Facilitates the process of learning and later mastering Aspen Plus® with step by step examples and succinct explanations Step–by–step textbook for identifying solutions to various process engineering problems via screenshots of the Aspen Plus® platforms in parallel with the related text Includes end–of–chapter problems and term project problems Includes online exam and quiz problems for instructors that are parametrized (i.e., adjustable) so that each student will have a standalone version Includes extra online material for students such as Aspen Plus®–related files that are used in the working tutorials throughout the entire textbook INDICE: Preface xvii .The Book Theme xix .About the Author xxi .What Do You Get Out of This Book? xxiii .Who Should Read This Book? xxv .Notes for Instructors xxvii .Acknowledgment xxix .About the Companion Website xxxi .1 Introducing Aspen Plus 1 .1.1 What Does Aspen Stand For?, 1 .1.2 What is Aspen Plus Process Simulation Model?, 2 .1.3 Launching Aspen Plus V8.8, 3 .1.4 Beginning a Simulation, 4 .1.5 Entering Components, 14 .1.6 Specifying the Property Method, 15 .1.7 Improvement of the Property Method Accuracy, 23 .1.8 File Saving, 38 .Exercise 1.1, 40 .1.9 A Good Flowsheeting Practice, 40 .1.10 Aspen Plus Built–In Help, 40 .1.11 For More Information, 40 .2 More on Aspen Plus Flowsheet Features (1) 49 .2.1 Problem Description, 49 .2.2 Entering and Naming Compounds, 49 .2.3 Binary Interactions, 51 .2.4 The Simulation Environment: Activation Dashboard, 53 .2.5 Placing a Block and Material Stream from Model Palette, 53 .2.6 Block and Stream Manipulation, 54 .2.7 Data Input, Project Title, and Report Options, 56 .2.8 Running the Simulation, 58 .2.9 The Difference Among Recommended Property Methods, 61 .2.10 NIST/TDE Experimental Data, 62 .3 More on Aspen Plus Flowsheet Features (2) 71 .3.1 Problem Description: Continuation to the Problem in Chapter 2, 71 .3.2 The Clean Parameters Step, 71 .3.3 Simulation Results Convergence, 74 .3.4 Adding Stream Table, 76 .3.5 Property Sets, 78 .3.6 Adding Stream Conditions, 82 .3.7 Printing from Aspen Plus, 83 .3.8 Viewing the Input Summary, 84 .3.9 Report Generation, 85 .3.10 Stream Properties, 87 .3.11 Adding a Flash Separation Unit, 88 .3.12 The Required Input for Flash3 –Type Separator, 90 .3.13 Running the Simulation and Checking the Results, 91 .4 Flash Separation and Distillation Columns 99 .4.1 Problem Description, 99 .4.2 Adding a Second Mixer and Flash, 99 .4.3 Design Specifications Study, 101 .Exercise 4.1 (Design Spec), 105 .4.4 Aspen Plus Distillation Column Options, 106 .4.5 DSTWU Distillation Column, 107 .4.6 Distl Distillation Column, 111 .4.7 RadFrac Distillation Column, 113 .5 Liquid Liquid Extraction Process 131 .5.1 Problem Description, 131 .5.2 The Proper Selection for Property Method for Extraction Processes, 131 .5.3 Defining New Property Sets, 136 .5.4 The Property Method Validation Versus Experimental Data Using Sensitivity Analysis, 136 .5.5 A Multistage Extraction Column, 142 .5.6 The Triangle Diagram, 146 .References, 149 .6 Reactors with Simple Reaction Kinetic Forms 155 .6.1 Problem Description, 155 .6.2 Defining Reaction Rate Constant to Aspen Plus® Environment, 155 .6.3 Entering Components and Method of Property, 157 .6.4 The Rigorous Plug–Flow Reactor (RPLUG), 159 .6.5 Reactor and Reaction Specifications for RPLUG (PFR), 161 .6.6 Running the Simulation (PFR Only), 167 .Exercise 6.1, 167 .6.7 Compressor (CMPRSSR) and RadFrac Rectifying Column (RECTIF), 168 .6.8 Running the Simulation (PFR + CMPRSSR + RECTIF), 171 .Exercise 6.2, 172 .6.9 RadFrac Distillation Column (DSTL), 172 .6.10 Running the Simulation (PFR + CMPRSSR + RECTIF + DSTL), 174 .6.11 Reactor and Reaction Specifications for RCSTR, 175 .6.12 Running the Simulation (PFR + CMPRSSR + RECTIF + DSTL + RCSTR), 179 .Exercise 6.3, 180 .6.13 Sensitivity Analysis: The Reactor s Optimum Operating Conditions, 181 .References, 188 .7 Reactors with Complex (Non–Conventional) Reaction Kinetic Forms 197 .7.1 Problem Description, 197 .7.2 Non–Conventional Kinetics: LHHW Type Reaction, 199 .7.3 General Expressions for Specifying LHHW Type Reaction in Aspen Plus, 200 .7.3.1 The Driving Force for the Non–Reversible (Irreversible) Case, 201 .7.3.2 The Driving Force for the Reversible Case, 201 .7.3.3 The Adsorption Expression , 202 .7.4 The Property Method: SRK , 202 .7.5 Rplug Flowsheet for Methanol Production, 203 .7.6 Entering Input Parameters, 203 .7.7 Defining Methanol Production Reactions as LHHW Type, 205 .7.8 Sensitivity Analysis: Effect of Temperature and Pressure on Selectivity, 216 .References, 219 .8 Pressure Drop, Friction Factor, ANPSH, and Cavitation 229 .8.1 Problem Description, 229 .8.2 The Property Method: STEAMNBS , 229 .8.3 A Water Pumping Flowsheet, 230 .8.4 Entering Pipe, Pump, and Fittings Specifications, 231 .8.5 Results: Frictional Pressure Drop, the Pump Work, Valve Choking, and ANPSH Versus RNPSH, 237 .Exercise 8.1, 238 .8.6 Model Analysis Tools: Sensitivity for the Onset of Cavitation or Valve Choking Condition, 242 .References, 247 .9 The Optimization Tool 251 .9.1 Problem Description: Defining the Objective Function, 251 .9.2 The Property Method: STEAMNBS , 252 .9.3 A Flowsheet for Water Transport, 253 .9.4 Entering Stream, Pump, and Pipe Specifications, 253 .9.5 Model Analysis Tools: The Optimization Tool, 256 .9.6 Model Analysis Tools: The Sensitivity Tool, 260 .9.7 Last Comments, 263 .References, 264 .10 Heat Exchanger (H.E.) Design 269 .10.1 Problem Description, 269 .10.2 Types of Heat Exchanger Models in Aspen Plus, 270 .10.3 The Simple Heat Exchanger Model ( Heater ), 272 .10.4 The Rigorous Heat Exchanger Model ( HeatX ), 274 .10.5 The Rigorous Exchanger Design and Rating (EDR) Procedure, 279 .10.5.1 The EDR Exchanger Feasibility Panel, 279 .10.5.2 The Rigorous Mode Within the HeatX Block, 294 .10.6 General Footnotes on EDR Exchanger, 294 .References, 297 .11 Electrolytes 301 .11.1 Problem Description: Water De–Souring, 301 .11.2 What Is an Electrolyte?, 301 .11.3 The Property Method for Electrolytes, 302 .11.4 The Electrolyte Wizard, 302 .11.5 Water De–Souring Process Flowsheet, 310 .11.6 Entering the Specifications of Feed Streams and the Stripper, 311 .References, 315 .12 Polymerization Processes 325 .12.1 The Theoretical Background, 325 .12.1.1 Polymerization Reactions, 325 .12.1.2 Catalyst Types, 326 .12.1.3 Ethylene Process Types, 327 .12.1.4 Reaction Kinetic Scheme, 327 .12.1.5 Reaction Steps, 327 .12.1.6 Catalyst States, 328 .12.2 High–Density Polyethylene (HDPE) High–Temperature Solution Process, 329 .12.2.1 Problem Definition, 330 .12.2.2 Process Conditions, 330 .12.3 Creating Aspen Plus Flowsheet for HDPE, 331 .12.4 Improving Convergence, 338 .12.5 Presenting the Property Distribution of Polymer, 339 .References, 343 .13 Characterization of Drug–Like Molecules Using Aspen Properties 361 .13.1 Introduction, 361 .13.2 Problem Description, 362 .13.3 Creating Aspen Plus Pharmaceutical Template, 363 .13.3.1 Entering the User–Defined Benzamide (BNZMD–UD) as Conventional, 363 .13.3.2 Specifying Properties to Estimate, 364 .13.4 Defining Molecular Structure of BNZMD–UD, 364 .13.5 Entering Property Data, 370 .13.6 Contrasting Aspen Plus Databank (BNZMD–DB) Versus BNZMD–UD, 373 .References, 375 .14 Solids Handling 379 .14.1 Introduction, 379 .14.2 Problem Description #1: The Crusher, 379 .14.3 Creating Aspen Plus Flowsheet, 380 .14.3.1 Entering Components Information, 380 .14.3.2 Adding the Flowsheet Objects, 381 .14.3.3 Defining the Particle Size Distribution (PSD), 382 .14.3.4 Calculation of the Outlet PSD, 385 .Exercise 14.1 (Determine Crusher Outlet PSD from Comminution Power), 386 .Exercise 14.2 (Specifying Crusher Outlet PSD), 386 .14.4 Problem Description #2: The Fluidized Bed for Alumina Dehydration, 387 .14.5 Creating Aspen Plus Flowsheet, 387 .14.5.1 Entering Components Information, 387 .14.5.2 Adding the Flowsheet Objects, 388 .14.5.3 Entering Input Data, 389 .14.5.4 Results, 391 .Exercise 14.3 (Reconverging the Solution for an Input Change), 392 .References, 393 .15 Aspen Plus® Dynamics 409 .15.1 Introduction, 409 .15.2 Problem Description, 410 .15.3 Preparing Aspen Plus Simulation for Aspen Plus Dynamics (APD), 411 .15.4 Conversion of Aspen Plus Steady–State into Dynamic Simulation, 416 .15.4.1 Modes of Dynamic CSTR Heat Transfer, 417 .15.4.2 Creating Pressure–Driven Dynamic Files for APD, 422 .15.5 Opening a Dynamic File Using APD, 423 .15.6 The Simulation Messages Window, 424 .15.7 The Running Mode: Initialization, 425 .15.8 Adding Temperature Control (TC) Unit, 426 .15.9 Snapshots Management for Captured Successful Old Runs, 430 .15.10 The Controller Faceplate, 431 .15.11 Communication Time for Updating/Presenting Results, 434 .15.12 The Closed–Loop Auto–Tune Variation (ATV) Test Versus Open–Loop Tune–Up Test, 434 .15.13 The Open–Loop (Manual Mode) Tune–Up for Liquid Level Controller, 436 .15.14 The Closed–Loop Dynamic Response for Liquid Level Load Disturbance, 443 .15.15 The Closed–Loop Dynamic Response for Liquid Level Set–Point Disturbance, 448 .15.16 Accounting for Dead/Lag Time in Process Dynamics, 450 .15.17 The Closed–Loop (Auto Mode) ATV Test for Temperature Controller (TC), 451 .15.18 The Closed–Loop Dynamic Response: TC Response to Temperature Load Disturbance, 459 .15.19 Interactions Between LC and TC Control Unit, 462 .15.20 The Stability of a Process Without Control, 464 .15.21 The Cascade Control, 466 .15.22 Monitoring of Variables as Functions of Time, 468 .15.23 Final Notes on the Virtual (DRY) Process Control in APD, 472 .References, 478 .16 Safety and Energy Aspects of Chemical Processes 487 .16.1 Introduction, 487 .16.2 Problem Description, 487 .16.3 The Safety Analysis Environment, 488 .16.4 Adding a Pressure Safety Valve (PSV), 490 .16.5 Adding a Rupture Disk (RD), 496 .16.6 Presentation of Safety–Related Documents, 500 .16.7 Preparation of Flowsheet for Energy Analysis Environment, 501 .16.8 The Energy Analysis Activation, 506 .16.9 The Energy Analysis Environment, 510 .16.10 The Aspen Energy Analyzer, 512 .17 Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA) 523 .17.1 Optimized Process Flowsheet for Acetic Anhydride Production, 523 .17.2 Costing Options in Aspen Plus, 525 .17.2.1 Aspen Process Economic Analyzer (APEA) Estimation Template, 525 .17.2.2 Feed and Product Stream Prices, 527 .17.2.3 Utility Association with a Flowsheet Block, 528 .17.3 The First Route for Chemical Process Costing, 531 .17.4 The Second Round for Chemical Process Costing, 532 .17.4.1 Project Properties, 533 .17.4.2 Loading Simulator Data, 535 .17.4.3 Mapping and Sizing, 537 .17.4.4 Project Evaluation, 544 .17.4.5 Fixing Geometrical Design–Related Errors, 546 .17.4.6 Executive Summary, 549 .17.4.7 Capital Costs Report, 550 .17.4.8 Investment Analysis, 551 .18 Term Projects (TP) 565 .18.1 TP #1: Production of Acetone via the Dehydration of Isopropanol, 565 .18.2 TP #2: Production of Formaldehyde from Methanol (Sensitivity Analysis), 569 .18.3 TP #3: Production of Dimethyl Ether (Process Economics and Control), 570 .18.3.1 Economic Analysis, 570 .18.3.2 Process Dynamics and Control, 572 .18.4 TP #4: Production of Acetic Acid via Partial Oxidation of Ethylene Gas, 574 .18.5 TP #5: Pyrolysis of Benzene, 575 .18.6 TP #6: Reuse of Spent Solvents, 575 .18.7 TP #7: Solids Handling: Production of Potassium Sulfate from Sodium Sulfate, 576 .18.8 TP #8: Solids Handling: Production of CaCO3–Based Agglomerate as a General Additive, 577 .18.9 TP #9: Solids Handling: Formulation of Di–Ammonium Phosphate and Potassium Nitrate Blend Fertilizer, 577 .18.10 TP #10: Flowsheeting Options | Calculator : Gas De–Souring and Sweetening Process, 578 .18.11 TP #11: Using More than One Property Method and Stream Class: Solid Catalyzed Direct Hydration of Propylene to Isopropyl Alcohol (IPA), 582 .18.12 TP #12: Polymerization: Production of Polyvinyl Acetate (PVAC), 586 .18.13 TP #13: Polymerization: Emulsion Copolymerization of Styrene and Butadiene to Produce SBR, 588 .18.14 TP #14: Polymerization: Free Radical Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate to Produce Poly(Methyl Methacrylate), 590 .18.15 TP #15: LHHW Kinetics: Production of Cyclohexanone–Oxime (CYCHXOXM) via Cyclohexanone Ammoximation Using Clay–Based Titanium Silicalite (TS) Catalyst, 592 .Index 595
- ISBN: 978-1-119-13123-6
- Editorial: Wiley
- Encuadernacion: Rústica
- Páginas: 640
- Fecha Publicación: 11/11/2016
- Nº Volúmenes: 1
- Idioma: Inglés