As wireless devices and systems get both smaller and more ubiquitous, the demand for effective but small antennas is rapidly increasing. This book will describe the theory behind effective small antenna design and give design techniques and examples for small antennas for different operating frequencies. Design techniques are given for the entire radio spectrum, from a very hundred kilohertz to the gigahertz range.Unlike other antenna books which are heavily mathematical and theoretical, Douglas Miron keeps mathematics to the absolute minimum required to explain design techniques. Ground planes, essential for operation of many antenna designs, are extensively discussed. The book will also include a CD-ROM with design software that will greatly simplify readers' daily design tasks. *Author's extensive experience as a practicing antenna design engineer gives book a strong hands-on emphasis*Covers antenna design techniques from very low frequency (below 300 kHz) to microwave (above 1 GHz) ranges*Special attention is given to antenna design for mobile/portable applications such as cell phones, WiFi, etc INDICE: PrefaceChapter 1: Introduction1.1 What is Small?1.2 What are the Problems?1.3 Some Historical Small Antenna Types and Applications1.4 Some Present and Future Small AntennasReferencesChapter 2: Antenna Fundamentals I2.1 Electromagnetic Waves2.1.1 Waves in Space2.1.2 Waves in Transmission Lines2.1.3 Power in Waves2.2 Polarization2.3 The Short Dipole2.3.1 Radiation Pattern2.3.2 Circuit Behavior2.4 The Small Loop2.4.1 Circuit Behavior2.5 Directionality, Efficiency, and GainReferencesProblemsChapter 3: Antenna Fundamentals II3.1 Bandwidth and Quality Factor, Q3.2 Impedance Matching and System Efficiency3.2.1 Narrow-Band Matching3.2.2 Wideband Matching3.2.3 System Efficiency3.3 Reception3.3.1 Effective Height3.3.2 Effective Area3.3.3 Reception Pattern3.4 Ground Effects3.4.1 Image Theory3.4.2 Vertical Dipole Above a Perfect Ground Plane3.4.3 Horizontal Dipole Above a PEC Plane3.4.4 Grounded-Source Antennas3.4.5 Counterpoise3.4.6 Summary of Ground Effects3.5 ImprovementsReferencesProblemsChapter 4: Introduction to Numerical Modeling of Wire Antennas4.1 General Concepts4.2 The Mathematical Basics of the Numerical Electromagnetic Code (NEC)4.2.1 Basis Functions4.2.2 Applied Field Models4.2.3 Solving the Integral Equation4.3 Using NEC in the Command Window4.4 Modeling Guidelines4.5 NEC in a Graphical User Interface (GUI)4.6 Examples from Chapters 2 and 34.6.1 The Short Dipole4.6.2 Small Loop in Free Space4.6.3 End-Loaded Short DipoleReferencesProblemsChapter 5: Programmed Modeling5.0 Introduction5.1 Using Wire-List Generators in NEC5.2 Using Code to Generate a Wire ListProblemsChapter 6: Open-Ended Antennas6.0 Introduction6.1 Thick Monopoles6.1.1 Modeling Thick Monopoles6.2 Top Loading6.2.1 The Inverted-L6.2.2 Top-Loading with Radials6.2.3 Volume Loading6.3 Coil Loading6.4 Using Resonance6.5 SummaryReferencesProblemsChapter 7: Loops and Other Closed-Wire Antennas7.0 Introduction7.1 Thick Loops7.1.1 The Doughnut7.1.2 The Barrel Loop7.2 Solenoid Antennas7.3 The Contrawound Toroidal Helix Antenna (CTHA)7.4 The Folded Spherical Helix Monopole7.5 Final CommentsReferencesProblemsChapter 8: Receiving Antennas8.0 Introduction8.1 External Noise8.2 The Ferrite Rod Antenna8.2.1 Antenna Parameters8.2.2 Circuit Applications8.3 Active Receiving AntennasReferencesProblemsChapter 9: Measurements9.1 What are You Measuring?9.2 Measurements Through a Transmission Line9.2.1 If I only have an SWR meter...9.2.2 Impedance Measured Through a Transmission Line9.3 Ranges and Test Enclosures9.4 The Wheeler Cap and Variations9.4.1 Series and Parallel EffectsReferencesProblemsAppendix A: The Mathematics of Antenna OrientationA.1 Unit-Vector and Coordinate Variable Relations.A.2 The Horizontal DipoleA.3 The Vertical LoopProblemsAppendix B: The Parallel-Ray ApproximationProblemsAppendix C: The Small LoopProblemsAppendix D: The Proximity EffectD.1 Current DistributionD.1.1 Problem Formulation and Reduction to a System of Linear EquationsD.1.2 Solution for the Current CoefficientsD.2 Power and ResistanceReferencesAppendix E: What Every EE Student Should Know About Mathematicsby the Senior YearE.1 What is Mathematics to an Engineer?E.2 The Process is as Important as the ResultE.3 Facts and IdiomsE.3.1 Special NumbersE.3.2 Identities and FormulasE.3.3 ApproximationsE.4 Integrals and DerivativesE.5 Radians or Degrees?E.6 Matrix Notation and OperationsE.7 Answers for Section E.3Index
- ISBN: 978-0-12-407718-8
- Editorial: Newnes
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 352
- Fecha Publicación: 12/08/2014
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés