Cengage advantage books: bioethics: at the beginning and end of life
Barry, Vincent
BIOETHICS IN A CULTURAL CONTEXT--PHILOSOPHY, RELIGION, HISTORY, POLITICS presents a unique, philosophical approach to modern bioethics. Rather than simply setting up debates about contemporary issues, this book helps students understand that many of today's bioethical controversies are tied to profound underlying questions fundamental as: "When does life begin and end?" "What is a humanbeing or person?" "What is life's purpose?" "What is the ideal society?" The text is comprehensive and accessible, featuring a wide range of content that is crisply presented and clearly explained. A multitude of interesting examplesand cases provides ample opportunity for discussion, debate, and research. INDICE: INTRODUCTION: BIOETHICS, SCHIAVO, AND CULTURAL POLITICS BIOETHICS ETHICS. Normative Ethics. Metaethics. MAKING SENSE OF MORAL CONFLICT. Issues. Adversaries. ABOUT THIS BOOK CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. Reproductive Flashpoints. Refusal Legislation. Canada's Terri Sciavo. REFERENCES. Part I: SACRED AND SECULAR FOUNDATIONS. INTRODUCTION: TWO ENDURING TRADITIONS. 1. Medieval Religion and Enlightenment Science Welcome to "Technopia" the Medieval Church Augustine and Aquinas the Authority of the Bible. THE BIBLICAL ACCOUNT OF CREATION. Human Nature. The Relationship and the Covenant. THE PROBLEM OF EVIL. The Augustinian Theodicy. THE DOCTRINES OF THE FALL AND DEPRAVITY MORAL FAILURE AND ILLNESS. Bi-level Conception of Sin. MEDICINE AND THE SUPERNATURAL. Illness as Salvific. ROLE OF GOVERNMENT AND LAW. ENLIGHTENMENT SCIENCE. SCIENTIFIC METHOD. Rene Descartes. The Emergent Scientific Medicine. MECHANISM. IMPLICATIONS FOR RELIGION. Deism. Anthropic Mechanism. Personhood as Consciousness. The Problemof Evil. CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. What Doctors Think about Religion and Health. Faith Flags: Office Proselytizing. Criticism of Science and Its Method. The Life and Death of Jane Tomlinson. REFERENCES. 2. Religious and Secular Ethics. DIVINE COMMAND THEORY. Scriptural Basis. Natural Law. The Doctrine of Double Effect. SECULAR NATURAL LAW. John Locke. Legal and Moral Rights.Social Contract Theory. KANT'S THOUGHT AND ETHICS. Philosophy's "Copernican Revolution." God, Morality, and the Problem of Evil. Moral Choice. The Categorical Imperative. Social Interests. Moral Rights. UTILITARIANISM. Utility Principle. Moral Rights and The Harm Principle. Social Interests. Preference Satisfaction. CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. The Jodie and Mary Twin Tragedy. Life vs. Law. Crossing the Border To Sell Blood. Is Vaccinating Part of the Social Contract? REFERENCES. Part II: ORIGINS AND CONTEXT OF BIOETHICS. INTRODUCTION: TRIUMPH OF SECULARISM. 3. The Birth of Bioethics. THE EMERGENT PATIENT CONSCIOUSNESS. THE NEW FRONTIER OF MEDICINE. Advances in Reproductive Technologies. New Technology and Treatments. Scientific Research. COURT DECISIONS. Law at the Beginning of Life. Law at the End of Life. THE PIONEERS. The Theologians. The Philosophers. Points of Difference. COMMON GROUND. Utility and Autonomy. Faith in Rationality. A National Religious Identity. THE "JEFFERSONIAN COMPROMISE." CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. The Tuskegee Study. The Death ofKaren Ann Quinlan. Surrogate Mother Elizabeth Kane. REFERENCES. 4. The Basic Principles of Bioethics. HIPPOCRATIC PATERNALISM. THE BELMONT PRINCIPLES. AUTONOMY. Religious and Secular Appeal. Implied Moral Requirements: Freedom and Protection. Moral Limits. NONMALEFICENCE. BENEFICENCE. JUSTICE. CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. Drugs, Devices, and Disclosure. Medical Workers Involvedin C.I.A. Interrogations. The Steven Jobs Liver Transplant. REFERENCES. 5. Applications. A PATIENT'S BILL OF RIGHTS. TRUTHTELLING. INFORMED CONSENT. Deliberation. Voluntariness. Kinds of Informed Consent. PARTICIPATION IN MEDICAL RESEARCH. ADVANCE DIRECTIVES. PRIVACY AND CONFIDENTIALITY. DNA: The Genetic Fingerprint. CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. The Merenstein Case of Informed Consent. Jaffee v. Redmond (1996): Safeguarding Patient Communication. Jesse Gelsinger: The First Gene Therapy Death. REFERENCES. 6. Beyond Principilism I: Patient Autonomy under Attack FEELING BETRAYED BY PRINCIPILISM. AUTONOMY AS IMPOVERISHING BIOETHICS. AUTONOMY AS DISALLOWING CONSCIENTIOUS OBJECTION. AUTONOMY AS OVERRIDING PROFESSIONAL JUDGMENT. SUGGESTED OFF-SETTING PRINCIPLES. The Ecological Principle. The Vital Institution Principle. The Theonomy Principle.The Participated Theonomy Principle. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. When Plan B Doesn't Work. Guarded about Gardasil. Benitez v. North Coast Women's Care MedicalGroup. REFERENCES. 7. Beyond Principilism II: Alternative Perspectives. THEORY OF VIRTUE. FEMINIST ETHICS OF CARE. Justice. Care. The Emergence of FeministBioethics. EXISTENTIAL AND SPIRITUAL DIMENSIONS OF ILLNESS. NARRATIVES. Narrative Theology and Ethics. CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES Forever Small: The Ashley Treatment: Dax Cowart: Burn Victim Wants To Die. Gatekeepers Without Empathy. REFERENCES. Part III: ISSUES AT THE BEGINNING OF LIFE. INTRODUCTION: HEADLINES IN REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE. REFERENCES. 8. Conceptual Issues in Abortion and Reproductive Technology. BANNING ABORTION IN SOUTH DAKOTA. DEVELOPMENTAL SEQUENCE OF HUMAN LIFE. First Trimester. Second Trimester. Third Trimester. THE ONTOLOGICAL STATUS OF THE UNBORN. The Meaning of Human Life. The Meaningof Personhood. WHEN THE ONTOLOGICAL STATUS IS ATTAINED. Hominization and Ensoulment. THE MORAL STATUS OF THE UNBORN. Religious Views. Secular Views. SCIENTIFIC VIEWS ABOUT WHEN LIFE BEGINS. Genetic. Embryological. Neurological. Additional Views. CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. The Language of Embryology.Is Commander Data a Person? Fetal Life and Personhood? REFERENCES. 9. The Abortion Debate I: The Lead-up to Roe. THE MURDER OF DR. GEORGE TILLER. A BRIEF HISTORY. LIFE MATTERS MOST: THE CONSERVATIVE RELIGIOUS VIEW. Religious Natural Law and The Principle of Double Effect. Scriptural Teachings. THE MOBILIZATIONOF PRO-CHOICE CONSCIOUSNESS. PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSES OF ABORTION. RELIGIOUS SOCIAL TEACHING AND ACTIVISM. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES. Sherri Finkbine and the Thalidomide Tragedy. Griswold v Connecticut (1965). The Pre-Roe "Bad Old Days."REFERENCES. 10. The Abortion Debate II: Roe and Beyond. CHOICE MATTERS MOST: THE ROE DECISION. The Religious Liberty Principle. Privacy. ROE AND CULTURAL CONFLICT. Current Religious Sentiment. CHOICE UNDER ATTACK. The "Culture of Life." The Creation of the "Fetal Citizen." CONCLUSIONS. CASES AND CONTROVERSIES.Gonzales v. Carhart (2007). The South Dakota Script. Redefining Pregnancy. REFERENCES. 11. The Assisted Reproducti
- ISBN: 978-0-495-81408-5
- Editorial: Wadsworth
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 464
- Fecha Publicación: 31/01/2011
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés