This expert volume in the Diagnostic Pathology series is an excellent point-of-care resource for practitioners at all levels of experience and training. Covering all aspects of gastrointestinal pathology to help pathologists differentiate between closely related digestive tract disorders, this volume incorporates the most up-to-date scientific and technical knowledge, providing a comprehensive overview of all key issues relevant to today’s practice. Richly illustrated and easy to use, the fourth edition of Diagnostic Pathology: Gastrointestinal is a visually stunning, one-stop resource for every practicing pathologist, fellow, resident, or student as an ideal day-to-day reference or as a reliable training resource, and is useful to even the most experienced pathologist for current details on the diagnosis and characterization of neoplastic and nonneoplastic diseases of the digestive tract. INDICE: SECTION 1: ESOPHAGUSNONNEOPLASTIC4 Tracheoesophageal Fistula and Esophageal AtresiaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD8 Esophageal Duplication CystAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD12 Inlet PatchAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD16 Esophageal Webs and RingsAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD18 Esophageal DiverticulaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD24 Esophageal VaricesAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD26 Esophageal Tears and PerforationsAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD28 AchalasiaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD32 Gastroesophageal Reflux DiseaseAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD38 Eosinophilic EsophagitisAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD42 Pill-Induced EsophagitisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD46 Corrosive Damage (Lye)Elizabeth A. Montgomery, MD48 Sloughing EsophagitisAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD52 Candidal EsophagitisJoel K. Greenson, MD54 HIV-Associated Esophageal UlcersJoel K. Greenson, MD56 Barrett EsophagusElizabeth A. Montgomery, MDNEOPLASTIC68 Dysplasia in Barrett EsophagusElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD78 Adenocarcinoma, EsophagusElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD84 Squamous PapillomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD86 Squamous DysplasiaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD92 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, EsophagusElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD98 Fibrovascular PolypElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD102 Granular Cell TumorElizabeth A. Montgomery, MDSECTION 2: STOMACHNONNEOPLASTIC108 Pyloric StenosisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD and Scott R. Owens, MD110 Gastric Antral Vascular EctasiaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD112 Dieulafoy LesionAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD116 Portal Hypertensive GastropathyGregory Y. Lauwers, MD118 Acute Hemorrhagic GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD120 Chemical GastropathyGregory Y. Lauwers, MD124 Gastric Mucosal CalcinosisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD126 Iron GastropathyGregory Y. Lauwers, MD128 Gastric UlcersGregory Y. Lauwers, MD130 CarditisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD and Scott R. Owens, MD132 Helicobacter pylori GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD136 Helicobacter heilmannii GastritisJoel K. Greenson, MD138 Multifocal Atrophic GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD140 Autoimmune GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD144 Lymphocytic GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD148 Eosinophilic GastroenteritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD150 Focally Enhanced GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD152 Collagenous GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD154 Granulomatous GastritisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD156 Phlegmonous GastritisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD and Scott R. Owens, MD158 Herpes Zoster InfectionJoel K. Greenson, MD160 Gastric XanthomaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD162 Hyperplastic Polyps, StomachGregory Y. Lauwers, MD166 Ménétrier DiseaseGregory Y. Lauwers, MD168 Zollinger-Ellison SyndromeGregory Y. Lauwers, MDNEOPLASTIC170 Fundic Gland PolypGregory Y. Lauwers, MD172 Adenoma/Dysplasia, StomachGregory Y. Lauwers, MD178 Adenocarcinoma, StomachGregory Y. Lauwers, MD186 Adenocarcinoma, Special VariantsGregory Y. Lauwers, MD190 Molecular Classification of Gastric CancerGregory Y. Lauwers, MD194 Hereditary Diffuse Gastric CancerJoel K. Greenson, MD196 Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor(Carcinoid), StomachGregory Y. Lauwers, MD202 MALT LymphomaScott R. Owens, MD210 GastroblastomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD214 Plexiform FibromyxomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MDSECTION 3: SMALL INTESTINENONNEOPLASTIC220 Small Intestine Duplication CystJoel K. Greenson, MD222 Meckel DiverticulumJoel K. Greenson, MD224 Gastric HeterotopiaJoel K. Greenson, MD226 Ectopic PancreasJoel K. Greenson, MD228 Microvillous Inclusion DiseaseJoel K. Greenson, MD230 Necrotizing EnterocolitisJoel K. Greenson, MD232 Primary LymphangiectasiaJoel K. Greenson, MD234 LymphangiomaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD238 Peptic Duodenitis/Duodenal UlcerJoel K. Greenson, MD240 Celiac DiseaseJoel K. Greenson, MD246 Tropical SprueJoel K. Greenson, MD250 Bacterial Overgrowth/StasisJoel K. Greenson, MD252 Olmesartan EnteropathyJoel K. Greenson, MD254 Autoimmune EnteropathyJoel K. Greenson, MD258 PouchitisJoel K. Greenson, MD260 Whipple DiseaseJoel K. Greenson, MD264 Common Variable ImmunodeficiencyJoel K. Greenson, MD268 GiardiaJoel K. Greenson, MD270 CryptosporidiaJoel K. Greenson, MD274 Cystoisospora (Isospora)Joel K. Greenson, MD276 CyclosporaJoel K. Greenson, MD278 MicrosporidiaJoel K. Greenson, MD280 YersiniaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD284 Mycobacterium avium-intracellulareGregory Y. Lauwers, MD286 Mycobacterium tuberculosisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD288 StrongyloidesJoel K. Greenson, MDNEOPLASTIC292 Adenoma, Small IntestineJoel K. Greenson, MD294 Adenocarcinoma, Small IntestineJoel K. Greenson, MD296 Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor(Carcinoid), Small IntestineJoel K. Greenson, MD302 Gangliocytic ParagangliomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD308 Enteropathy-Associated T-Cell LymphomaScott R. Owens, MD314 Follicular Lymphoma, Duodenal TypeScott R. Owens, MD316 GI Tract Clear Cell Sarcoma-Like TumorElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD320 Waldenström ProteinScott R. Owens, MDSECTION 4: APPENDIXNONNEOPLASTIC326 Acute AppendicitisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD and Scott R. Owens, MD330 Granulomatous AppendicitisJoel K. Greenson, MD332 Enterobius vermicularis AppendicitisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD and Scott R. Owens, MD334 Fibrous ObliterationScott R. Owens, MDNEOPLASTIC336 Serrated Polyps, AppendixScott R. Owens, MD338 Appendiceal Mucinous NeoplasmsScott R. Owens, MD346 Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor(Carcinoid), AppendixScott R. Owens, MD350 Goblet Cell Adenocarcinoma (Goblet Cell Carcinoid)Scott R. Owens, MDSECTION 5: COLONNONNEOPLASTIC358 Hirschsprung DiseaseAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD364 Colonic Duplications, Cysts, and CongenitalDiverticulaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD366 Motility DisordersScott R. Owens, MD368 Diverticular DiseaseAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD374 EndometriosisJoel K. Greenson, MD378 Preparation ArtifactsAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD380 Melanosis ColiAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD384 Ulcerative Colitis, ColonScott R. Owens, MD392 Crohn DiseaseAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD404 Lymphocytic ColitisAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD410 Collagenous ColitisAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD418 Eosinophilic/Allergic ColitisAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD424 Diversion ColitisJoel K. Greenson, MD426 Diverticular Disease-Related ColitisJoel K. Greenson, MD430 Solitary Rectal Ulcer Syndrome/Mucosal ProlapseAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD436 Pneumatosis ColiJoel K. Greenson, MD440 Sexually Transmitted ProctitisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD444 Acute Infectious ColitisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD446 Focal Active ColitisJoel K. Greenson, MD448 CampylobacterGregory Y. Lauwers, MD450 SalmonellaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD454 ShigellaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD456 Clostridium difficileGregory Y. Lauwers, MD462 Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coliGregory Y. Lauwers, MD464 SpirochetosisGregory Y. Lauwers, MD466 AdenovirusGregory Y. Lauwers, MD468 MalakoplakiaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD470 HistoplasmaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD472 CryptococcusGregory Y. Lauwers, MD474 Entamoeba histolyticaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD476 SchistosomiasisGregory Y. Lauwers, MDNEOPLASTIC478 Benign Fibroblastic Polyp/PerineuriomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD482 GanglioneuromaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD488 Hyperplastic Polyps, ColonAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD494 Sessile Serrated AdenomaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD500 Mixed Adenoma-Serrated PolypAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD502 Adenoma, ColonAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD510 Adenoma With PseudoinvasionAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD512 Adenoma With Invasive CarcinomaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD516 Colorectal AdenocarcinomaJoel K. Greenson, MD526 Familial Cancer Syndromes in Colorectal CarcinomaJoel K. Greenson, MD528 Familial Adenomatous PolyposisAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD534 Lynch Syndrome (Hereditary NonpolyposisColorectal Cancer Syndrome)Joel K. Greenson, MD536 Serrated PolyposisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD540 Hereditary Mixed Polyposis SyndromeJoel K. Greenson, MD542 Inflammatory Bowel Disease-Associated NeoplasiaAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD554 Well-Differentiated Neuroendocrine Tumor(Carcinoid), ColonScott R. Owens, MD556 MastocytosisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD and Scott R. Owens, MDSECTION 6: ANUSNONNEOPLASTIC562 HemorrhoidsAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD566 Tailgut CystAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhDNEOPLASTIC570 Anal Intraepithelial NeoplasiaScott R. Owens, MD576 Squamous Cell Carcinoma, AnusScott R. Owens, MD580 Basal Cell CarcinomaScott R. Owens, MD582 Paget DiseaseScott R. Owens, MD588 Anal Duct CarcinomaScott R. Owens, MDSECTION 7: MULTIPLE ORGANSNONNEOPLASTIC592 AmyloidosisJoel K. Greenson, MD596 CytomegalovirusJoel K. Greenson, MD602 Herpes Simplex VirusJoel K. Greenson, MD606 Nonsteroidal Antiinflammatory Drug (NSAID) DamageAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD612 IschemiaJoel K. Greenson, MD616 VasculitisAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD624 Behçet SyndromeJoel K. Greenson, MD626 Graft-vs.-Host DiseaseJoel K. Greenson, MD632 Mycophenolate InjuryJoel K. Greenson, MD634 Radiation EffectJoel K. Greenson, MD636 Immune Modulator Therapy EffectJoel K. Greenson, MD638 Chemotherapy EffectJoel K. Greenson, MD640 Taxane EffectElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD644 Colchicine ToxicityElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD646 Kayexalate InjuryElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD648 Cowden/PTEN Hamartoma Tumor SyndromeGregory Y. Lauwers, MD656 Hamartomatous Polyps, Cronkhite-CanadaGregory Y. Lauwers, MD658 Hamartomatous Polyps, JuvenileGregory Y. Lauwers, MD664 Hamartomatous Polyps, Peutz-JeghersGregory Y. Lauwers, MDNEOPLASTIC670 LeiomyomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD674 LeiomyosarcomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD678 Gastrointestinal Stromal TumorElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD688 Mesenteric FibromatosisElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD692 Inflammatory Fibroid PolypElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD698 SchwannomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD700 Inflammatory Myofibroblastic TumorElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD708 Glomus TumorElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD712 Primary MelanomaScott R. Owens, MD714 Metastatic MelanomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD726 Large B-Cell LymphomasScott R. Owens, MD732 Mantle Cell LymphomaScott R. Owens, MD736 Lipomatous TumorsAlexandros D. Polydorides, MD, PhD740 Follicular Dendritic Cell SarcomaElizabeth A. Montgomery, MD
- ISBN: 978-0-443-28342-0
- Editorial: Elsevier
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 808
- Fecha Publicación: 22/11/2024
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés