Early Vascular Aging (EVA): New Directions in Cardiovascular Protection
Cunha, Pedro Guimarães
Boutouyrie, Pierre
Olsen, Michael Hecht
Nilsson, Peter M
Laurent, Stephane
Early Vascular Aging (EVA): New Directions in Cardiovascular Protection, Second Edition continues to be the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on premature alterations in artery structure and function. The book presents a novel approach to the problem of cardiovascular disease, showing it in relation to great vessels disease and revealing a comprehensive approach to the problem of increased rigidity of the great vessels, its causes, and further consequences. This second edition contains completely updated content with expanded coverage of basic and translational research, systematic reviews of the most prominent literature, discussion of applicability of new evidence and more. Written by an international team of clinicians and researchers, this is a valuable resource to basic and translational scientists, clinical researchers and clinicians in the cardiovascular field interested in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EVA. Contains all the relevant information available on the main paradigm shifts in vascular aging research, from different fields of knowledge (from basic biology to epidemiology)Reviews the most prominent evidence produced on early vascular aging (EVA), highlighting recent research advances, clinical applications, and research opportunitiesFormulates, in each chapter, a set of research questions that need to be addressed, challenging the vast research community to take on new directions and collaborations INDICE: Section 1 - Introduction Historical Aspects and Biology of AgingPETER M. NILSSON The 9 paradigm shifts in cardiovascular aging research PIERRE BOUTOUYRIE AND PEDRO GUIMARAES CUNHA Vascular Aging and CV DiseasePEDRO GUIMARAES CUNHA AND MICHAEL H. OLSEN Section 02 - Lifecourse approach and population based studies Aging Population: Challenges and Opportunities in a Life Course PerspectiveANGELO SCUTERI AND PETER M. NILSSON Population-Based Studies: Milestones on the Epidemiological TimelineERNST RIETZSCHEL AND MARC L. DE BUYZERE Lifetime Perspective of Vascular Aging a. Lessons from the Amsterdam Growth and Health Longitudinal StudyISABEL FERREIRA, ROEL J. VAN DE LAAR, FRANK C.T. VAN DER HEIDE, AND COEN D.A. STEHOUWER b. Cardiovascular Aging: Perspectives from Longitudinal Studies of AgingMAJD ALGHATRIF AND EDWARD G. LAKATTA c. Lessons from the Cardiovascular Risk in Young Finns StudyCOSTAN G. MAGNUSSEN, SUVI P. ROVIO, KATJA PAHKALA, AND OLLI T. RAITAKARI Early Vascular Aging in the YoungELAINE M. URBINA, PETER M. NILSSON, AND CARMEL M. MCENIERY Ethnicity and Arterial FunctionJ. KENNEDY CRUICKSHANK AND NADIA BENNETT Section 03 - Molecular, Cellular and Mechanist Contributions to Vascular Aging Cellular and Molecular Determinants of Arterial AgingPATRICK LACOLLEY, PASCAL CHALLANDE, VERONIQUE REGNAULT, EDWARD G. LAKATTA, AND MINGYI WANG Platelet/Leukocyte-Vessel Wall Interactionsand Early AgingVERONIQUE REGNAULT, JEREMY LAGRANGE, R?UMEYZA BASCETIN AND PATRICK LACOLLEY Age-Induced Endothelial Dysfunction and Intima-Media ThickeningMICHAELA KOZAKOVA AND ARNO SCHMIDT-TRUKSASS Diabetes, Prediabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, and Large Artery Vascular AgeingCOEN D.A. STEHOUWER, FRANK C.T. VAN DER HEIDE, MICHAELA KOZAKOVA, AND CARLO PALOMBO The Cross-Talk Between the Macro- and the MicrocirculationSTEPHANE LAURENT, DAMIANO RIZZONI,AND ENRICO AGABITI-ROSEI Changes in Peripheral Blood Pressure with Normal and Accelerated AgingS. FRANKLIN AND MICHAEL HECHT OLSEN Changes in Arterial Stiffness with Normal and Accelerated AgingROSA MARIA BRUNO AND PIERRE BOUTOUYRIE Changes in Central Hemodynamics, Wave Reflection, and Heart_Vessel Coupling with Normal and Accelerated AgingTHOMAS WEBER AND PATRICK SEGERS Arterial Stiffness and Blood Pressure VariabilityGIANFRANCO PARATI, JUAN EUGENIO OCHOA,GIUSEPPE SCHILLACI, AND PAOLO SALVI Chronic Inflammation in Atherosclerosis and ArteriosclerosisJAN ISABEL GONCALVESA, LUCA ZANOLI, JAN NILSSON, AND ANDREAS EDSFELDT Nonhemodynamic Components of EVA: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)IRENE LAMBRINOUDAKI and ELENA ARMENI Microbiota, Diet, Oral Health and Vascular Aging DAVIDE AGNOLETTI, FEDERICA PIANI, SILVIA TURRONI, AND MADELEINE JOHANSSON Section 04 - Biomarkers, risk prediction and phenotypes of vascular aging Traditional Versus New Models of Risk PredictionTHOMAS BASTHOLM OLESEN AND MICHAEL HECHT OLSEN Estimated Arterial StiffnessJULIE VISHRAM-NIELSEN, DIMITRIOS TERENTES-PRINTZIOS, MICHAEL HECHT OLSEN, AND CHARALAMBOS VLACHOPOULOS Vascular Aging Biomarkers: Methodological Measurement Consensus and Reference Values PIERRE BOUTOUYRIE Imaging Biomarkers: Carotid Intima-Media Thickness and Aortic Stiffness as Predictors of Cardiovascular DiseaseCHARALAMBOS VLACHOPOULOS, GEORGIOS GEORGIOPOULOS, GEORGIOS MAVRAGANIS, KIMON STAMATELOPOULOS, AND COSTAS TSIOUFIS Imaging Biomarkers: Flow-Mediated Dilation as Predictor of Cardiovascular Disease ROSA MARIA BRUNO, SMRITI BADHWAR, ELISABETTA BIANCHINI, AND LORENZO GHIADONI Genetic Markers in Prediction of Cardiovascular DiseaseMARTIN W. MCBRIDE, DELYTH GRAHAM, SIMON FISHER, CARA TRIVETT, AND MANSHI ZHOU Phenotypes of Vascular Aging - Vascular Chronobiologic asynchronyPEDRO GUIMARA ES CUNHA, PETER M. NILSSON, PIERRE BOUTOUYRIE, MICHAEL HECHT OLSEN, AND STEPHANE LAURENT Section 05 - Vascular aging, organ damage and late stage disease Early and Late Stages of Chronic Kidney Disease in Relation to Arterial ChangesAGNE-LAUCYTE-CIBULSKIENE AND MIKAEL GOTTS?ATER Arterial Aging, Blood Pressure, and Brain DamageANGELO SCUTERI, STEPHANIE DEBETTE, AND ALBERTO AVOLIO Clinical Implications of Ventricular-Arterial Coupling and the Role of Therapeutic InterventionsIGNATIOS IKONOMIDIS, GEORGE PAVLIDIS, AND DIMITRIOS VLASTOSSystemic Ventricular-Arterial Coupling and Heart DiseaseJULIO A. CHIRINOS Section 06 - Translating research into clinical practice, with precision cardiovascular medicine: Implications of vascular aging Vascular Aging and Clinical Trials PIERRE BOUTOUYRIE AND ROSA MARIA BRUNO a. PART I Treatment of Abnormalities in Lipid Metabolism and EVAVASILIOS KOTSIS b. Part II: Early Vascular Aging and Obesity TreatmentJENS JORDAN c. Part III: Treatment with antidiabetes drugs-Effects on blood pressure and central hemodynamicsPETER M. NILSSON d. Part IV: Arterial Stiffness as Treatment Target: The SPARTE StudySTEPHANE LAURENT Lifestyle Intervention: What Works?PANAGIOTIS XAPLANTERIS AND CHARALAMBOS VLACHOPOULOS Targeting Blood Pressure Lowering and the Sympathetic Nervous SystemDAGMARA HERING AND KRZYSZTOF NARKIEWICZ Targeting Central Blood Pressure Through the Macro- and Microcirculation Cross-Talk STEPHANE LAURENT, ROSA MARIA BRUNO, CLAUDIA AGABITI-ROSEI, CAROLINA DE CIUCEIS, AND DAMIANO RIZZONI Cardiovascular Aging in Clinical Guidelines a. Cardiovascular Prevention Strategies in a Life Course PerspectivePETER M. NILSSONb. Cardiovascular Prevention Strategies in Patients With Comorbidities (Metabolic, Chronic Inflammation, Immunomodulation, Cancer, and Treatment-Induced Arterial Changes)ANTONIOS ARGYRIS AND ATHANASE D. PROTOGEROUc. Cardiovascular Risk PredictionTHOMAS BASTHOLM OLESEN AND MICHAEL HECHT OLSENd. Target Organ DamageMARIA LORENZA MUIESAN AND CLAUDIA AGABITI ROSEIe. Therapeutic Implications of Early Vascular AgingPIERRE BOUTOUYRIE, ROSA MARIA BRUNO, AND STEPHANE LAURENTNew Drugs Under Development for Cardiovascular PreventionSTEPHANE LAURENT AND ULRIKE M. STECKELINGS Specific Pathways to Prevent Early Vascular AgingTINE DE BACKER, PIERRE BOUTOUYRIE, AND L VAN BORTEL Immunization, Vaccines, and Immunomodulation Section 07 - Global Mapping of Vascular Aging Research a. European Research CentresThe ARTERY Society. The Association for Research Into Arterial Structure and PhysiologyTHOMAS WEBER, CARMEL M. MCENIERY, ST_EPHANE LAURENT, AND JOHN COCKCROFTClinical Pharmacology Unit-Hopital Europeen Georges Pompidou-APHP (Paris, France)PIERRE BOUTOUYRIELund University, Department of Clinical Sciences, Malmo, SwedenPETER M. NILSSON AND ISABEL GONCALVESArterial Aging From Bedside to Bench ...and BackANGELO SCUTERIThe Maastricht study, The Netherlands: A population-based cohort study with oversampling of participants with type 2 diabetesCOEN D.A. STEHOUWERErasmus MC University Medical Center, Rotterdam, The NetherlandsFRANCESCO MATTACE RASOAcute and Chronic Cardiovascular Deficiency, Nancy, France 000PATRICK LACOLLEYCardiology Department, Klinikum Wels-Grieskirchen, Wels, AustriaTHOMAS WEBERDepartment of Sport, Exercise and Health at University of Basel, Division of Sport and Exercise Medicine, BaselARNO SCHMIDT-TRUCKSASSBiophysical Models for Medical Applications (BioMMedA), Ghent, BelgiumPATRICK SEGERSMedical University of Gdansk, PolandKRZYSZTOF NARKIEWICZDepartment of Geriatrics and Stroke Medicine, Brighton, UKC. RAJKUMARCentre for the Research and Treatment of Arterial Hypertension and Cardiovascular Risk, Hospital Senhora da Oliveira/Minho University, Guimaraes, PortugalJORGE COTTER AND PEDRO GUIMARAES CUNHAPreventive Cardiology and Echocardiography LaboratoryIGNATIOS IKONOMIDISInstitute of Preventive Pediatrics, Technical University of Munich, Munich, GermanyRENATE OBERHOFFER-FRITZHypertension and Vascular Risk Unit, Internal Medicine Department, Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, SpainCRISTINA SIERRA AND MIGUEL CAMAFORTUnitat d’Hipertensio Arterial i Risc Vascular, Hospital del Mar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, SpainANNA OLIVERAS AND SUSANA VA ZQUEZNephrology, Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Catania, Catania, ItalyLUCA ZANOLICARDIO HEALTH-LAB: Cardiovascular Pathophysiology and Circulatory Health LaboratoryRAFFAELE DE CATERINA AND CARLO PALOMBOItalian National Research Council (CNR), Institute of Clinical Physiology (IFC), Pisa ItalyFABIO ANASTASIO RECCHIA AND ELISABETTA BIANCHINICardiovascular Internal Medicine, University of Bologna, Bologna, ItalyCLAUDIO BORGHICarvascare Research Group, Cuenca, SpainIVAN CAVERO-REDONDOEarly Vascular Aging General Practitioner Research Centre, Budapest, HungaryJANOS NEMCSIKCardiovascular Center, University Hospital Ghent, BelgiumTINE DE BACKERPrimary Care Research Unit of Salamanca (APISAL), Salamanca, SpainLUIS GARCIA ORTIZASKLEPIOS Study, Ghent, BelgiumERNST RIETZSCHEL AND PATRICK SEGERSHypertension Excellence Center, Brescia, ItalyMARIA LORENZA MUIESAN AND ANNA PAINILaboratory of Vascular Biology, Clinica Medica, Department of Clinical and Experimental Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, ItalyMARIA LORENZA MUIESAN AND CAROLINA DE CIUCEISDepartment of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Pisa, ItalySTEFANO TADDEI AND LORENZO GHIADONIThe Unit for Vascular Investigations, Vilnius University Santaros Klinikos, LithuaniaLIGITA RYLISKYTE AND JOLITA BADARIENECardiovascular Prevention and Research Unit, Clinic and Laboratory of Pathophysiology, Department of Medicine, School of Health Sciences, National andKapodistrianUniversity of AthensATHANASE D. PROTOGEROUSDCO-Steno Diabetes Center Odense, Odense, DenmarkKURT HØJLUNDResearch Centre in Physical Activity, Health and Leisure (CIAFEL)LUCIMERE BOHN, JORGE MOTA, AND JOSE OLIVEIRAInstitute of Aerospace Medicine, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Cologne, GermanyJENS JORDANResearch Centre of Applied and Preventive Medicine/Centre for Population Health Research, Turku, FinlandOLLI T. RAITAKARIUnit of Microbiome Science and Biotechnology, Department of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, University of Bologna, Bologna, ItalySILVIA TURRONIMenopause Unit, 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Aretaieio Hospital, Athens, GreeceIRENE LAMBRINOUDAKIHypertension and Vascular Risk Unit, Internal Medicine Service, University Hospital of Sagunto, Sagunto (Valencia), SpainENRIQUE RODILLAPopulation Science and Experimental Medicine, Institute of Cardiovascular Science, University College London, United KingdomALUN HUGHESCentre for Cardiovascular Health and Aging, Cardiff, United KingdomBARRY J. MCDONNELLPeripheral Vessels Unit, First Department of Cardiology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Medical School, Hippokration Hospital, Athens, GreeceCHARALAMBOS VLACHOPOULOS b. Asia/Australia Research Centers Vascular Research Section, Department of Cardiology, Tokyo Medical University, Tokyo, JapanHIROFUMI TOMIYAMAJichi Medical University Center of Excellence in Community Medicine Cardiovascular Research and Development (JCARD), Tochigi, JapanKAZUOMI KARIOBlood Pressure and Arterial Function (BPAF) Laboratory, Macquarie Medical School, Macquarie University, Sydney, AustraliaMARK BUTLINMenzies Institute for Medical Research, Hobart, AustraliaRACHEL EMMA CLIMIEMenzies Institute for Medical Research, Hobart, AustraliaJAMES SHARMANMiyagi University of Education Medical Center, and Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, JapanJUNICHIRO HASHIMOTO 52. c. North American Research Centers History of North American Artery Society Preventive Cardiology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United StatesELAINE M. URBINAIowa Translational Vascular Physiology Lab, Department of Health and Human Physiology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, United StatesGARY L. PIERCEChirinos Lab at the University of PennsylvaniaJULIO A. CHIRINOS, KATHERINE GREENE, AND HANNAH MAYNARDIntegrative Human Physiology Laboratory, University of Massachusetts Boston, Boston, MA, United StatesTRACY BAYNARD AND BO FERNHALLAging and Vascular Physiology Lab, Eugene, OR, United StatesASHLEY WALKERUNC Cardiometabolic Lab, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United StatesLEE STONERIntegrative Physiology Laboratory, University of Illinois at Chicago, United StatesROBERT W. MOTL 53. d. Latin American Research Centers ARTERY LATAM Society: Brief Historical SummaryEDUARDO C.D. BARBOSA, PEDRO FORCADA, AND LUIS MARIA PUPIClinic of Hypertension and Associated Metabolic Diseases-CHAMA, Rio de Janeiro, BrazilMARIO FRITSCH NEVESHypertension Unity-Instituto do Coracao do HCFMUSP, Sao Paulo, BrazilLUIZ APARECIDO BORTOLOTTOHypertension Unit. Cardiology Department, Medicine School, Federal University of Goias, BrazilWEIMAR KUNZ SEBBA BARROSOResearch Group on Hypertension, Arterial Stiffness and Vascular Aging (GPHARV), Maringa, BrazilROGERIO TOSHIRO PASSOS OKAWA, JAQUELINE LYRIO BERMUDES OKAWA, AND WENDELL ARTHUR LOPESVascular Research Center and Its Risk Factors Vascor, Salvador, Bahia, BrazilLUCELIA BATISTA NEVES CUNHA MAGALHAESLaboratory of Vascular Dynamics and Non-Invasive Hemodynamics. Hosp. Sao Francisco-Santa Casa de Porto Alegre-BrazilEDUARDO COSTA DUARTE BARBOSACardiometabolic Center Dr. Luis Maria Pupi, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, ArgentinaLUIS MARIA PUPI, FABIANA CALABRIA, AND PABLO MARIA PUPICardioArenales: Noninvasive Vascular LaboratoryPEDRO FORCADA, HORACIO ALMADA, AND RICARDO GARCIACentro de Hipertension Arterial y Biomecanica VascularFABIANA CALABRIA AND PABLO G. PIZZALASICOR Clinical and Research Center, Medellin, ColombiaDAGNOVAR ARISTIZABALMetabolism and Biomechanics in Systemic VasculopathyJAVIER OSVALDO SARYArterial Stiffness LaboratoryERNESTO CARDONA MUNOZ AND CARLOS RAMOS BECERRAUniversity Hospital, Fundacion Favaloro, Arterial Hypertension, Metabolic UnitRAMIRO SANCHEZ AND AGUSTI´N RAMIREZRicardo Gutierrez Children´s Hospital, Buenos Aires, ArgentinaSARDELLA ANGELAMasira Research Institute, Medical School, Universidad de Santander (UDES), Bucaramanga, ColombiaPATRICIO LOPEZ-JARAMILLO 54. e. Network for Research in Vascular AgingCHRISTOPHER CLEMENS MAYER, JORDI ALASTRUEY, ROSA MARIA BRUNO, RACHEL EMMA CLIMIE, ANDREA GUALA, BERNHARD HAMETNER, IOANA MOZOS, CHLOE PARK, GIACOMO PUCCI, DIMITRIOS TERENTES-PRINTZIOS, AND ELISABETTA BIANCHINI
- ISBN: 978-0-443-15512-3
- Editorial: Academic Press
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 770
- Fecha Publicación: 01/03/2024
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés