Comprehensive evaluations: case reports for psychologists, diagnosticians, and special educators
Mather, Nancy
Jaffe, Lynne E.
With contributions from authorities in the fields of psychology and special education—including Dawn Flanagan, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen, Randy Kamphaus, Nadeen Kaufman, George McCloskey, Jack Naglieri, Cecil Reynolds, and Gale Roid—Comprehensive Evaluations provides over fifty sample case reports to help you draft carefully planned, goal-directed, and comprehensive evaluations that clearly explain the reasons for a student's school-related difficulties, from preschool to postsecondary level INDICE: Foreword (John O. Willis). Introduction. Assessment of Individualswith Autism: Procedures and Pitfalls (Sally Logerquist). Neuropsychological Evaluation of a Young Child with a Seizure Disorder (Marshall Andrew Glenn). Language Assessment of a Sibling of a Child with Autism (Dale A. Bailey). Cognitive and Achievement Correlates of Language Disorders (Stephen Camarata and Mary N. Camarata). Comorbidity and Cumulative Effects of Inattention, Poor Emotional Control, and Language Problems on Academic Achievement in Early Childhood (R. W. Kamphaus and Tara C. Raines). How a Weakness in Attention Can Mask TrueLearning Capabilities and Achievement Gains (Eva M. Prince). Associative Memory Disorder: An Unexpected Struggle Resulting in Difficulty with Basic Skill Acquisition (James M. Creed). Evaluation of a Bilingual Student with a History of Language Delay: Differentiating Between a Language Impairment and Second Language Learning (Brigid Garvin). Twice-Exceptional: A Gifted Child with Concomitant Learning Disabilities (Aimee Yermish). An Elementary School Student witha Specific Learning Disability in Reading: Use of the DAS-II to Generate and Test Causal Hypotheses (Colin D. Elliott). Using a Patterns of Strengths and Weaknesses Approach in a Complex Case (James Hanson). Learning is the Best Therapy: The Emotional Consequences of a Learning Disability (Lynne E. Jaffe). Difference versus Disorder: Nondiscriminatory Assessment of an English Learner Suspected of Learning Disability (Samuel O. Ortiz). Using the PASS Theory to Uncover Disorders in Basic Psychological Processes: An Example of Specific Learning Disability (Jack A. Naglieri). Neuropsychological Evaluation of a Child with a Brain Injury at Birth (Sam Goldstein and Sean Cunningham). Missing Out on Early Intervention: The Delay of Appropriate Services for a Child with SLD (Nancy Mather). Learning Disabilities and Mathematics: A School Psychological Framework (Steven G. Feifer). The Cognitive Assessment System and the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-IV in a Neuropsychological Context (Tulio M. Otero and Jack A. Naglieri). Re-establishing Eligibility and Re-evaluation Post Natural Disaster (Tara C. Raines and Cecil Reynolds). Psychoeducational Assessment of a Child with High Functioning Autism Using a Problem-Solving Approach (Joel S. Hanania). RTI Data and Cognitive Assessment are Both Useful for SLD Identification and Intervention Planning (Dawn Flanagan and Vincent Alfonso). Specific Learning Disability Report: The Importance of Professional Judgment (Edward Schultz). Integrating RtI with an Individual Comprehensive Assessment to Identify a Specific Learning Disability in Reading (Donna Rury Smith). Assessing a Child with a Nonspecific Pervasive Development Disorder: Can a Nonverbal Cognitive Measure Help? (R. Steve McCallum). Difficulty vs. Disability? A Student Struggling with Math (John M. Garruto). Psychoeducational Assessment of a Student with a Visual Impairment Using the Woodcock-Johnson III Tests of Achievement - Braille Adaptation (Kimberly Morris). Differential Diagnosis: ADHD, Emotional Disturbance, or Aspergers Syndrome? (Elaine Fletcher-Janzen). The Heterogeneity and Complexities of Children with Developmental Delays (Melissa M. King and Mary C. Wright). Differential Diagnosis: Emotional Disturbance or Conduct Disorder? (Elaine Fletcher-Janzen). Integration of Post-Referral ProgressMonitoring Data in a Specific Learning Disability Evaluation (Robert Misak). Sweet Child (But Only When Not in School) (Mitchel D. Perlman). Psychoeducational Evaluation of a Bilingual Student with a Visual Impairment (Sarah Gaines).Memory and Processing Assessments: A Report for Parents (Milton J. Dehn). Oral and Written Language Influences on Academic and Social Functioning: A Whole Child Approach (Blanche Podhajski and Frances Ingram). Process Assessment of the Learner, 2nd Edition (PAL-II): Comprehensive Assessment for Evidence-Based,Treatment-Relevant Differential Diagnosis of Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Oral and Written Language Learning Disability (OWL LD), and Dyscalculia (Virginia W. Berninger). Math Problem Solving: Applying a Processing Model to LD Determination(Gail M. Cheramie, Linda Hernandez Parks, and Ashley Schuler). Nonverbal Learning Disabilities or Asperger's Syndrome? Clarification through Cognitive Hypothesis Testing (Lisa A. Hain and James B. Hale). Applying a Multi-Level Interpretive Framework with an Emphasis on the Assessment of Executive Functions (George McCloskey). Assessment of Non-Verbal Learning Disabilities (Christopher J. Nicholls). Actively Involving an Adolescent in the Evaluation Process from Intake to Feedback: Promoting Positive Outcomes (Elizabeth O. Lichtenberger andNadeen L. Kaufman). A Comprehensive Evaluation of a High School Student: WhenSocial-Emotional Functioning and Specific Learning Disabilities Interact (Toby D. Laird). ADHD: To Be or Not to Be? That Was the Question (Ron Dumont). Assessing an Adolescent English Language Learner: Teasing Apart the Threads of Two Languages (Deborah Rhein). Neuropsychological Evaluation of an Adolescent with Moderate Mental Retardation: The Importance of Making an Accurate Diagnosis(Janice Sammons and Judith M. Kroese). The Impact of Slow Processing Speed onPerformance (Jane McClure). Falling through the Cracks: An Adolescent with a Severe Reading Disability (Bashir Abu Hamour, Annmarie Urso, Nancy Mather). A Multiple Measures Approach to Assessing a Student who is Deaf (Lisa S. Coyner). Comprehensive Assessment of an Attention-Based Learning Problem: Capturing the Relevance of Psychological Vital Signs (Thomas M. Brunner). Psychoeducational Assessment of a Juvenile Offender in a Correctional Setting (Christina Vasquez and Richard Morris). When the Child with Specific Learning Disabilities Grows Up (Nicole Ofiesh). A Comprehensive Evaluation of a High-Functioning Secondary Student with Dyslexia (Chris Coleman). Use of Nonverbal Cognitive Assessment to Distinguish Learning Disabilities from Second Language Learning Difficulties (Sherry Mee Bell). The Enduring Nature of Specific Learning Disability: A College Freshman with a Specific Reading Disability (Barbara J. Wendling). Comprehensive Evaluation of a Hard of Hearing High School Student in a Rural Setting (Kelly Metz). Assessment of a Cognitively Capable Student Who is Struggling to Succeed in College (Andrew Shanock). Making the Most of One's Strengths: When Verbal Intelligence and Dedication to Succeed Overcome Late Identification (Michael E. Gerner). Use of the Stanford-Binet Fifth Edition in a Brain Injury Case (Gale Roid and Krystle Edwards). Psychoeducational Evaluation of an Adult for LD and ADHD: Integrating Neuropsychological Measures into Cross-Battery Assessment (Cathy Fiorello). Appendix A: Table of Reports. Appendix B: Guidelines for Writing Psychoeducational Assessment Reports. Appendix C: Test Acronyms.
- ISBN: 978-0-470-61791-5
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 640
- Fecha Publicación: 15/12/2010
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés