4th International Symposium on High Temperature Metallurgical Processing
Jiang, Tao
Hwang, Jiann–Yang
Mackey, Phillip
Yucel, Onuralp
Zhou, Guifeng
In the last decade, global metallurgical industries have experienced fast and prosperous growth. High temperature metallurgical technology is the backbone to support the technical, environmental, and economical needs for the growth. This symposium provides a stage to introduce the advancements and developments of new high temperature metallurgical technologies and their applications to the areas of processing of minerals, extraction of metals, preparation of refractory and ceramic materials, sintering and synthesis of fine particles, treatment and recycling of slag and wastes, and saving of energy and protection of environment. INDICE: Preface xiii About the Editors xv High Efficiency New Metallurgical Technology A New Copper Smelting Technology – Bottom Blown Oxygen Furnace Developed at Dongying Fangyuan Nonferrous Metals 3 B. Zhao, Z. Cui, and Z. Wang A Novel Vacuum Aluminothermic Reduction Lithium Process 11 Y. Di, Z. Wang, S. Tao, andN. Feng Study on Double–Layered Pellet Roasting of Sulfur and Arsenic–Bearing Gold Concentrate 19 T. Jiang, X. Li, J. Ge, L. Cui, Q. Li, and Y. Yang Preparation of M003 from Ammonium Tetramolybdate in Microwave Fields 27 J. Li, L. Zhang, G Chen, J. Peng, B. Liu, and H. Xia Looping Sulfide Oxidation™ Process for Anode Copper Production 37 L. Shekhter, C. Anderson, D. Gribbin, E. Cankaya–Yalcin, J. Lessard, and L. McHugh Direct Redaction of TI–V Magnetite Via ITmk3 Technology 45 N. Panishev, B. Dubrovsky, A. Starikov, E. Redin, andE. Knyazev Research and Industrial Application of Oxygen–rich Side–blow Bath Smelting Technology 49 L. Chen, W. Bin, T. Yang, W. Liu, and S. Bin Thermal Plasma Torches for Metallurgical Applications 57 L. Rao, F. Rivard, and P. Carabin Research on Removal of Potassium and Sodium by Pre–reduction Sintering 67 Q. Li, Z. Jing, Y. Yang, T. Jiang, G Li, andX. Chen Fundamental Research of Metallurgical Process Reaction Mechanisms and Product Morphologies on Gaseous Reduction of Metal Compounds – Extractive Metallurgy Meets Materials Science 77 P. Hayes Research on the Slag Phase Type of Vanadium–Titanium Magnetite in Pre–Reduction–Electric Furnace Smelting 87 Y. Guo, M. Tang, T. Jiang, L. Qing, and J. Zhou Density of CaO–5%MgO–Al203–Si02 Slag with Low Silica 95 J. Li, T. Zeng, J. Xu, C. Jie, J. Zhang, and K. Chou Study on Magnetic Roasting Kinetic of Oolitic Hematite 103 Y. Guo, L. Qing, T. Jiang, L. Yang, S. Liu, M. Tang, X. Song, andJ. Zhou Basic Research on External Desulfurization of Hot Iron by Dolomite Ill X. Ren, T. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Dou, and G Lv Iron–Carbon Nuggets Coalescence: Influence of Slag?s Liquidus Temperatures 117 A. Nogueira, C. Takano, M. Mourào, and A. Pillihuaman Effect of Mixed Charge of Ore and Lump Coal on the Softening–Melting Property of the Burden 125 H. Guo, G Yang, J. Zhang, J. Shao, Y. Fu, and D. Wan Effects of Oxygen Content and Roasting Temperature on the Sintering Mineralization Properties of Different Iron Ores 131 X. Mao, Z. You, Y. Zhang, Z. Fan, and T. Jiang Analysis on Wear Mechanism of Refractories Used in Hot Air Pipeline for Large Scale Blast Furnaces 139 G Xu, X. Chen, X. Huang, W. Xiang, and H Zhang Alloy and Materials Preparation I Hot Workability of M42 Tool Steel Additionally Alloyed with Co and Mo ....147 M. Tercelj, G Kugler, M. Fazarinc, and I. Perm Effects of Crystallization of Mould Fluxes on Property of Liquid Slag Film and Its Impact onPeritectic Steel Slab Continuous Casting 155 X. Long, S. He, L. Zhu, T. Wu, and Q. Wang Hot Ductility of Nb–V Containing Microalloyed Steel during Solidification...163 Y. Sun, Y. Zeng, andK. Cai Co–Cr–Mo Alloys Production by Self Propagating High Temperature Synthesis 171 O. Okur, M. Alkan, and O. Yiicel High–Temperature Oxidation and Corrosion Behaviors of Ni–Fe–Cr Alloy for Inert Anode Materials in Aluminum Electrolysis 177 J. Xue, L. Feng, G Ndong, J. Zhu, and Q. Liu Production of Molybdenum Containing Iron Based Alloys via Metallothermic Processes 185 D. Kirgöz, M. Alkan, and O. Yiicel Electrical Resistance of TiB2–C/C Function Gradient Materials for Aluminum Reduction Cathodes 191 J. Zhu, J. Xue, and B. Li Experimental Study of Phosphorus Distribution Between Slag and Metal during Duplex Dephosphorus Converter Processing 199 X. Qiu, B. Xie, L. Jiang, X. Zhang, J. Diao, and H. Li The Effect of Aluminum Addition to the ESR Process Slag on IN718 Superalloy Characteristics 207 A. Sheikhhosseini, and S. Abbasi Alloy and Materials Preparation II Production of Fe–Based Alloys by Metall othermic Reduction of Mill Scales from Continuous Casting Processes 219 M. Bugdayci, M. Alkan, and O. Yiicel Study of Heat Flux in CSP Continuous Casting Mold 227 W. Yang, X. Wang, L. Zhang, D. Yang, andX. Liu The Effect of Thermomechanical Ageing of Aluminium–Copper Alloy (MATLAB Approach) 239 A. Amos, G Akeem, F. Emmanuel, O. Ajibade, and O. Oladayo Research on Inclusions in CuCr Alloy Prepared by Thermit Reduction 247 Z. Dou, T. Zhang, G Shi, Y. Du, L. Niu, G Lv, Y. Liu, and J. He Copper–Based Multi–Component Alloys by Vacuum Distillation to Separate Copper Enriched Lead, Silver and Other Valuable Metals Research 255 H. Xiong, B. Yang, D. Liu, B. Xu, X. Chen, and Y. Deng An Overview of Research on Au & Ag Recovery in Copper Smelter 265 Y. Shi, and Z. Ye The Analysis of Orthogonal Experiment Method of Carbon–Coated LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/302 via Microwave–pyrolysis Method 277 Y. Han, Z. Zhang, L. Zhang, J. Peng, and M. Fu Comparative Study on the Metal Aluminum Produced from Alumina by Carbothermic Reduction and Carbothermic–Chlorination 287 Q. Yu, B. Yang, Y. Deng, F. Wang, H Xiong, and M. Chen Continuously Synthesis and Performance of Cathode Material LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/302 for Lithium Ion Batteries 293 M. Fu, L. Zhang, Z. Zhang, J. Peng, Y. Han, and J. Du Tensile Mechanical Properties and Brittle Effect of Austempered Cr–Mo Alloy Steel 299 C Chen, F. Hung, T. Lui, and L. Chen Roasting, Reduction and Smelting Cost Benefits of EAF Bottom Purging Systems Due to Metallurgical Improvements 309 M. Kirschen, A. Hanna, andK. Zettl Researches on Reduction Roasting of Low–Grade Manganese Oxide Ores Using Biomass Charcoal asReductant 317 Y. Zhang, D. Duan, Z. You, G Li, X. Fan, and T. Jiang Reduction Behavior of Pellets Balled with Bentonite 325 T. Jiang, G Han, Y. Huang, G Li, and Y. Zhang Vanadium Distribution Between Blast Furnace Slag and Hot Metal 333 J. Yan, B. Xie, X. Zeng, Q. Huang, and H. Li Development of Antimony Smelting Technology in China 341 W. Liu, T. Yang, L. Chen, S. Bin, and W. Bin Effect of Reduction Conditons on Pre–reduction Behaviors of Self–fluxed Pellets in COREX Process 353 D. Zhu, Z. Gao, and J. Pan Calcination Factors of Rubidium Extraction from Low–Grade Muscovite Ore 361 Z Shan, X. Shu, J. Feng, and W. Zhou Reduction and Separation of High Iron Content Manganese Ore and Its Mechanism 367 Z Huang, B. Chai, L. Yi, and T. Jiang Simulation and Modeling Simulations for Optimising Plant Flowsheets for Brownfield Improvements ..379 A. Campbell, and M. Reed Study on Apprasial Model of Iron Ores Based on Multi–level Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation 385 X. Fan, Y. Li, andX. Chen The Numerical Simulation and Application of Oxygen Lance in 120t BOF of PANSTEEL 393 Y. Chen, X. Liang, J. Zeng, G. LI, and S. Yang CFD Model Development for Gaseous Reduction of Iron Ore Fines Using Multilayer Moving–fluidized Bed 401 H. Tang, Y. Mao, L. Ma, and Z. Guo Deformation Simulation of Copper Plates of Slab Continuous Casting Mold 411 X. Meng, W. Wang, M. Zhu, and R. Suzuki An Estimation Model for the Viscosities of CaF2–(CaO)–Al203 Slags 417 G Shi, T. Zhang, L. Niu, and Z. Dou Thermodynamic Modeling of the CaO–FetO–CaF2 System for Application In Electroslag Remelting 425 D. Nassyrov, and I. Jung Determination of Liquidus Temperatures from Viscosity for CaO–Al203 Based Slags 435 J. Xu, L. Tang, M. Sheng, J. Li, J. Zhang, and K. Wan Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Fields in Microwave Gas Heating System: Influence of the Dielectric Properties 443 X. Shang, J. Chen, N. Shen, Y. Shi, B. Zhang, G Chen, and J. Peng Sintering and Pelletization Production of Crude Ferronickel from Sivrihisar Latérite Ores of Turkey 453 E. Keskinkilic, S. Pournaderi, A. Geveci, and Y. Topkaya Sintering Process of Phosphorite from Leshan,China 461 E. Guo, D. Li, C. Pan, M. Liu, andX. Lv Comprehensive Effect of Coke Breeze and Limestone Particle Size on Sinter Performance in Sintering of a Coarse Hematite Iron Ore 469 Z. Wang, J. Zhang, X. Xing, S. Ren, B. Gao, andX. Zhang Effects of the Raw Material Characteristics of Iron Concentrates on Ballability 477 J. Pan, S. Yue, D. Zhu, and Z. He Study on Improving the Strength of Copper Concentrate Pellets by Adding Binders 485 X. Fan, S. He, L. Zhang, Y. Tang, X. Chen, M. Gan, and G Bai Sintering Process of Chromite Concentrate 493 P. Chen, D. Li, C. Pan, M. Liu, andX. Lv Research on Strengthening Consolidation of Magnesium Bearing Hematite Pellets 501 L. Yuan, X. Fan, M. Gan, G Yang, X. Huang, Z. Ji, and Z. Yu Study on the Improvements of Reduction Swellability and Low Temperature Reduction Disintegration of Vanadium–Titanium Magnetite Oxidized Pellets 509 Y. Guo, J. Zhou, T Jiang, F. Chen, X. Song, M. Tang, and L. Qing The New On–line Detecting Method of Sintering Mix and Its Basic Research 517 Y. Yang, Q. Tan, Q. Li, K. Li, Y. Zhu, D. Li, Q. Xie, and C. Li Optimizing the Sintering Process of Low–Grade Ferromanganese Ores 527 Y. Zhang, W. Luo, Z. You, Z. Su, G. Li, and T. Jiang Treatment of Solid Slag/Wastes and Complex Ores Using of Spent Foundry Sands for Production of Burned Ceramic Building Materials: Influence for Environment 537 M. Holtzer, J. Danko, R. Danko, and S. Zymankowska–Kumon Developments of Processing Technologies for Refractory Gold Ores 545 L. Chen, T. Yang, W. Liu, and D. Wang Study on Iron Recovery and Desulfurization of Pyrite Cinder 553 X. Fan, H. Wen, Q. Deng, M. Gan, G Shen, and S. Huang Reaction Process of Coal Based Reduction of Siderite Ore 563 J. Pan, Z. Xue, D. Zhu, X. Zhou, and Y. Luo Enhanced Reduction of CaF2 and NaF on Vanadium Titano–Magnetite Carbon Composite Pellets 571 X. Xing, J. Zhang, Z. Wang, S. Ren, M. Cao, Z. Liu, and M. Lu An Investigation on Utilization of Ferrous Scrap by Could–Bonded Pelletizing579 X. Fan, L. Yuan, M. Gan, W. Lv, Y. Wang, andX. Chen Research on the Lead Removal from Pyrity Cinder 587 X. Chen, G Shen, X. Fan, Q. Deng, H. Wen, and M. Gan Microwave Heating, Energy and Environment Microwave Reflection Loss of Ferric Oxide 597 Z. Peng, J. Hwang, B. Kim, M. Andriese, andX. Wang Process Optimization by Response Surface Method for Sintering of Chromite Fines by Microwave 605 J. Chen, H Zhu, J. Peng, S. Guo, L. Dai, and Q. Ye Life Cycle Assessment of Microwave Hot Air Systems 615 J. Chen, G Chen, and J. Peng Chemical Enrichment of Precious Metals in Iron Sulfides Using Microwave Energy 623 M. Andriese, J. Hwang, Z. Peng, and B. Li Development of Bismuth Smelting Technology in China 631 T. Yang, J. Li, W. Liu, L. Chen, and W. Bin Research on the Influence of Moulding Sand with Furan Resin on the Environment 643 M. Holtzer, M. Kubecki, R. Danko, S. Zymankowska–Kumon, and A. Bobrowski Prediction Method of Pre–Ignition Bed Pressure Drop in Composite Agglomeration Process 651 H. Zhang, H. Yu, Z. Yu, Y. Zhang, G. Li, and T. Jiang Co–Gasification Behavior of Metallurgical Coke with High and Low Reactivity 659 H. Zuo, B. Gao, J. Zhang, and Z. Wang Study on Swelling Behavior of Iron Ore Pellets in Direct Reduction with Coal Gas 667 Z. Huang, Z. Liang, L. Yi, and T. Jiang Author Index 675 Subject Index 679
- ISBN: 978-1-118-60569-1
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 696
- Fecha Publicación: 03/05/2013
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés