Multiphase Catalytic Reactors: Theory, Design, Manufacturing, and Applications
Önsan, Zeynep Ilsen
Avci, Ahmet Kerim
Provides a holistic approach to multiphase catalytic reactors from their modeling and design to their applications in industrial manufacturing of chemicals Covers theoretical aspects and examples of fixed–bed, fluidized–bed, trickle–bed, slurry, monolith and microchannel reactors Includes chapters covering experimental techniques and practical guidelines for lab–scale testing of multiphase reactors Includes mathematical content focused on design equations and empirical relationships characterizing different multiphase reactor types together with an assortment of computational tools Involves detailed coverage of multiphase reactor applications such as Fischer–Tropsch synthesis, fuel processing for fuel cells, hydrotreating of oil fractions and biofuels processing INDICE: List of Contributors, x .Preface, xii .Part 1 Principles of catalytic reaction engineering .1 Catalytic reactor types and their industrial significance, 3Zeynep Ilsen Önsan and Ahmet Kerim Avci .1.1 Introduction, 3 .1.2 Reactors with fixed bed of catalysts, 3 .1.2.1 Packed–bed reactors, 3 .1.2.2 Monolith reactors, 8 .1.2.3 Radial flow reactors, 9 .1.2.4 Trickle–bed reactors, 9 .1.2.5 Short contact time reactors, 10 .1.3 Reactors with moving bed of catalysts, 11 .1.3.1 Fluidized–bed reactors, 11 .1.3.2 Slurry reactors, 13 .1.3.3 Moving–bed reactors, 14 .1.4 Reactors without a catalyst bed, 14 .1.5 Summary, 16 .References, 16 .2 Microkinetic analysis of heterogeneous catalytic systems, 17Zeynep Ilsen Önsan .2.1 Heterogeneous catalytic systems, 17 .2.1.1 Chemical and physical characteristics of solid catalysts, 18 .2.1.2 Activity, selectivity, and stability, 21 .2.2 Intrinsic kinetics of heterogeneous reactions, 22 .2.2.1 Kinetic models and mechanisms, 23 .2.2.2 Analysis and correlation of rate data, 27 .2.3 External (interphase) transport processes, 32 .2.3.1 External mass transfer: Isothermal conditions, 33 .2.3.2 External temperature effects, 35 .2.3.3 Nonisothermal conditions: Multiple steady states, 36 .2.3.4 External effectiveness factors, 38 .2.4 Internal (intraparticle) transport processes, 39 .2.4.1 Intraparticle mass and heat transfer, 39 .2.4.2 Mass transfer with chemical reaction: Isothermal effectiveness, 41 .2.4.3 Heat and mass transfer with chemical reaction, 45 .2.4.4 Impact of internal transport limitations on kinetic studies, 47 .2.5 Combination of external and internal transport effects, 48 .2.5.1 Isothermal overall effectiveness, 48 .2.5.2 Nonisothermal conditions, 49 .2.6 Summary, 50 .Nomenclature, 50 .Greek letters, 51 .References, 51 .Part 2 Two–phase catalytic reactors .3 Fixed–bed gas solid catalytic reactors, 55João P. Lopes and Alírio E. Rodrigues .3.1 Introduction and outline, 55 .3.2 Modeling of fixed–bed reactors, 57 .3.2.1 Description of transport reaction phenomena, 57 .3.2.2 Mathematical model, 59 .3.2.3 Model reduction and selection, 61 .3.3 Averaging over the catalyst particle, 61 .3.3.1 Chemical regime, 64 .3.3.2 Diffusional regime, 64 .3.4 Dominant fluid solid mass transfer, 66 .3.4.1 Isothermal axial flow bed, 67 .3.4.2 Non–isothermal non–adiabatic axial flow bed, 70 .3.5 Dominant fluid solid mass and heat transfer, 70 .3.6 Negligible mass and thermal dispersion, 72 .3.7 Conclusions, 73 .Nomenclature, 74 .Greek letters, 75 .References, 75 .4 Fluidized–bed catalytic reactors, 80John R. Grace .4.1 Introduction, 80 .4.1.1 Advantages and disadvantages of fluidized–bed reactors, 80 .4.1.2 Preconditions for successful fluidized–bed processes, 81 .4.1.3 Industrial catalytic processes employing fluidized–bed reactors, 82 .4.2 Key hydrodynamic features of gas–fluidized beds, 83 .4.2.1 Minimum fluidization velocity, 83 .4.2.2 Powder group and minimum bubbling velocity, 84 .4.2.3 Flow regimes and transitions, 84 .4.2.4 Bubbling fluidized beds, 84 .4.2.5 Turbulent fluidization flow regime, 85 .4.2.6 Fast fluidization and dense suspension upflow, 85 .4.3 Key properties affecting reactor performance, 86 .4.3.1 Particle mixing, 86 .4.3.2 Gas mixing, 87 .4.3.3 Heat transfer and temperature uniformity, 87 .4.3.4 Mass transfer, 88 .4.3.5 Entrainment, 88 .4.3.6 Attrition, 89 .4.3.7 Wear, 89 .4.3.8 Agglomeration and fouling, 89 .4.3.9 Electrostatics and other interparticle forces, 89 .4.4 Reactor modeling, 89 .4.4.1 Basis for reactor modeling, 89 .4.4.2 Modeling of bubbling and slugging flow regimes, 90 .4.4.3 Modeling of reactors operating in high–velocity flow regimes, 91 .4.5 Scale–up, pilot testing, and practical issues, 91 .4.5.1 Scale–up issues, 91 .4.5.2 Laboratory and pilot testing, 91 .4.5.3 Instrumentation, 92 .4.5.4 Other practical issues, 92 .4.6 Concluding remarks, 92 .Nomenclature, 93 .Greek letters, 93 .References, 93 .Part 3 Three–phase catalytic reactors .5 Three–phase fixed–bed reactors, 97Ion Iliuta and Faïçal Larachi .5.1 Introduction, 97 .5.2 Hydrodynamic aspects of three–phase fixed–bed reactors, 98 .5.2.1 General aspects: Flow regimes, liquid holdup, two–phase pressure drop, and wetting efficiency, 98 .5.2.2 Standard two–fluid models for two–phase downflow and upflow in three–phase fixed–bed reactors, 100 .5.2.3 Nonequilibrium thermomechanical models for two–phase flow in three–phase fixed–bed reactors, 102 .5.3 Mass and heat transfer in three–phase fixed–bed reactors, 104 .5.3.1 Gas liquid mass transfer, 105 .5.3.2 Liquid solid mass transfer, 105 .5.3.3 Heat transfer, 106 .5.4 Scale–up and scale–down of trickle–bed reactors, 108 .5.4.1 Scaling up of trickle–bed reactors, 108 .5.4.2 Scaling down of trickle–bed reactors, 109 .5.4.3 Salient conclusions, 110 .5.5 Trickle–bed reactor/bioreactor modeling, 110 .5.5.1 Catalytic hydrodesulfurization and bed clogging in hydrotreating trickle–bed reactors, 110 .5.5.2 Biomass accumulation and clogging in trickle–bed bioreactors for phenol biodegradation, 115 .5.5.3 Integrated aqueous–phase glycerol reforming and dimethyl ether synthesis into an allothermal dual–bed reactor, 121 .Nomenclature, 126 .Greek letters, 127 .Subscripts, 128 .Superscripts, 128 .Abbreviations, 128 .References, 128 .6 Three–phase slurry reactors, 132Vivek V. Buwa, Shantanu Roy and Vivek V. Ranade .6.1 Introduction, 132 .6.2 Reactor design, scale–up methodology, and reactor selection, 134 .6.2.1 Practical aspects of reactor design and scale–up, 134 .6.2.2 Transport effects at particle level, 139 .6.3 Reactor models for design and scale–up, 143 .6.3.1 Lower order models, 143 .6.3.2 Tank–in–series/mixing cell models, 144 .6.4 Estimation of transport and hydrodynamic parameters, 145 .6.4.1 Estimation of transport parameters, 145 .6.4.2 Estimation of hydrodynamic parameters, 146 .6.5 Advanced computational fluid dynamics (CFD)–based models, 147 .6.6 Summary and closing remarks, 149 .Acknowledgments, 152 .Nomenclature, 152 .Greek letters, 153 .Subscripts, 153 .References, 153 .7 Bioreactors, 156Pedro Fernandes and Joaquim M.S. Cabral .7.1 Introduction, 156 .7.2 Basic concepts, configurations, and modes of operation, 156 .7.2.1 Basic concepts, 156 .7.2.2 Reactor configurations and modes of operation, 157 .7.3 Mass balances and reactor equations, 159 .7.3.1 Operation with enzymes, 159 .7.3.2 Operation with living cells, 160 .7.4 Immobilized enzymes and cells, 164 .7.4.1 Mass transfer effects, 164 .7.4.2 Deactivation effects, 166 .7.5 Aeration, 166 .7.6 Mixing, 166 .7.7 Heat transfer, 167 .7.8 Scale–up, 167 .7.9 Bioreactors for animal cell cultures, 167 .7.10 Monitoring and control of bioreactors, 168 .Nomenclature, 168 .Greek letters, 169 .Subscripts, 169 .References, 169 .Part 4 Structured reactors .8 Monolith reactors, 173João P. Lopes and Alírio E. Rodrigues .8.1 Introduction, 173 .8.1.1 Design concepts, 174 .8.1.2 Applications, 178 .8.2 Design of wall–coated monolith channels, 179 .8.2.1 Flow in monolithic channels, 179 .8.2.2 Mass transfer and wall reaction, 182 .8.2.3 Reaction and diffusion in the catalytic washcoat, 190 .8.2.4 Nonisothermal operation, 194 .8.3 Mapping and evaluation of operating regimes, 197 .8.3.1 Diversity in the operation of a monolith reactor, 197 .8.3.2 Definition of operating regimes, 199 .8.3.3 Operating diagrams for linear kinetics, 201 .8.3.4 Influence of nonlinear reaction kinetics, 202 .8.3.5 Performance evaluation, 203 .8.4 Three–phase processes, 204 .8.5 Conclusions, 207 .Nomenclature, 207 .Greek letters, 208 .Superscripts, 208 .Subscripts, 208 .References, 209 .9 Microreactors for catalytic reactions, 213Evgeny Rebrov and Sourav Chatterjee .9.1 Introduction, 213 .9.2 Single–phase catalytic microreactors, 213 .9.2.1 Residence time distribution, 213 .9.2.2 Effect of flow maldistribution, 214 .9.2.3 Mass transfer, 215 .9.2.4 Heat transfer, 215 .9.3 Multiphase microreactors, 216 .9.3.1 Microstructured packed beds, 216 .9.3.2 Microchannel reactors, 218 .9.4 Conclusions and outlook, 225 .Nomenclature, 226 .Greek letters, 227 .Subscripts, 227 .References, 228 .Part 5 Essential tools of reactor modeling and design .10 Experimental methods for the determination of parameters, 233Rebecca R. Fushimi, John T. Gleaves and Gregory S. Yablonsky .10.1 Introduction, 233 .10.2 Consideration of kinetic objectives, 234 .10.3 Criteria for collecting kinetic data, 234 .10.4 Experimental methods, 234 .10.4.1 Steady–state flow experiments, 235 .10.4.2 Transient flow experiments, 237 .10.4.3 Surface science experiments, 238 .10.5 Microkinetic approach to kinetic analysis, 241 .10.6 TAP approach to kinetic analysis, 241 .10.6.1 TAP experiment design, 242 .10.6.2 TAP experimental results, 244 .10.7 Conclusions, 248 .References, 249 .11 Numerical solution techniques, 253Ahmet Kerim Avci and Seda Keskin .11.1 Techniques for the numerical solution of ordinary differential equations, 253 .11.1.1 Explicit techniques, 253 .11.1.2 Implicit techniques, 254 .11.2 Techniques for the numerical solution of partial differential equations, 255 .11.3 Computational fluid dynamics techniques, 256 .11.3.1 Methodology of computational fluid dynamics, 256 .11.3.2 Finite element method, 256 .11.3.3 Finite volume method, 258 .11.4 Case studies, 259 .11.4.1 Indirect partial oxidation of methane in a catalytic tubular reactor, 259 .11.4.2 Hydrocarbon steam reforming in spatially segregated microchannel reactors, 261 .11.5 Summary, 265 .Nomenclature, 266 .Greek letters, 267 .Subscripts/superscripts, 267 .References, 267 .Part 6 Industrial applications of multiphase reactors .12 Reactor approaches for Fischer Tropsch synthesis, 271Gary Jacobs and Burtron H. Davis .12.1 Introduction, 271 .12.2 Reactors to 1950, 272 .12.3 1950 1985 period, 274 .12.4 1985 to present, 276 .12.4.1 Fixed–bed reactors, 276 .12.4.2 Fluidized–bed reactors, 280 .12.4.3 Slurry bubble column reactors, 281 .12.4.4 Structured packings, 286 .12.4.5 Operation at supercritical conditions (SCF), 288 .12.5 The future?, 288 .References, 291 .13 Hydrotreating of oil fractions, 295Jorge Ancheyta, Anton Alvarez–Majmutov and Carolina Leyva .13.1 Introduction, 295 .13.2 The HDT process, 296 .13.2.1 Overview, 296 .13.2.2 Role in petroleum refining, 297 .13.2.3 World outlook and the situation of Mexico, 298 .13.3 Fundamentals of HDT, 300 .13.3.1 Chemistry, 300 .13.3.2 Reaction kinetics, 303 .13.3.3 Thermodynamics, 305 .13.3.4 Catalysts, 306 .13.4 Process aspects of HDT, 307 .13.4.1 Process variables, 307 .13.4.2 Reactors for hydroprocessing, 310 .13.4.3 Catalyst activation in commercial hydrotreaters, 316 .13.5 Reactor modeling and simulation, 317 .13.5.1 Process description, 317 .13.5.2 Summary of experiments, 317 .13.5.3 Modeling approach, 319 .13.5.4 Simulation of the bench–scale unit, 320 .13.5.5 Scale–up of bench–unit data, 323 .13.5.6 Simulation of the commercial unit, 324 .Nomenclature, 326 .Greek letters, 327 .Subscripts, 327 .Non–SI units, 327 .References, 327 .14 Catalytic reactors for fuel processing, 330Gunther Kolb .14.1 Introduction The basic reactions of fuel processing, 330 .14.2 Theoretical aspects, advantages, and drawbacks of fixed beds versus monoliths, microreactors, and membrane reactors, 331 .14.3 Reactor design and fabrication, 332 .14.3.1 Fixed–bed reactors, 332 .14.3.2 Monolithic reactors, 332 .14.3.3 Microreactors, 332 .14.3.4 Membrane reactors, 333 .14.4 Reformers, 333 .14.4.1 Fixed–bed reformers, 336 .14.4.2 Monolithic reformers, 337 .14.4.3 Plate heat exchangers and microstructured reformers, 342 .14.4.4 Membrane reformers, 344 .14.5 Water–gas shift reactors, 348 .14.5.1 Monolithic reactors, 348 .14.5.2 Plate heat exchangers and microstructured water–gas shift reactors, 348 .14.5.3 Water–gas shift in membrane reactors, 350 .14.6 Carbon monoxide fine cleanup: Preferential oxidation and selective methanation, 350 .14.6.1 Fixed–bed reactors, 352 .14.6.2 Monolithic reactors, 352 .14.6.3 Plate heat exchangers and microstructured reactors, 353 .14.7 Examples of complete fuel processors, 355 .14.7.1 Monolithic fuel processors, 355 .14.7.2 Plate heat exchanger fuel processors on the meso– and microscale, 357 .Nomenclature, 359 .References, 359 .15 Modeling of the catalytic deoxygenation of fatty acids in a packed bed reactor, 365Teuvo Kilpiö, Päivi Mäki–Arvela, Tapio Salmi and Dmitry Yu. Murzin .15.1 Introduction, 365 .15.2 Experimental data for stearic acid deoxygenation, 366 .15.3 Assumptions, 366 .15.4 Model equations, 367 .15.5 Evaluation of the adsorption parameters, 368 .15.6 Particle diffusion study, 369 .15.7 Parameter sensitivity studies, 369 .15.8 Parameter identification studies, 370 .15.9 Studies concerning the deviation from ideal plug flow conditions, 371 .15.10 Parameter estimation results, 372 .15.11 Scale–up considerations, 372 .15.12 Conclusions, 375 .Acknowledgments, 375 .Nomenclature, 375 .Greek letters, 375 .References, 376 .Index, 377
- ISBN: 978-1-118-11576-3
- Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 400
- Fecha Publicación: 16/08/2016
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés