This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all aspects of hospital autopsy in the way it is practiced clinically, this volume incorporates the most up-to-date scientific and technical knowledge to provide a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today's practice, helping pathologists accurately determine the cause and mechanism of in-hospital death. Richly illustrated and easy to use, Diagnostic Pathology: Hospital Autopsy, second edition, is a visually stunning, one-stop resource for every practicing pathologist, resident, student, or fellow as an ideal day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource. INDICE: SECTION 1: AUTOPSY FUNDAMENTALSINTRODUCTION4 History of AutopsyHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA8 Autopsy SafetyBillie S. Fyfe, MDAUTOPSY PERFORMANCEEXTERNAL EXAMINATION10 Medical InterventionBrandon T. Larsen, MD, PhD14 Postmortem Changes and External ExaminationBillie S. Fyfe, MDINTERNAL EXAMINATION18 Body CavitiesHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD,FRCPA22 Cardiovascular SystemDylan V. Miller, MD26 Respiratory SystemLeslie A. Litzky, MD30 Hematopoietic SystemHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA36 Gastrointestinal SystemHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA44 Hepatobiliary SystemRachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO50 Genitourinary SystemHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA56 Endocrine SystemBillie S. Fyfe, MD62 Central Nervous SystemHasini Reddy, MD, DPhil68 Peripheral Nervous SystemRoy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD72 Integumentary SystemDylan V. Miller, MD76 Oral CavityBillie S. Fyfe, MD80 Medical DevicesBrandon T. Larsen, MD, PhDLABORATORY TESTING84 ChemistryRachel Hudacko, MD86 MicrobiologyHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA90 CytologyHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPAPOSTMORTEM IMAGING96 Postmortem Radiography and Virtual AutopsyBillie S. Fyfe, MDPOSTMORTEM HISTOLOGY102 Postmortem HistologyBillie S. Fyfe, MDAUTOPSY CONSENT AND REPORTINGAUTOPSY CONSENT106 Consent Process and Legal ConsiderationsDylan V. Miller, MDAUTOPSY REPORTING110 Death CertificateBillie S. Fyfe, MD and Alex Williamson, MD114 Autopsy ReportCorinne L. Fligner, MD and Dylan V. Miller, MD118 Presenting Autopsy FindingsHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPASECTION 2: ORGAN SYSTEM APPROACH TO AUTOPSYSUDDEN AND UNEXPECTED DEATHCARDIOVASCULAR122 Pulmonary ThromboembolismBillie S. Fyfe, MD124 Acute Myocardial InfarctionVidhya Nair, MD and Dylan V. Miller, MD128 CardiomyopathyDylan V. Miller, MD132 MyocarditisMonica P. Revelo, MD, PhD and Dylan V. Miller, MD138 Cardiac Conduction SystemDylan V. Miller, MD144 Aortic DissectionBillie S. Fyfe, MD150 Abdominal Aortic AneurysmBillie S. Fyfe, MDRESPIRATORY152 Pulmonary EdemaLeslie A. Litzky, MD156 Pulmonary HemorrhageLeslie A. Litzky, MD160 Tension PneumothoraxLeslie A. Litzky, MDGASTROINTESTINAL164 Upper Gastrointestinal HemorrhageHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD,FRCPA168 Lower Gastrointestinal HemorrhageRachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO172 Intestinal IschemiaRachel Hudacko, MDHEPATOBILIARY176 Hepatic HemorrhageRachel Hudacko, MD180 Hemorrhagic PancreatitisRachel Hudacko, MD184 Acute Liver FailureRachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DOGENITOURINARY188 Pregnancy ComplicationsCorinne L. Fligner, MD194 Acute Renal FailureMonica P. Revelo, MD, PhD and Paisit Paueksakon, MDENDOCRINE204 Adrenal InsufficiencyDylan V. Miller, MD208 Adrenocortical ExcessPatrick Lento, MDCNS212 Seizure DisordersHasini Reddy, MD, DPhil216 Subdural HemorrhageRoy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD220 Subarachnoid HemorrhageRoy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD224 StrokeHasini Reddy, MD, DPhilPOSTOPERATIVE/POST-INTERVENTIONAL DEATHIATROGENIC230 Therapeutic ComplicationsBillie S. Fyfe, MDCARDIOVASCULAR234 Coronary Artery Bypass GraftingDylan V. Miller, MD238 Coronary Artery StentingDylan V. Miller, MD242 Valve Replacement (Including Transcatheter)Brandon T. Larsen, MD, PhD248 Ventricular Assist DevicesBrandon T. Larsen, MD, PhD252 Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm RepairBillie S. Fyfe, MD and George P. Batsides, MDGASTROINTESTINAL AND HEPATOBILIARY258 Pancreas ResectionRachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO262 Gastrectomy and EsophagectomyRachel Hudacko, MD266 Bariatric SurgeryRachel Hudacko, MDCNS270 Central Nervous System TumorsRoy H. Rhodes, MD, PhD276 Cerebral Aneurysm and Vascular MalformationRoy H. Rhodes, MD, PhDSECTION 3: DISEASE PROCESS APPROACH TO AUTOPSYTRANSPLANTATION284 Heart TransplantDylan V. Miller, MD290 Lung TransplantLeslie A. Litzky, MD294 Kidney TransplantMonica P. Revelo, MD, PhD and Paisit Paueksakon, MD304 Liver TransplantRachel Hudacko, MD and Patrick Lento, MD310 Pancreas TransplantMonica P. Revelo, MD, PhD314 Bone Marrow TransplantDylan V. Miller, MD318 Deceased Donor AutopsyBillie S. Fyfe, MDINFECTION-RELATED DEATHSYSTEMIC INFECTION/SEPSIS OVERVIEW320 HIV/AIDSHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA324 Shock and SepsisBillie S. Fyfe, MD and Christine Minerowicz, MDORGAN SYSTEM INFECTION330 BronchopneumoniaLeslie A. Litzky, MD334 Infective EndocarditisDylan V. Miller, MD338 Clostridium difficile EnterocolitisBillie S. Fyfe, MD342 Viral HepatitisRachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO346 UrosepsisHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPANEOPLASIA-ASSOCIATED DEATH350 Neoplasia-Associated DeathBillie S. Fyfe, MD356 Death Due to Paraneoplastic EffectHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPAOTHER COMMON HOSPITAL DEATH360 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary DiseaseHarold Sanchez, MD, FCAP and Rebecca A. Irvine, MD, FRCPA364 Ventilator Dependent Respiratory FailureLeslie A. Litzky, MD368 Chronic Liver FailureRachel Hudacko, MD and Jeanine Chiaffarano, DO374 Chronic Renal FailureMonica P. Revelo, MD, PhD382 Dementia and Neurodegenerative DiseaseHasini Reddy, MD, DPhilAUTOIMMUNE DISEASE-RELATED DEATH386 AmyloidosisBillie S. Fyfe, MD390 SLE/MCTDDavid Priemer, MD394 DermatomyositisDavid Priemer, MD398 ArteritisBillie S. Fyfe, MD
- ISBN: 978-0-443-23502-3
- Editorial: Elsevier
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 440
- Fecha Publicación: 29/07/2024
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés