Radio Spectrum Management: Policies, Regulations and Techniques

Radio Spectrum Management: Policies, Regulations and Techniques

Mazar (Madjar), Haim

124,28 €(IVA inc.)

This book presents the fundamentals of wireless communications and services, explaining in detail what RF spectrum management is, why it is important, which are the authorities regulating the use of spectrum, and how is it managed and enforced at the international, regional and national levels. The book offers insights to the engineering, regulatory, economic, legal, management policy–making aspects involved. Real–world case studies are presented to depict the various approaches in different countries, and valuable lessons are drawn. The topics are addressed by engineers, advocates and economists employed by national and international spectrum regulators. The book is a tool that will allow the international regional and national regulators to better manage the RF spectrum, and will help operators and suppliers of wireless communications to better understand their regulators. INDICE: Table of Contents .About the Author .Foreword .Acknowledgements .Abbreviations and Acronyms .1 The Radio Frequency Spectrum and Wireless communications 1 .1.1 Historical overview 1 .1.2 Schematic diagram of a general communication 2 .1.3 Radio Frequency Bands 2 .1.4 Scarcity of RF spectrum 3 .1.5 References (Harvard Style) alphabetical format of references 4 .2 Main Regulated Radio Services 1 .2.1 General 3 .2.2 Terrestrial Broadcasting Delivery: sound (radio) and video (television) 3 .2.2.1 Definitions and Introduction 3 .2.2.2 Broadcasting Video and Audio Delivery 5 .2.2.3 Terrestrial Sound (Audio) 7 .2.2.4 Terrestrial Video (Television) 10 .2.3 Land Mobile and the Cellular service 20 .2.3.1 Definitions and Introduction 20 .2.3.2 Cellular reference network unit 20 .2.3.3 Regulation and Standardization of the cellular service 21 .2.3.4 IMT Terrestrial Radio (including LTE) 25 .2.3.5 Useful mobile service abbreviations and acronyms 30 .2.4 Fixed Point–to–Point and Point–to–Multipoint 32 .2.4.1 Overview of Fixed Services: fixed networks and mobile backhauling 32 .2.4.2 Deployment and Performance 33 .2.4.3 Line–of–Sight (LoS) and Non–line–of–sight (NLoS) Links 35 .2.4.4 Fixed Wireless Systems (FWS) and Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) systems 36 .2.4.5 Available RF Spectrum and Frequency Planning 37 .2.5 Satellite Communications 38 .2.5.1 Definitions of Satellite Communications 38 .2.5.2 Satellite Orbits and Services 39 .2.5.3 Satellite Equipment 49 .2.5.4 Monitoring and Regulating Satellite Communications 51 .2.6 References 54 .3 Short Range Devices and license–exempt RF spectrum 1 .3.1 Regulatory framework of SRD 3 .3.1.1 Definitions and Applications 3 .3.1.2 Non–Interference, Unlicensed and Unprotected 4 .3.1.3 Mutual agreements between countries/regions 4 .3.1.4 Placing on the market and labeling of SRDs 5 .3.1.5 Interference of SRDs to Radio communications services 8 .3.2 Collective use of SRD 9 .3.2.1 Risk–versus–Risk 9 .3.2.2 The Collectivised View explaining RF Harmonization of SRD RF 9 .3.2.3 The Individualised View Explaining Minimal Restrictions 10 .3.3 Engineering background to understand the SRD technical parameters 11 .3.3.1 Friis equations, received power, electric and magnetic field–strengths– numerical 11 .3.3.2 Received power and electric field–strength– numerical 11 .3.3.3 Received power and magnetic field–strength – numerical equations 12 .3.3.4 Received power, electric and magnetic field–strength, logarithmic equations 12 .3.4 Global Regulation of SRDs 14 .3.4.1 Globalization 14 .3.4.2 ISM BANDS, extracts of ITU RR and Spectrum Management Recommendations 14 .3.4.3 Frequency ranges for global or regional harmonization of SRDs 18 .3.4.4 Technical and operating parameters and spectrum use for SRD 19 .3.5 Regional Regulation of SRDs 19 .3.5.1 Region 1 and CEPT/ECC ERC Recommendation 70–03 Relating to the use of SRD 20 .3.5.2 Region 2 and the FCC CFR 47 Part 15 Radio Frequency Devices 20 .3.5.3 Region 3– SRDs in APT countries 24 .3.6 Global and Ruling in three ITU Regions– Case Studies to compare and contrast 25 .3.6.1 Case Study: Wi–Fi, RLAN, WLAN, U–NII 26 .3.6.2 Case Study: RFID?s Global and Regional Ruling 32 .3.6.3 Case Study: ISM and Citizen Band 26.96–27.28 MHz 34 .3.7 Annex1: List of abbreviations frequently used in this chapter (to the beginning ???) 36 .3.8 References 37 .4 Policies, Legal and Economic Frameworks to manage the RF spectrum 1 .4.1 Worldviews shape RF policies 2 .4.1.1 Culture, Regulation and uncertain risks 2 .4.1.2 Central–planning, ex–ante and a–priori, versus market–based, ex–post and a–posteriori approaches 5 .4.1.3 Radio Frequency (RF) Regulatory framework and basic objectives 7 .4.2 Legal Environment 8 .4.2.1 Two different legal traditions: civil–law and common–law 8 .4.2.2 The legal framework 9 .4.2.3 Radiocommunications law 10 .4.2.4 RF–spectrum and property rights 12 .4.2.5 International, regional and national legislation 13 .4.3 Economic Environment 16 .4.3.1 Economics and Spectrum management 16 .4.3.2 Benefits of using the Radio Spectrum 19 .4.3.3 National Cost Accounting: the RF Spectrum as an non–produced Asset 21 .4.3.4 Fee policy 24 .4.3.5 Licence–fee: Comparative evaluation methods, Auctions and Lotteries; secondary trading 26 .4.3.6 RF–spectrum annual–fees 31 .4.4 International, Regional and National Frequency Allocation Table and Redeployment 32 .4.4.1 Allocation Table 32 .4.4.2 RF spectrum redeployment and refarming 33 .4.5 References 35 .5 RF Engineering and Link Budgets 1 .5.1 End–to–end wireless communication 3 .5.2 RF characteristics: modulation and multiple access 5 .5.2.1 Modulation and Digitization 5 .5.2.2 Representation of the modulated signal 6 .5.2.3 Analog modulations 8 .5.2.4 Digital modulations 9 .5.2.5 Channel Multiple Access and Full Duplex Techniques 15 .5.3 Transmitters: power and unwanted emissions 18 .5.3.1 Transmitter block diagram 18 .5.3.2 Emission mask 18 .5.3.3 Unwanted Emissions 18 .5.4 Receivers: concept, selectivity, noise and sensitivity 22 .5.4.1 Receiver noise floor and sensitivity 22 .5.4.2 Noise factor and noise temperature 24 .5.4.3 Gain to noise temperature G/T for satellite earth and space stations 25 .5.5 Antennas: fundamental parameters 27 .5.5.1 Antenna: aperture, beamwidth, directivity and gain 27 .5.5.2 Three–dimensional radiation pattern and gain calculations 31 .5.5.3 Antenna polarization, bandwidth, insertion loss and impedance 41 .5.6 Propagation 43 .5.6.1 General 43 .5.6.2 Friis transmission equation and free–space propagation loss– power 43 .5.6.3 Maxwell s equations and received free–space field–strength from a far–field emission 47 .5.6.4 ITU–R 1546– propagation curves 30 MHz to 3 000 MHz 51 .5.6.5 Fresnel zones 52 .5.6.6. Attenuation by atmospheric gases 53 .5.6.7 Near–Field to Far–Field 55 .5.6.8 Frequency dependency in penetrating walls and bypassing obstacles 55 .5.7 Link budget 57 .5.7.1 Power equations 57 .5.7.2 Conversion formulae 59 .5.8 Radio Frequency Interference and Spectrum Sharing 61 .5.8.1 Non–linear interference 61 .5.8.2 Linear Interference 63 .5.8.3 Decreasing interference– Mitigation techniques 69 .5.9 References 71 .6 International RF Spectrum Management and Standardization 1 .6.1 International Regulations and Standards 2 .6.2 Regulation and Standardization 3 .6.2.1 International RF Spectrum Management and Standardization Players 3 .6.2.2 Worldwide Regulation and Standardization 9 .6.2.3 Globalization of RF Regulation and Standardization 11 .6.3 National, Regional and Global RF Regulation 14 .6.3.1 Transfer of National Regulatory Power to an Intergovernmental Authority 14 .6.3.2 Implementing Regional RF Spectrum Management and Standardization 15 .6.4 Global Regulatory Framework: ITU 17 .6.4.1 ITU–D (also Telecommunications Development Bureau BDT) 17 .6.4.2 ITU–T (also TSB– Telecommunication Standardization Bureau) 18 .6.4.3 ITU–R (also BR– Bureau Radio) 19 .6.4.4 ITU Radio Regulations 20 .6.5 Cross–border coordination, regulation and techniques 26 .6.5.1 Avoiding Harmful Interference between Administrations 26 .6.5.2 Bi–lateral and Multi–lateral Agreements 27 .6.5.3 Preferential Use of Frequencies, Trigger Levels and Distance from the Border 28 .6.5.4 Decreasing cross–border interference– Mitigation techniques 28 .6.6 References 29 .7 Regional RF Spectrum management 1 .7.1 RF Regulatory Framework in Europe: Continent and EU 5 pp. 3 .7.1.1 RF Regulation in the European Continent: Main Players 3 . The Intergovernmental and International Regulatory Relationships 3 . The Main European Organizations 4 . CEPT 4 . ETSI and standardization 6 . EFTA 7 .7.1.2 Supranational Europe: European Union, EU Framework legislation on spectrum 8 . The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) 9 . The Radio Spectrum Policy Group (RSPG) 9 . EU Deliverables 10 . The R&TTE Directive 11 .7.1.3 Computerized Tools and harmonized activities used in the CEPT 12 .7.1.4 Overall Approach– Europe Regulatory Framework, all Europe including EU 13 . Europe Continent– RF Regulatory Framework, summary 13 . EU and EC: RF Regulatory Framework, summary 14 . Conclusion: RF Regulatory Framework in Europe 15 .7.2 Main Regional players in America: OAS, CITEL and CAN 17 .7.2.1 OAS and CITEL 17 .7.2.2 RF Regulatory Framework in CAN 17 . CAN– Equipment Type Approval 18 .7.2.3 CAN: Overall Approach 18 .7.2.4 CAN Regulation: Conclusion 19 .7.2.5 Additional South American and Caribbean Players 19 .7.2.6 Intergovernmental South American Overall Approach 20 .7.3 Comparison of two major camps: Europe and North America 22 .7.3.1 General 22 .7.3.2 Analysis 22 .7.3.3 Conclusion 24 .7.4 RF Regulation in Asia 25 .7.4.1 General– Leading Asia 25 .7.4.2 Asia–Pacific Telecommunity APT 25 .7.4.3 Regulating the largest wireless markets in South East Asia 27 .7.4.4 Asia–Pacific Broadcasting Union ABU 27 .7.4.5 Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications RCC 27 .7.5 RF Regulation in Arab States and North Africa 28 .7.6 RF Regulation in Africa 30 .7.6.1 African Telecommunications Union ATU 30 .7.6.2 West African States 30 .7.6.3 East African Community: EAC and EACO 31 .7.6.4 South–African Region: Regulatory Framework 31 .7.7 References 32 .8 National Spectrum Management 1 .8.1 Roles of the National Spectrum Management (NSM) 2 .8.1.1 National Objectives 2 .8.1.2 Basic functions and responsibilities of the NSM 3 .8.1.3 Guidelines and practices to optimally manage the RF Spectrum 4 .8.1.4 RF Spectrum control 8 .8.2 Trends in Spectrum Management, smarter technologies and modulations 10 .8.2.1 Administrative Trends 10 .8.2.2 New Wireless Technologies 10 .8.3 RF Spectrum Management in some leading countries 14 .8.3.1 RF Regulatory Framework in China 15 .8.3.2 France 26 .8.3.3 RF Regulatory Framework in the UK 33 .8.3.4 RF Regulatory Framework in the U.S. 44 .8.3.5 Regulatory Frameworks of national Case Studies – Conclusion 56 .8.4 References 60 .9. Limitations to Radio Frequency Human Exposure 1 .9.1 Human Hazards 2 .9.2 RF Health Risks as a Social Story 3 .9.2.1Equation Chapter (Next) Section 1Equation Section (Next) Electromagnetic hypersensitivity and electrophobia 3 .9.2.1 Regulating uncertain risks 4 .9.3 RF (Radio Frequency) exposure and thermal damage 5 .9.3.1 Human–Hazards: Risks from RF Exposure 5 .9.3.2 The international, regional and national thresholds; comparative study 14 .9.4 Quantified RF hazards from fixed transmitters 15 .9.4.1 Power–density, field–strength and safety–distances around fixed transmitters 15 .9.4.2 Emissions transmitted from the same site: multiple–antenna installation 17 .9.5 Simulations and measurements of RF exposure 18 .9.5.1 Calculated safety–distances, worst–case, multiple–antenna installation 18 .9.5.2 Monitoring human exposure 24 .9.6 RF Hazards limits and their impact on mobile network planning 27 .9.6.1 Excessive exposure limits affect network planning 27 .9.6.2 Handling low exposure thresholds by additional cellular antennas or additional RF Spectrum 28 .9.6.3 Trial to Quantify RF versus Sites 29 .9.7 Policies and mitigation techniques to reduce the human exposure 31 .9.7.1 Policies to reduce the human exposure to RF radiation 31 .9.7.2 Mitigation techniques to decrease the radiation level 32 .9.7.3 Myths and Realities 32 .9.8 Conclusions 33 .9.9 References 34 .Index

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-51179-4
  • Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 388
  • Fecha Publicación: 12/04/2016
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés