An introduction to LTE: LTE, LTE-advanced, sae and 4G mobile communications
Cox, Christopher
An Introduction to LTE explains the technology used by 3GPP Long Term Evolution. The book covers the whole of LTE, both the techniques used for radio communication between the base station and the mobile phone, and the techniques used for signalling communication and data transport in the evolved packet core. It avoids unnecessary detail, focussing instead on conveying a sound understanding of the entire system.The book is aimed at mobile telecommunication professionals, who want to understand what LTE is and how it works. It is invaluablefor engineers who are working on LTE, notably those who are transferring fromother technologies such as UMTS and cdma2000, those who are experts in one part of LTE but who want to understand the system as a whole, and those who are new to mobile telecommunications altogether. It is also relevant to those working in non technical roles, such as project managers, marketing executives andintellectual property consultants. On completing the book, the reader will have a clear understanding of LTE, and will be able to tackle the more specialised books and the 3GPP specifications with confidence.Key features -Covers the latest developments in release 10 of the 3GPP specifications, including the new capabilities of LTE-AdvancedIncludes references to individual sections of the 3GPP specifications, to help readers understand the principles of each topicbefore going to the specifications for more detailed informationRequires no previous knowledge of mobile telecommunications, or of the mathematical techniques that LTE uses for radio transmission and reception INDICE: PrefaceAcknowledgementsList of Abbreviations1 Introduction1.1 Architectural Review of UMTS and GSM1.1.1 High Level Architecture1.1.2 Architecture of the Radio Access Network1.1.3 Architecture of the Core Network1.1.4 Communication Protocols1.2 History of Mobile Telecommunication Systems1.2.1 From 1Gto 3G1.2.2 Third Generation Systems1.3 The Need for LTE1.3.1 The Growth of Mobile Data1.3.2 Capacity of a Mobile Telecommunication System1.3.3 Increasing the System Capacity1.3.4 Additional Motivations1.4 From UMTS to LTE1.4.1 High Level Architecture of LTE1.4.2 Long Term Evolution1.4.3 System Architecture Evolution1.5 From LTE to LTE-Advanced1.5.1 The ITU Requirements for 4G1.5.2 Requirements of LTE-Advanced1.5.3 4G Communication Systems1.5.4 The Meaning of 4G1.6 The 3GPP Specifications for LTEReferences2 System Architecture Evolution2.1 Architecture of LTE2.1.1 High Level Architecture2.1.2 User Equipment2.1.3 Evolved UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Network2.1.4 Evolved Packet Core2.1.5 Roaming Architecture2.1.6 Network Areas2.1.7 Numbering, Addressing and Identification2.2 Communication Protocols2.2.1 Protocol Model2.2.2 Air Interface Transport Protocols2.2.3 Fixed Network Transport Protocols2.2.4 User Plane Protocols2.2.5 Signalling Protocols2.3 Example Information Flows2.3.1 Access Stratum Signalling2.3.2 Non Access Stratum Signalling2.3.3 Data Transport2.4 Bearer Management2.4.1 The EPS Bearer2.4.2 Tunnelling Using GTP2.4.3 Tunnelling Using GRE andPMIP2.4.4 Signalling Radio Bearers2.5 State Diagrams2.5.1 EPS Mobility Management2.5.2 EPS Connection Management2.5.3 Radio Resource Control2.6 Spectrum AllocationReferences3 Digital Wireless Communications3.1 Radio Transmission and Reception3.1.1 Signal Transmission3.1.2 Signal Reception3.1.3 Channel Estimation3.1.4 Multiple Access Techniques3.1.5 FDD and TDD Modes3.2 Multipath, Fadingand Inter-Symbol Interference3.2.1 Multipath and Fading3.2.2 Inter-Symbol Interference3.3 Error Management3.3.1 Forward Error Correction3.3.2 Automatic Repeat Request3.3.3 Hybrid ARQReferences4 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access4.1 Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing4.1.1 Reduction of Inter-Symbol Interference using OFDM4.1.2 The OFDM Transmitter4.1.3 Initial Block Diagram 654.2 OFDMA in a Mobile Cellular Network4.2.1 Multiple Access4.2.2 Fractional Frequency Re-Use4.2.3 Channel Estimation4.2.4 Cyclic Prefix Insertion4.2.5 Use of the Frequency Domain4.2.6 Choice of Sub-Carrier Spacing4.3 Single Carrier Frequency Division Multiple Access4.3.1 Power Variations from OFDMA4.3.2 Block Diagram of SC-FDMAReferences5 Multiple Antenna Techniques5.1 Diversity Processing5.1.1 Receive Diversity5.1.2 Closed Loop Transmit Diversity5.1.3 OpenLoop Transmit Diversity5.2 Spatial Multiplexing5.2.1 Principles of Operation5.2.2 Open Loop Spatial Multiplexing5.2.3 Closed Loop Spatial Multiplexing5.2.4Matrix Representation5.2.5 Implementation Issues5.2.6 Multiple User MIMO5.3 Beamforming5.3.1 Principles of Operation5.3.2 Beam Steering5.3.3 Dual Layer Beamforming5.3.4 Downlink Multiple User MIMO RevisitedReferences6 Architecture ofthe LTE Air Interface6.1 Air Interface Protocol Stack6.2 Logical, Transport and Physical Channels6.2.1 Logical Channels6.2.2 Transport Channels6.2.3 Physical Data Channels6.2.4 Control Information6.2.5 Physical Control Channels6.2.6 Physical Signals6.2.7 Information Flows6.3 The Resource Grid6.3.1 Slot Structure6.3.2 Frame Structure6.3.3 Uplink Timing Advance6.3.4 Resource Grid Structure6.3.5 Bandwidth Options6.4 Multiple Antenna Transmission6.4.1 Downlink Antenna Ports6.4.2 Downlink Transmission Modes6.5 Resource Element Mapping6.5.1 Downlink Resource Element Mapping6.5.2 Uplink Resource Element MappingReferences7 Cell Acquisition7.1 Acquisition Procedure7.2 Synchronization Signals7.2.1 Physical Cell Identity7.2.2 Primary Synchronization Signal7.2.3 Secondary Synchronization Signal7.3 Downlink Reference Signals7.4 Physical Broadcast Channel7.5 Physical Control Format Indicator Channel7.6 System Information7.6.1 Organization of the System Information7.6.2 Transmission and Reception of the System Information7.7 Procedures After AcquisitionReferences8 Data Transmission and Reception8.1 Data Transmission Procedures8.1.1 Downlink Transmission and Reception8.1.2 Uplink Transmission and Reception8.1.3 Semi Persistent Scheduling8.2 Transmission of Scheduling Messages on the PDCCH8.2.1 Downlink Control Information8.2.2 Resource Allocation8.2.3 Example: DCI Format 18.2.4 Radio Network Temporary Identifiers8.2.5 Transmission and Reception of the PDCCH8.3 Data Transmission on the PDSCH and PUSCH8.3.1 Transport Channel Processing8.3.2 Physical Channel Processing8.4 Transmission of Hybrid ARQ Indicators on the PHICH8.4.1 Introduction8.4.2 Resource Element Mapping of the PHICH8.4.3 Physical Channel Processing of the PHICH8.5 Uplink Control Information8.5.1 Hybrid ARQ Acknowledgements8.5.2 Channel Quality Indicator8.5.3 Rank Indication8.5.4 Precoding Matrix Indicator8.5.5 Channel State Reporting Mechanisms8.5.6 Scheduling Requests8.6 Transmission of Uplink Control Information on the PUCCH8.6.1 PUCCH Formats8.6.2 PUCCH Resources8.6.3 Physical Channel Processing of the PUCCH8.7 Uplink Reference Signals8.7.1 Demodulation Reference Signal8.7.2 Sounding Reference Signal8.8 Uplink Power Control8.8.1 Uplink Power Calculation8.8.2 Uplink Power Control Commands8.9 Discontinuous Reception8.9.1 Discontinuous Reception and Paging in RRC—IDLE8.9.2 Discontinuous Reception in RRC—CONNECTEDReferences9Random Access9.1 Transmission of Random Access Preambles on the PRACH9.1.1 Resource Element Mapping9.1.2 Preamble Sequence Generation9.1.3 Signal Transmission9.2 Non Contention Based Procedure9.3 Contention Based ProcedureReferences10 Air Interface Layer 210.1 Medium Access Control Protocol10.1.1 Protocol Architecture10.1.2 Timing Advance Commands10.1.3 Buffer Status Reporting10.1.4 Power Headroom Reporting10.1.5 Multiplexing and De-Multiplexing10.1.6 Logical Channel Prioritization10.1.7 Scheduling of Transmissions on the Air Interface10.2Radio Link Control Protocol10.2.1 Protocol Architecture10.2.2 Transparent Mode10.2.3 Unacknowledged Mode10.2.4 Acknowledged Mode10.3 Packet Data Convergence Protocol10.3.1 Protocol Architecture10.3.2 Header Compression10.3.3 Prevention of Packet Loss during HandoverReferences11 Power-On and Power-Off Procedures11.1 Power-On Sequence11.2 Network and Cell Selection11.2.1 Network Selection11.2.2 Closed Subscriber Group Selection11.2.3 Cell Selection11.3 RRC Connection Establishment11.3.1 Basic Procedure11.3.2 Relationship with Other Procedures11.4 Attach Procedure11.4.1 IP Address Allocation11.4.2 Overview of the Attach Procedure11.4.3 Attach Request11.4.4 Identification and Security Procedures11.4.5 Location Update11.4.6 Default Bearer Creation11.4.7 Attach Accept11.4.8 Default Bearer Update11.5 Detach ProcedureReferences12 Security Procedures12.1Network Access Security12.1.1 Security Architecture12.1.2 Key Hierarchy12.1.3Authentication and Key Agreement12.1.4 Security Activation12.1.5 Ciphering12.1.6 Integrity Protection12.2 Network Domain Security12.2.1 Security Protocols12.2.2 Security in the Evolved Packet Core12.2.3 Security in the Radio Access NetworkReferences13 Quality of Service, Policy and Charging13.1 Policy and Charging Control13.1.1 Introduction13.1.2 Quality of Service Parameters13.1.3 Policy Control Architecture13.2 Session Management Procedures13.2.1 IP-CAN SessionEstablishment13.2.2 Mobile Originated QoS Request13.2.3 Server Originated QoSRequest13.2.4 Dedicated Bearer Establishment13.2.5 Other Session Management Procedures13.3 Charging and Billing13.3.1 High Level Architecture13.3.2 OfflineCharging13.3.3 Online ChargingReferences14 Mobility Management14.1 Transitions between Mobility Management States14.1.1 S1 Release Procedure14.1.2 Paging Procedure14.1.3 Service Request Procedure14.2 Cell Reselection in RRC—IDLE14.2.1 Objectives14.2.2 Cell Reselection on the Same LTE Frequency14.2.3 Cell Reselection to a Different LTE Frequency14.2.4 Fast Moving Mobiles14.2.5 TrackingArea Update Procedure14.2.6 Network Reselection14.3 Measurements in RRC—CONNECTED14.3.1 Objectives14.3.2 Measurement Procedure14.3.3 Measurement Reporting14.3.4 Measurement Gaps14.4 Handover in RRC—CONNECTED14.4.1 X2 Based Handover Procedure14.4.2 Handover VariationsReferences15 Inter-System Operation15.1 Inter-Operation with UMTS and GSM15.1.1 S3-Based Architecture15.1.2 Gn/Gp-Based Architecture15.1.3 Bearer Management15.1.4 Power-On Procedures15.1.5 Cell Reselection in RRC—IDLE15.1.6 Idle Mode Signalling Reduction15.1.7 Measurements in RRC—CONNECTED15.1.8 Handover in RRC—CONNECTED15.2 Inter-Operation with Generic Non 3GPP Technologies15.2.1 Network Based Mobility Architecture15.2.2 Host Based Mobility Architecture 24115.2.3 Attach Procedure15.2.4 Cell Reselection and Handover15.3 Inter-Operation with cdma2000 HRPD15.3.1 System Architecture15.3.2 Preregistration with cdma200015.3.3 Cell Reselection in RRC—IDLE15.3.4 Measurements and Handover in RRC—CONNECTEDReferences16 Delivery of Voice and Text Messages over LTE16.1 The Market for Voice and SMS16.2 Third Party Voice over IP16.3 The IP Multimedia Subsystem16.3.1 IMS Architecture16.3.2 IMS Procedures16.3.3 SMS over the IMS16.4 Circuit Switched Fallback16.4.1 Architecture16.4.2 Combined EPS/IMSI Attach Procedure16.4.3 Voice Call Setup16.4.4SMS over SGs16.4.5 Circuit Switched Fallback to cdma2000 1xRTT16.5 VoLGAReferences17 Enhancements in Release 917.1 Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service17.1.1 Introduction17.1.2 Multicast/Broadcast over a Single Frequency Network17.1.3 Implementation of MBSFN in LTE17.1.4 Architecture of MBMS17.1.5 Operation of MBMS17.2 Location Services17.2.1 Introduction17.2.2 Positioning Techniques17.2.3 Location Service Architecture17.2.4 Location Service Procedures17.3 Other Enhancements in Release 917.3.1 Dual Layer Beamforming17.3.2 Commercial Mobile Alert System17
- ISBN: 978-1-119-97038-5
- Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 352
- Fecha Publicación: 16/03/2012
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés