Integrated circuits are fundamental electronic components in biomedical, automotive and many other technical systems. A small, yet crucial part of a chip consists of analog circuitry. This part is still in large part designed by handand therefore represents not only a bottleneck in the design flow, but also apermanent source of design errors responsible for re-designs, costly in termsof wasted test chips and in terms of lost time-to-market. Layout design is the step of the analog design flow with the least support by commercially available, computer-aided design tools. This book provides a survey of promising newapproaches to automated, analog layout design, which have been described recently and are rapidly being adopted in industry. Offers a tutorial introductionto analog layout Presents a comprehensive survey of promising new methods forautomated, analog layout design Represents a one-of-a-kind, single-source reference to the latest advances in analog layout design INDICE: Device-level topological placement with symmetry constraints.- Hierarchical placement with layout constraints.- Enhanced shape functions for deterministic analog placement.- Free-Shape Routing for Analog and RF circuits.- Closing the gap between electrical and physical design of analog circuits: thelayout-aware solution.- Analog layout retargeting.- Template-driven analog layout automation.- Place and route of analog circuits.
- ISBN: 978-1-4419-6931-6
- Editorial: Springer
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 240
- Fecha Publicación: 29/10/2010
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés