PLAZAS is the place where culture and language find common ground! This accessible introduction to Spanish uses the background of vibrant, Spanish-speakingcultures from around the world to expose you to the language as it is actually used in everyday conversation. With helpful visuals, contemporary examples, and carefully crafted grammar and vocabulary presentations, PLAZAS is your keyto success in the course and in the language! And to ensure that you make thegrade, PLAZAS is supported by many dynamic learning tools, which are available for an additional cost. These include a Student Activities Manual, a PremiumWebsite, iLrn: Heinle Learning Center, and more! INDICE: CAPITULO preliminar. íMucho gusto! Vocabulary. ·Greetings and good-byes ·Numbers 0 to 30 · Interrogative words. Structures · Subject pronouns and the present tense of the verb ser · The verb form hay and numbers 0 -30. CAPITULO 1. En una clase de español: Bienvenidos a Los Estados Unidos. Vocabulary. ·In the classroom ·The colors ·Foreign languages and other academic courses and majors ·University places and buildings. Structures ·Definite and indefinite articles, gender, and how to make nouns plural ·Present tense ofregular ar verbs ·Telling time and talking about the days of the week. CAPITULO 2. En una reunión familiar: México. Vocabulary. ·The family ·Physical features and personality ·Nationalities. Structures ·Possession with de(l) andpossessive adjectives ·Common uses of the verb ser ·Agreement with descriptive adjectives ·Present tense of -er and -ir verbs ·The verb tener ·Numbers 30 to 100. CAPITULO 3. El tiempo libre: Colombia. Vocabulary. ·Sports and leisure-time activities ·Places. Structures ·Gustar + infinitive and gustar + nouns ·Ir a + destination or infinitive ·Irregular yo verbs ·Saber, conocer, and the personal a · The months, the seasons, and weather expressions. CAPITULO 4. En la casa: España. Vocabulary. ·Home and furniture ·Appliances and household chores. Structures ·Present tense of stem-changing verbs (e> ie,o> ue,u> ue,e> i) ·Affirmative tú ´commands ·The verb estar ·Numbers 100 and above. CAPITULO 5. La salud: Bolivia y Paraguay. Vocabulary. ·The human body ·Health care (illnesses, symptoms, and medical treatments). Structures. ·Reflexive pronouns and present tense of reflexive verbs ·Acabar de + infinitive Treated as ASD ·Ser vs. estar ·Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. CAPITULO 6. ¿Quieres comer conmigo esta noche?: Venezuela. Vocabulary. ·Food and beverages ·Dining out. Structures ·Comparatives and superlatives · Weights and measurements ·Verbs regular in the preterite and verbs with spelling changes in the preterite ·Verbs with stem changes in the preterite. CAPITULO 7. De compras: Argentina y Uruguay. Vocabulary. ·Clothing and fashion ·Shopping.Structures. ·Stressed possessive adjectives and pronouns ·Verbs irregular in the preterite ·Direct object pronouns ·Imperfect tense. CAPITULO 8. Fiestas y vacaciones: Guatemala y El Salvador. Vocabulary. ·Parties and celebrations ·The beach and the countryside. Structures. ·Interrogative words ·The preterite vs. the imperfect ·Affirmative and negative expressions ·Hace and hace que. CAPITULO 9. De viaje por el Caribe: Cuba, Puerto Rico y La República Dominicana. Vocabulary. ·Airline travel ·Hotels. Structures. ·Indirect objectpronouns ·Double object pronouns ·Prepositions of location, adverbs, and relevant expressions ·Formal commands and negative tu´ commands. CAPITULO 10. Las relaciones sentimentales: Honduras y Nicaragua. Vocabulary. ·Personalrelationships ·Receptions and banquets. Structures. ·Present perfect ·Reciprocal constructions with se, nos, os ·Adverbs and adverbial expressions of time and sequencing of events ·Relative pronouns. CAPITULO 11. El mundo del trabajo: Panamá. Vocabulary. ·Professions and trades ·The office, work, and the job hunt. Structures. ·Por vs. para ·The subjunctive mood ·Las finanzas personales ·The present subjunctive with statements of volition. CAPITULO 12. El medio ambiente Costa Rica. Vocabulary. ·Rural and urban geography ·Conservation and exploitation. Structures. ·Subjunctive following verbs of emotion,impersonal expressions, and ojala´ ·The subjunctive with verbs or expressions of doubt and uncertainty and adjectives clauses. CAPITULO 13. El mundo del espectáculo: Peru y Ecuador. Vocabulary. ·TV programs and movies ·The arts. Structures. ·Subjunctive with purpose and time clauses ·No-fault se construction. CAPITULO 14. La vida publica: Chile. Vocabulary. ·Politics and voting ·Civic concerns and the mass media. Structures. ·The future tense ·The condicional tense ·Present perfect subjunctive. CAPTITULO 15. Los avances tecnologicos: El mundo hispano. Vocabulary. ·Technological advances ·The computer. Structures. ·Past (imperfect) subjunctive. ·If clauses.
- ISBN: 978-0-495-91379-5
- Editorial: Heinle & Heinle
- Encuadernacion: Cartoné
- Páginas: 576
- Fecha Publicación: 31/01/2011
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés