Condition-based Maintenance Optimization Egidio Leo, Sebastian Engell 1795 Efficient Evaluation of Vacuum Pressure-swing Cycle Performance Using Surrogate-based, Multi-objective Optimization Algorithm Hector Octavio Rubiera Landa, Yoshiaki Kawajiri, Matthew J. Realff 1801 Qmac: a Quantum Mechanics/machine Learning-based Computational Tool for Chemical Product Design Qilei Liu, Kun Tang, Jinyuan Zhang, Yixuan Feng, Chenyang Xu, Linlin Liu, Jian Du, Lei Zhang 1807 The Value of Direct Programming the Pid Control Law in Matlab® Bartolomeo Cosenza, Michele Miccio 1813 Treated Industrial Wastewater as a Water and Nutrients Source for Tomatoes Cultivation: an Optimisation Approach Fatima-Zahra Lahlou, Sarah Namany, Hamish Mackey, Tareq Al-Ansari 1819 Uncovering the True Cost of Ionic Liquids Using Monetization Husain Baaqel, Victor Tulus, Benoit Chachuat, Gonzalo Guillen-Gosalbez, Jason Hallett 1825 Multi-objective Optimization of a Bioethanol Distillation Considering Heat Exchanger Fouling and Sustainability Indicators Fabian Zapf, Thomas Wallek 1831 Maximising Food Security Through a Macronutrient Optimisation Approach Considering Energy and Water Constraints Nayla Al-Thani, Tareq Al-Ansari, Rajesh Govindan 1837 Modelling Circular Structures in Reaction Networks: Petri Nets and Reaction Network Flux Analysis Jana M. Weber, Artur M. Schweidtmann, Eduardo Nolasco, Alexei Lapkin 1843 An Agent-based Model for Sustainable Power Generation Using Optimal Biomass Utilisation Sarah Namany, Ahmed Alnouss, Rajesh Govindan, Gordon Mckay, Tareq Al-Ansari 1849 A New Lagrangian Relaxation Approach for Multistage Stochastic Programs Under Endogenous Uncertainties Zuo Zeng, Selen Cremaschi 1855 A Hybrid Method for Integration of Heat Pump Assisted Distillation System with Intermediate Reboiler/condenser Jiaxin Yang, Minbo Yang, Xiao Feng, Yufei Wang 1861 xii Contents Optimal Evacuation Route Prediction in Fpso Based on Deep Q-network Seokyoung Hong, Kyojin Jang, Jiheon Lee, Hyungjoon Yoon, Hyungtae Cho, Il Moon 1867 A Methodology for Data Based Root-cause Analysis for Process Performance Deviations in Continuous Processes Patrick Schiermoch, Benedikt Beisheim, Keivan Rahimi-Adli, Sebastian Engell 1873 Reduced-order Modelling (rom) Approach for Optimal Microclimate Control in Agricultural Greenhouses Farhat Mahmood, Ikhlas Ghiat, Rajesh Govindan, Tareq Al-Ansari 1879 Network Optimization Model for a Sustainable Supply Network for Greenhouses Ikhlas Ghiat, Rajesh Govindan, Sarah Namany, Tareq Al-Ansari 1885 Integration of Chemical Process Simulators with Algebraic Modeling Languages Ruben Ruiz-Femenia, Juan Javaloyes-Anton, Raquel Salcedo-Diaz, Mauro Antonio Da Silva Sá Ravagnani, Jose A. Caballero 1891 Prediction of Sustainability Related Properties: Data Science Methods with Incorporated Prior Knowledge Gulnara Shavalieva, Pietro Postacchini 1897 A Framework for Stochastic and Surrogate-assisted Optimization Using Sequential Modular Process Simulators Alberto Penteado, Erik Esche, Joris Weigert, Jens-Uwe Repke 1903 Quantitative Risk Assessment and Management for CO2 Utilisation Industrial Network Ali Al-Yaeeshi, Rajesh Govindan, Tareq Al-Ansari 1909 Assessing Thermodynamic Flexibility Boundaries via Residue Curve Maps Alessandro Di Pretoro, Ludovic Montastruc, Flavio Manenti, Xavier Joulia 1915 A Straightforward Optimization Approach for a Baseload Propane-mixed Refrigerant Process Mary Katebah, Mohamed Hussein, Easa Al-musleh 1921 Market-like Distributed Coordination of Individually Constrained and Coupled Production Plants with Quadratic Approximation Simon Wenzel, Felix Riedl, Sebastian Engell 1927 Synthesis and Assessment of Waste-to-resource Routes for Circular Economy Adrian Pacheco-Lopez, Ana Somoza-Tornos, Edrisi Munoz, Elisabet Capon-Garcia, Moises Graells, Antonio Espuna 1933 Contents xiii Shape Optimization of a Fixed-bed Reactor Using Additive Manufacturing Alexis Courtais, François Lesage, Yannick Privat, Cyril Pelaingre, Abderrazak M. Latifi 1939 Systematic Modelling of Flow and Pressure Distribution in a Complex Tank Robert Pujan, Heinz A. Preisig 1945 A New Methodology to Design Optimal Exchanges Network for Facing Concrete Industrial Problems Florent Mousque, Marianne Boix, Stephane Negny, Ludovic Montastruc, Serge Domenech 1951 Nested Sampling Strategy for Bayesian Design Space Characterization Kennedy Kusumo, Lucian Gomoescu, Radoslav Paulen, Salvador Garcia-Munoz, Constantinos Pantelides, Nilay Shah, Benoit Chachuat Neural Ordinary Differential Equations-based Explainable Deep Learning for Process Modeling 1957 Michael Wartmann, Erik Ydstie 1963 Global Optimization of Bilinear Programs by Elementary Functions Substitutions Milos Bogataj, Zdravko Kravanja 1969 Uncertainty Analysis and Model Reduction Based Global Optimisation of Distributed Large-scale Systems Min Tao, Constantinos Theodoropoulos 1975 Global Optimization with Ensemble Machine Learning Models Alexander Thebelt, Jan Kronqvist, Robert Matthew Lee, Nathan Sudermann-Merx, Ruth Misener 1981 Eco2des: Python Framework for the Eco-design of Industrial Processes Miguel Garcia Casas, Javier Dufour Andia, Jose Luis Galvez Martos 1987 Operator Training for Non-technical Skills in Process Industry Hasan Mahbub Tusher, Steven Mallam, Gesa Praetorious, Zaili Yang, Salman Nazir, Wilhelm Stock 1993 A Deterministic Global Optimization Method Based on Legendre-fenchel Transform Karim Alloula, Jean-Pierre Belaud 1999 A New Method for Food Production Analysis and Optimization Applied to Citrus Industry Martina Raymo, Maria Cristina Rulli, Laura Piazza, Flavio Manenti, Giulia Bozzano 2005 xiv Contents EDUCATION IN CAPE AND KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER Integration of Interactive CFD Simulations with Ar and Vr for Educational Use in CRE Serkan Solmaz, Tom Van Gerven 2011 Motivational Active Learning in Chemical Engineering Manuel Rodriguez Hernandez, Emilio Gonzalez Gomez, Maria Gonzalez Miquel, Ismael Diaz Moreno 2017 An E-learning Bot for Bioprocess Systems Engineering Simoneta Cano de las Heras, Mark Nicholas Jones, Krist V. Gernaey, Ulrich Kruhne, Seyed Mansouri 2023 Knowledge Transfer, Experiences and Prospects from the Collaboration Between an Energy Company and the University Emilia Kondili, Ioannis Kaldellis, Evangelos Demenagas, Athanasios Stefanakis 2029 Industrial Software for Computer Aided Process Engineering (cape) Modeling and Programming Skills Development Jeffrey Kelly, Brenno Menezes 2035 Studying Computational Fluid Dynamics in a New Dimension with Virtual Reality Gregor D. Wehinger, Steffen Flaischlen 2041 Academic Education Involvement in Refinery Advanced Process Control Cristian Patrascioiu, Marian Popescu, Nicolae Paraschiv, Cristina Popa, Nicoleta Nicolae 2047 Aspen Hysys - Unity Interconnection. an Approach for Rigorous Computer- based Chemical Engineering Training Pedro Santos, Tom Van Gerven 2053 Author Index 2059
- ISBN: 978-0-12-823377-1
- Editorial: Elsevier
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 2026
- Fecha Publicación: 19/05/2020
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés