Fully revised and updated to reflect changes in clinical practice, legislation and regulation, this groundbreaking textbook intertwines the subjects of dental hygiene and dental therapy to provide a comprehensive resource for students of these courses, as well as those studying new degree programmes in oral health science. Following course developments and an expansion in the remit of both hygienists and therapists, this book has been written not only for students, but as a revision and updating manual for those already in practice. INDICE: PrefaceAuthor biographiesAcknowledgementsSection 1 Core Basic Science1 Oral embryology, histologyand anatomySheila PhillipsIntroductionOral embryologyEarly tooth developmentDevelopment of the dental tissuesHistology of oral tissuesHistology of dental tissuesOral anatomyAnatomy of the oral cavityTooth morphology2 General pathologyHenk S. Brand and Arjan VissinkIntroductionInflammation and immunityWound healingHyperplasia, hypertrophy and atrophyNeoplasiaHaemostasisAtherosclerosisCardiac diseaseHypertension3 Oral medicine and pathologyPaula FarthingIntroductionViral infectionsOral ulcerationWhite patches and premalignantlesions of the oral mucosaOral cancerSoft tissue swellings of the oral mucosaCysts of the jawsConditions of the salivary glandsOral manifestations of systemic diseaseCommon causes of facial painDisorders of the temporomandibular jointDevelopmental tooth anomaliesTooth wear4 Dental caries and pulpitisAvijit Banerjee and Naveen KarirIntroductionAetiology and microbiology of dentalcaries in relation to dental plaqueThe epidemiology of cariesFeatures of enamel, dentine and root cariesDiagnostic methods for dental cariesNon-surgical management of dental cariesSurgical management of dental cariesThe histopathology of pulpitisAbscess formationSection 2 Clinical5 The periodontium, tooth depositsand periodontal diseasesPhilip R. Greene and Maggie JacksonIntroductionThe normal periodontiumThe classification of periodontal diseaseChronic gingivitisChronic periodontitisAggressive periodontitisHistopathology of periodontal diseasesGingival recessionAcute periodontal conditionsMicrobiological aspects ofperiodontal diseasePrinciples of periodontal examinationTreatment of chronic periodontitisConclusion6 Oral health education andpromotionJane M. PrattIntroductionMeaning of healthDefining health educationand health promotionPromotion of oral healthConsiderations while planning healtheducation and health promotionPlanning a teaching sessionOral health promotion/education examplesConclusion7 Diet and nutritionSuzanne L. NobleIntroductionThe relationship between diet and diseaseThe current national dietaryrecommendationsDietary requirementsof groupswith special needsThe effect of ethnicity and cultureon nutritionDietary needs in specific states of diseaseThe principles behind the dietary controlof dental cariesClassification of sugars in relationto dental cariesAlternative sweetenersThe relationship between diet and erosionThe relationship of diet to periodontaldiseasesThe role of the dental hygienist/therapistin dietary advice and counselling8 Microbiology and infectionprevention and controlMary J. O€™Donnell, DeniseMacCarthy and David C. ColemanIntroductionRequirement for a formal infectionprevention and control policyMicroorganismsImmunisationStandard precautionsHand hygieneAseptic techniquesProtective clothingProcessing andhandling of dentalinstrumentsSurgery designGeneral surface cleaning and disinfectionWaste managementThe dental chair unit as a vehicle forcross-contamination and cross-infectionThe dental laboratoryDiagnostic specimens9 Materials in restorative dentistryPaul Franklin and Paul BruntonIntroductionAmalgamResin compositeGlass ionomer cementsCermetsCompomersMaterials for the protection of fissuresAdhesion to tooth substancePulp protection regimesTemporary dressing materialsImpression materialsKey points10 Pharmacology and pain controlMargaret KellettIntroductionPrescribing regulations and the useof the BNFThe use of antibiotics and antimicrobialsin dentistryThe use of analgesics in dentistryThe relevance of other drugs that mayaffect oral health and dental treatmentLocal analgesic agentsTechniques for local analgesiaDifficulties, complications and emergenciesthat can be associated with local analgesiaEquipment used in dental local analgesiaConclusions11 Preventive dentistrySarah Murray and Baldeesh ChanaIntroductionDefinitions of preventionPrevention of periodontal diseasePrevention of cariesFluorideFissure sealantsLife-long preventionPrevention for personswith special needsPrevention and implantologyOral cancer screeningAlcohol abuseSmoking cessationSmoking habitsIllegal drug abuseThe primary health care team12 Paediatric dentistrySharon M.G. Lee and George T.R. LeeIntroductionDental developmentTooth notationTooth eruptionMorphological differences betweenprimary and permanent teethDisruption in the number of teethDisruption of tooth formAbnormalities of tooth structureDental cariesTooth wear in childrenTreatment of dental caries in the primarydentitionSoft tissue problems in childrenAnxietyand pain controlTrauma in children13 Adult restorative dentistryAnn C. ShearerIntroduction: the importanceof the treatment planCharting the adult dentitionClassification of cavitiesPreparation of cavitiesPulp protectionMoisture controlDirect restoratives: clinical properties,handling and placementPolishing andfinishing restorationsReplacing and repairing restorationsTemporary restorative materialsand their placementTemporary crownsThe clinical aspects of taking impressionsThe management of discoloured teethThe management of tooth wearManagement of traumaThe principles of advanced restorative careCare of instrumentsand handpiecesThe ergonomic environmentManagement of anxiety14 ExodontiaHazelJ. FraserIntroductionIndications for tooth extractionContraindications for tooth extractionRelevant anatomical structuresPreparation of the patientObtaining local analgesiaClinical assessmentExtraction instrumentsExtraction techniquePostoperative careComplications of exodontia15 GerodontologyFiona SandomIntroductionPhysiological age changesPathological changeNutritional disturbanceThe dentate elderlyDomiciliary careTreatment of the terminally ill16 Medical emergenciesand their managementLesley Longman and Colette BalmerIntroductionManagement considerationsThe role of the hygienist/therapistAvoidance of a medical emergencyAssessment of the sick patient usingthe €˜ABCDE€™ approachMedical emergenciesPatient dischargeConclusion17 Health and safety at workHilary R. SamwaysIntroductionWorking environmentMaterialsEquipmentFirst aidWaste disposalAccident bookFire preventionRadiation protectionPersonal protectionClinical governanceRisk assessment18 Complementary and alternativemedicinePhilip WanderIntroductionAcupunctureHerbalismAromatherapyChiropracticOsteopathyHypnosisHomeopathyBiological medicine for thetwenty-first centurySection 3 Non-clinical19 Primary care servicesSara Holmes and Leanna WynneIntroductionThe framework of UK primary dentalcare service provisionThe provision of NHS dental servicesThe primary dental care teamThe public health agenda andan introduction to epidemiologySummary20 Law, ethics and professionalismHew MatthewsonIntroductionRegulation of dental practiceProfessional duties and obligationstowards patientsPatient consent to treatmentRelationships with professional colleaguesRelationships with the publicClinical governanceEmployment lawSources of adviceIndex
- ISBN: 978-0-470-65837-6
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 432
- Fecha Publicación: 27/04/2012
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés