Help your students discover the ethical implications and issues surrounding today's most compelling social dilemmas -from genetic engineering and cloning to terrorism and the use of torture -with APPLYING ETHICS: A TEXT WITH READINGS, International Edition. Framed by the authors' helpful introductions and supported by a variety of readings and cases that reflect both sides of the topicsbeing explored, this best-selling book offers a balanced introduction to ethics today. INDICE: Preface. PART I: MORAL REASONING. 1. Moral Reasons. Moral Reasoning. Individual Morality and Social Morality. Ethical Relativism. Principles of Individual Morality. Principles of Social Morality. Summary and Conclusions. Readings: "Moral Virtue," Aristotle. "Respect for Persons," Immanuel Kant. "Utilitarianism," John Stuart Mill. "A Theory of Justice," John Rawls. "The Ethicsof Care," Virginia Held. 2. Good Reasoning. Arguments. Evaluating Moral Arguments. Summary and Conclusions. PART II: ISSUES. 3. Sexual Morality. The Traditional View. The Libertarian View. Treating Sex Differently. Arguments for Sexual Libertarianism. Arguments against Sexual Libertarianism. Readings: "Declaration on Certain Questions Concerning Sexual Ethics," The Vatican. "Sexual Morality and the Concept of Using Another Person," Thomas A. Mappes. "Should a Feminist Choose a Marriage-Like Relationship?" Marjorie Weinzweig. "The Case for Lesbian and Gay Marriage," Richard D. Mohr. Case Presentations: Disease v. Promiscuity? Lawrence v. Texas: Private Rights and Public Morality. Goodridge v. Dept. of Public Health: A Right of Gay Marriage. A Slippery Slope to Polygamy?4. Abortion. Biological Background . The Moral Problem. The Ontological Status of the Fetus. The Moral Status of the Fetus. Pro-Life Arguments (against Abortion). Pro-Choice Arguments (for Abortion).Readings: "Why Abortion is Immoral," Donald Marquis. "A Defense of Abortion," Judith Jarvis Thomson. "On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion," Mary Anne Warren. "Virtue Theory and Abortion," Rosalind Hursthouse. Case Presentations: Conceived in Violence, Born in Hate. Death in Pensacola. The Fight for Martina Greywind's Baby. Sex-Selection Abortions. 5. Euthanasia. Personhood. Death. Ordinary vs. Extraordinary Treatment. Killing vs. Allowing to Die. Meaning of Euthanasia: Narrow vs. Broad Interpretations. Voluntary vs. Nonvoluntary Euthanasia. Assisted Suicide. The Rightto Refuse Treatment. Defective Newborns. Arguments for Voluntary (Active) Euthanasia. Arguments against Voluntary (Active) Euthanasia. Readings: "The Wrongfulness of Euthanasia," J. Gay-Willians. "Voluntary Active Euthanasia," Dan W.Brock. "Active and Passive Euthanasia," James Rachels. "Gender, Feminism, andDeath: Physician-Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia," Susan M. Wolf. Case Presentations: "I Did It Because I Loved My Son." "A Choice Central to Personal Dignity." Legalized Assisted Suicide and Decriminalized Euthanasia. Terri Schiavo:Voluntary Euthanasia or Murder? 6. Genetic Engineering, Stem Cell Research, and Human Cloning. How Cloning Works: A Brief History. Why Clone Humans? Moral and Legal Issues. Stem Cell Research. Arguments against Human Cloning. Arguments for Human Cloning. Readings: "The Case against Perfection," Michael J. Sandel. "Moral Status of Cloning Humans," Michael Tooley. "The Morality of KillingHuman Embryos," Bonnie Steinbock. "Stem Cells, Biotechnology, and Human Rights: Implications for a Posthuman Future," Paul Lauritzen. Case Presentations: Recommendations of the President's Council on Bioethics. A Birth to Save a Life. Presidential Policy. Eight is Enough. 7. Capital Punishment. The Nature and Definition of Punishment. The Moral Acceptability of Punishment. Aims of Punishment. Retentionist and Abolitionist Defined. Capital Punishment as Deterrent.Abolitionist Arguments (against Capital Punishment). Retentionist Arguments (for Capital Punishment). Readings: "Speech in Favor of Capital Punishment," John Stuart Mill. "A Life for a Life," Igor Primoratz. "On Deterrence and the Death Penalty," Ernest Van Den Haag. "Capital Punishment and Social Defense," Hugo Adam Bedau. Case Presentations: Karla Faye Tucker and Stanley "Tookie" Williams: Rehabilitation on Death Row? A Failed Experiment? Warren McClesky. Punishing Child Rapists. 8. War, Terrorism, and Civil Liberties. Just War Theory. Preemptive Wars. Violence and Terrorism. Jihadism. Pacifism. Civil Liberties. Arguments for Trading Civil Liberties for Safety. Arguments against Trading Civil Liberties for Safety. Readings: "The Triumph of Just War Theory (and the Dangers of Success)," Michael Walzer. "Violence, Terrorism, and Justice," R.G. Frey and Christopher W. Morris. "Make Torture an Option," Alan M. Dershowitz. "Torture and the Ticking Bomb," David Luban. Case Presentations: Preemptive War. Driving While Veiled. Fear of Flying. The Geneva Conventions and Guantanamo Bay. 9. Globalization and Social Justice. Globalization. Distribution Justice.Equality, Need, and Merit. Libertarianism, Welfare Liberalism, and Socialism.Argument for Global Aid. Arguments against Global Aid. Readings: "What We Oweto the Global Poor," Mathias Risse. "Sweatshops and Respect for Persons," Denis G. Arnold and Norman E. Bowie. "Illegal Immigrants, Health Care, and SocialResponsibility," James F. Dwyer. "Female Genital Circumcision and Conventionalist Ethical Relativism," Loretta M. Kopelman. Case Presentations: Stopping the Sweatshops. Is There a Right to Health Care? Do Illegal Immigrants Have a Right to Education? Yearning to Breathe Free. 10. Discrimination. Discrimination: Its Nature and Forms. Evidence of Discrimination. Affirmative Action: Preferential Treatment? Arguments against Affirmative Action. Arguments for Affirmative Action. Readings: "The Justification of Reverse Discrimination," Tom L. Beauchamp. "A Defense of Programs of Preferential Treatment," Richard Wasserstrom. "Reverse Discrimination as Unjustified," Lisa Newton. R
- ISBN: 978-0-495-80939-5
- Editorial: Wadsworth
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 576
- Fecha Publicación: 31/01/2010
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés