Covers the area of lipidomics from fundamentals and theory to applications Presents a balanced discussion of the fundamentals, theory, experimental methods and applications of lipidomics Covers different characterizations of lipids including Glycerophospholipids; Sphingolipids; Glycerolipids and Glycolipids; and Fatty Acids and Modified Fatty Acids Includes a section on quantification of Lipids in Lipidomics such as sample preparation; factors affecting accurate quantification; and data processing and interpretation Details applications of Lipidomics Tools including for Health and Disease; Plant Lipidomics; and Lipidomics on Cellular Membranes INDICE: Part I. INTRODUCTION .Chapter 1. Lipids and Lipidomics .1.1 Lipids .1.1.1 Definition .1.1.2 Classification . Lipid MAPS approach . Building block approach . Building block concept and classification . The significance of building block classification .1.2 Lipidomics .1.2.1 Definition .1.2.2 History of lipidomics .References .Chapter 2. Mass Spectrometry for Lipidomics .2.1 Ionization techniques .2.1.1 Electrospray ionization . Principle of electrospray ionization . Features of electrospray ionization for lipid analysis . Advent of ESI for lipid analysis: nanoESI and off–axis ion inlets .2.1.2 Matrix–assisted laser desorption/ionization .2.2 Mass analyzers .2.2.1 Quadrupole .2.2.2 Time–of–flight .2.2.3 Ion trap .2.3 Detector .2.4 Tandem mass spectrometry techniques .2.4.1 Product ion analysis .2.4.2 Neutral–loss scan .2.4.3 Precursor–ion scan .2.4.4 Selected reaction monitoring .2.4.5 Tandem mass spectrometry techniques are interwoven .2.5 Other recent advances in mass spectrometry for lipid analysis .2.5.1 Ion–mobility mass spectrometry .2.5.2 Desorption electrospray ionization .References .Chapter 3 Mass Spectrometry–based Lipidomics Approaches .3.1 Introduction .3.2 Shotgun lipidomics direct infusion–based approaches .3.2.1 Devices for direct infusion .3.2.2 Features of shotgun lipidomics .3.2.3 Shotgun lipidomics approaches . Tandem mass spectrometry–based shotgun lipidomics . High mass accuracy–based shotgun lipidomics . Multi–dimensional mass spectrometry–based shotgun lipidomics .3.2.4 Advantages and drawbacks . Tandem mass spectrometry–based shotgun lipidomics . High mass accuracy–based shotgun lipidomics . Multi–dimensional mass spectrometry–based shotgun lipidomics .3.3 LC–MS based approaches for lipidomics .3.3.1 General . Selected ion monitoring for LC–MS . Selected/multiple reaction monitoring for LC–MS . Data–dependent analysis after LC–MS .3.3.2 LC–MS based approaches . Normal–phase LC–MS based approaches . Reversed–phase LC–MS based approaches . Hydrophilic interaction LC–MS based approaches . Other LC–MS based approaches .3.3.3 Advantages and drawbacks .3.3.4 Identification of lipid species after LC–MS .3.4 MALDI–MS for lipidomics .3.4.1 General .3.4.2 Analysis of lipid extracts .3.4.3 In situ analysis of tissue lipids and MALDI–MS imaging .3.4.4 Advantages and drawbacks .3.4.5 Recent advances in MALDI–MS for lipidomics . Utilization of novel matrices . HPTLC–MADLI–MS . Matrix–free laser desorption/ionization approaches .References .Chapter 4. Variables in Mass Spectrometry for Lipidomics .4.1 Introduction .4.2 Variables in lipid extraction (i.e., multiplex extraction conditions) .4.2.1 The pH conditions of lipid extraction .4.2.2 Solvent polarity of lipid extraction .4.2.3 Intrinsic chemical properties of lipids .4.3 Variables in infusion solution .4.3.1 Polarity, composition, ion pairing, and others in the infusion solution .4.3.2 Variation of the level or composition of a modifier in the infusion solution .4.3.3 Lipid concentration in the infusion solution .4.4 Variables in ionization .4.4.1 Capillary temperature .4.4.2 Spray voltage .4.4.3 Injection/eluent flow rate .4.5 Variables in building–block monitoring with MS/MS scanning .4.5.1 Precursor–ion scanning of a fragment ion whose m/z serves as a variable .4.5.2 Neutral–loss scanning of a neutral fragment whose mass serves as a variable .4.5.3 Fragments associated with the building blocks are the variables in product–ion MS analysis .4.6 Variables in collision .4.6.1 Collision energy .4.6.2 Collision–gas pressure .4.6.3 Collision gas type .4.7 Variables in separation .4.7.1 Charge properties in intrasource separation .4.7.2 Elution time in LC separation .4.7.3 Matrix properties in selective ionization by MALDI .4.7.4 Drift time (or collision cross section) in ion–mobility separation .4.8 Conclusion .References .Chapter 5. Bioinformatics in Lipidomics .5.1 Introduction .5.2 Lipid libraries and databases .5.2.1 Lipid MAPS structure database .5.2.2 Building block concept–based theoretical databases .5.2.3 LipidBlast in silico tandem mass spectral library .5.2.4 METLIN database .5.2.5 Human Metabolome Database .5.2.6 LipidBANK database .5.3 Bioinformatics tools in automated lipid data processing .5.3.1 Spectral processing .5.3.2 Biostatistical analyses and visualization .5.3.3 Annotation for structure of lipid species .5.3.4 Software packages for common data processing . XCMC . MZmine . A practical approach for determination of mass spectral baselines . LipidView . Lipid Search . SimLipid . MultiQuant . Software packages for shotgun lipidomics .5.4 Bioinformatics for lipid network/pathway analysis and modeling .5.4.1 Reconstruction of lipid network/pathway .5.4.2 Simulation of lipidomics data for interpretation of biosynthesis pathways .5.4.3 Modeling of spatial distributions and biophysical context .5.5 Integration of omics .5.5.1 Integration of lipidomics with other omics .5.5.2 Lipidomics guides genomics analysis .References .Part II. CHARACTERIZATION OF LIPIDS .Chapter 6. Introduction .6.1 Structural characterization for lipid identification .6.2 Pattern recognition for lipid identification .6.2.1 Principles of pattern recognition .6.2.2 Examples . Choline lysoglycerophospholipid . Sphingomyelin . Triacylglycerol .6.2.3 Summary .References .Chapter 7. Fragmentation Patterns of Glycerophospholipids .7.1 Introduction .7.2 Choline glycerophospholipid .7.2.1 Positive ion mode . Protonated species . Alkaline adducts .7.2.2 Negative ion mode .7.3 Ethanolamine glycerophospholipid .7.3.1 Positive ion mode . Protonated species . Alkaline adducts .7.3.2 Negative ion mode . Deprotonated species . Derivatized species .7.4 Phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositides .7.4.1 Positive ion mode .7.4.2 Negative ion mode .7.5 Phosphatidylserine .7.5.1 Positive ion mode .7.5.2 Negative ion mode .7.6 Phosphatidylglycerol .7.6.1 Positive ion mode .7.6.2 Negative ion mode .7.7 Phosphatidic acid .7.7.1 Positive ion mode .7.7.2 Negative ion mode .7.8 Cardiolipin .7.9 Lysoglycerophospholipids .7.9.1 Choline lysoglycerophospholipids .7.9.2 Ethanolamine lysoglycerophospholipids .7.9.3 Anionic lysoglycerophospholipids .7.10 Other glycerophospholipids .7.10.1 N–acyl phosphatidylethanolamine .7.10.2 N–acyl phosphatidylserine .7.10.3 Acyl phosphatidylglycerol .7.10.4 Bis(monoacylglycero)phosphate .7.10.5 Cyclic phosphatidic acid .References .Chapter 8. Fragmentation Patterns of Sphingolipids .8.1 Introduction .8.2 Ceramide .8.2.1 Positive ion mode .8.2.2 Negative ion mode .8.3 Sphingomyelin .8.3.1 Positive ion mode .8.3.2 Negative ion mode .8.4 Cerebroside .8.4.1 Positive ion mode .8.4.2 Negative ion mode .8.5 Sulfatide .8.6 Oligoglycosylceramide and gangliosides .8.7 Inositol phosphorylceramide .8.8 Sphingolipid metabolites .8.8.1 Sphingoid bases .8.8.2 Sphingoid–1–phosphate .8.8.3 Lysosphingomyelin .8.8.4 Psychosine .8.8.5 Ceramide–1–phosphate .References .Chapter 9. Fragmentation Patterns of Glycerolipids .9.1 Introduction .9.2 Monoglyceride .9.3 Diglyceride .9.4 Triglyceride .9.5 Hexosyl diacylglycerol .9.6 Other glycolipids .References .Chapter 10. Fragmentation Patterns of Fatty Acids and Modified Fatty Acids .10.1 Introduction .10.2 Non–esterified fatty acid .10.2.1 Underivatized non–esterified fatty acid . Positive–ion mode . Negative–ion mode .10.2.2 Derivatized non–esterified fatty acid . Off–line derivatization . On–line derivatization (Ozonolysis) .10.3 Modified fatty acid .10.4 Fatty acidomics .References .Chapter 11. Fragmentation Patterns of Other Bioactive Lipid Metabolites .11.1 Introduction .11.2 Acylcarnitine .11.3 Acyl–CoA .11.4 Endocannabinoids .11.4.1 N–Acyl ethanolamine .11.4.2 2–Acyl glycerol .11.4.3 N–Acyl amino acid .11.5 4–Hydroxalkenal .11.6 Chlorinated lipids .11.7 Sterols and oxysterols .11.8 Fatty acid–hydroxy fatty acids .References .Chapter 12. Imaging Mass Spectrometry of Lipids .12.1 Introduction .12.1.1 Samples suitable for MS imaging of lipids .12.1.2 Sample processing/preparation .12.1.3 Matrix application . Matrix application . Matrix application methods .12.1.4 Data processing . Biomap . FlexImaging . MALDI imaging team imaging computing system (MITICS) . Datacube Explorer . imzML .12.2 MALDI–MS imaging .12.3 Secondary ion mass spectrometry imaging .12.4 DESI–MS imaging .12.5 Ion–mobility imaging .12.6 Advantages and drawbacks of imaging mass spectrometry for analysis of lipids .12.6.1 Advantages .12.6.2 Limitations .References .Part III. QUANTIFICATION OF LIPIDS IN LIPIDOMICS .Chapter 13. Sample Preparation .13.1 Introduction .13.2 Sampling, storage, and related concerns .13.2.1 Sampling .13.2.2 Sample storage prior to extraction .13.2.3 Minimizing autoxidation .13.3 Principles and methods of lipid extraction .13.3.1 Principles of lipid extraction .13.3.2 Internal standards .13.3.3 Lipid extraction methods . Folch extraction . Bligh–Dyer extraction . MTBE extraction . BUME extraction . Extraction of plant samples . Special cases .13.3.4 Contaminants and artifacts in extraction .13.3.5 Storage of lipid extracts .References .Chapter 14. Quantification of Individual Lipid Species in Lipidomics .14.1 Introduction .14.2 Principles of quantifying lipid species by mass spectrometry .14.3 Methods for quantification in lipidomics .14.3.1 Tandem mass spectrometry–based method .14.3.2 Two–step quantification approach used in MDMS–SL .14.3.3 Selected ion monitoring method .14.3.4 Selected–reaction monitoring method .14.3.5 High mass accuracy mass spectrometry approach .References .Chapter 15. Factors Affecting Accurate Quantification of Lipids .15.1 Introduction .15.2 Lipid aggregation .15.3 Linear dynamic range of quantification .15.4 Nuts and bolts of tandem mass spectrometry for quantification of lipids .15.5 Ion suppression .15.6 Spectral baseline .15.7 The effects of isotopes .15.8 Minimal number of internal standards for quantification .15.9 In–source fragmentation .15.10 Quality of solvents .15.11 Miscellaneous in quantitative analysis of lipids .References .Chapter 16. Data Quality Control and Interpretation .16.1 Introduction .16.2 Data quality control .16.3 Recognition of lipid metabolism pathways for data interpretation .16.3.1 Sphingolipid metabolic pathway network .16.3.2 Network of glycerophospholipid biosynthesis pathways .16.3.3 Glycerolipid metabolism .16.3.4 Inter–relationship between different lipid categories .16.4 Recognition of lipid functions for data interpretation .16.5.1 Lipids serve as cellular membrane components .16.5.2 Lipids serve as cellular energy depots .16.5.3 Lipids serve as signaling molecules .16.5.4 Lipids play other cellular roles .16.5 Recognizing the complication of sample inhomogeneity and cellular compartments in data interpretation .16.6 Integration of omics for data supporting .References .Part IV. APPLICATIONS OF LIPIDOMICS IN BIOMEDICAL AND BIOLOGICAL RESEARCH .Chapter 17. Lipidomics for Health and Disease .17.1 Introduction .17.2 Diabetes and obesity .17.3 Cardiovascular diseases .17.4 Non–alcohol fatty liver disease .17.5 Alzheimer s disease .17.6 Psychosis .17.7 Cancer .17.8 Lipidomics in nutrition and food .17.8.1 Lipidomics in determination of the effects of specific diets or challenge tests .17.8.2 Lipidomics to control food quality .References .Chapter 18. Plant Lipidomics .18.1 Introduction .18.2 Characterization of lipids special to plant lipidome .18.2.1 Galactolipids .18.2.2 Sphingolipids .18.2.3 Sterols and derivatives .18.2.4 Sulfolipids .18.2.5 Lipid A and intermediates .18.3 Lipidomics for plant biology .18.3.1 Stress–induced changes of plant lipidomes . Lipid alterations in plants induced by temperature changes . Wounding–induced alterations in plastidic lipids . Phosphorus deficiency–resulted changes of glycerophospholipids and galactolipids .18.3.2 Changes of plant lipidomes during development . Alterations in lipids during development of cotton fibers . Changes of lipids during potato tuber aging and sprouting .18.3.3 Characterization of gene function by lipidomics . Role of fatty acid desaturases and DHAP reductase in systemic acquired resistance . Roles of phospholipases in response to freezing . Role of PLD in phosphorus deficiency–induced lipid changes .18.3.4 Lipidomics facilitates improvement of genetically modified food quality .References .Chapter 19. Lipidomics on Yeast and Mycobacterium .19.1 Introduction .19.2 Yeast lipidomics .19.2.1 Protocol for analysis of yeast lipidomes by mass spectrometry .19.2.2 Quantitative analysis of yeast lipidomes .19.2.3 Comparative lipidomics studies on different yeast strains .19.2.4 Lipidomics of yeast for lipid biosynthesis and function .19.2.5 Determining the effects of growth conditions on yeast lipidomes .19.3 Mycobacterium lipidomics .References .Chapter 20. Lipidomics on Cell Organelle and Subcellular Membranes .20.1 Introduction .20.2 Golgi .20.3 Lipid droplets .20.4 Lipid rafts .20.5 Mitochondrion .20.6 Nucleus .20.7 Conclusion .References .Abbreviation .Index
- ISBN: 978-1-118-89312-8
- Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 512
- Fecha Publicación: 31/05/2016
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés